
Showing posts from February, 2023

cancers cured 2002

RIP cancers & Covid 2002 2001 I was busy studying and a Ph.D. level at Sheffield University.  Looking into how the turbulent flow of water did nuclear fusion.  This is actually idea on my PH D supervisor, at Columbia University. I concurred with professor Z 2000 that ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in water.  As I was aware since the 1980s that the ultrasound scanner of cancer cells cause the emission of X rays, here the doctors use 8 W 40 kHz ultrasound. Causing emission of X rays - which can only happen with nuclear fission or fusion.  There Is no source of radioactive decay - no nuclear fission. But as I learned a master's degree in to metallurgy and engineering in 1980s cancer biopsies cause the pressurise cancer cells to fly with my crew bubbles of helium and oxygen gases. Incredibly enough biology had discovered how to do nuclear fusion on earth. 1 H₂O+US→He+O+E²+X-ray US= 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound Biology did not realise what they had found!...

Medicine losing so much money

2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound, to clear all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections. 1 minute externally to where it hurts, clears all 200 cancers out there.  Every drug company on earth voluntarily signed so the doctors four Hippocratic oath.  But doctors are signing the weekened Lasagne pledge, century in their medical licensing. They are medically uninsured!  So medical practice is illegal.  Or medieval fees charged to their patients must be returned, and the Dr. struck off. I seem to remember over two years ago, although graduating medical students went into swear the full Hippocratic oath.  As the lawyers pointed out to them that the lasagne pledge was not sufficient for legal medical practice. Every drug company had to our tear in a HIUS unit (e.g. an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device - purchased over the Internet) and validate that the ultrasound did indeed clear all of inflated cell type...

Nursing and Junior Dr.s strikes illegal

Nurse struck off if they strile According to their nightingale pledge taken by nurses and pharmacists.  Striking for financial reasons is specifically declared unethical and illegal.  A striking nurse stripped of their nursing registration. Not free to work as a nurse anywhere around the world!  Losing nursing Health Insurance.  Which is capped by the Royal College of Nursing!  Who have have advised nurses to take industrial action. In total contradiction to their Nightingale Pledge!  UK nurses since 1988 have taken the Nightingale Pledge: the pledge was only enforced in the UK after the nursing strike of 1988.  Which made nurses so unpopular!  Nurses then not allowed to strike. As striking nurses would kill their patients deliberately!  Yet 2023 he and nurses are again taking strike action.  It is open and shut law!  They cease to be registered nurses and can no longer work in medicine. The European Court of human ri...

All viruses cured

2000 and Dr Z postulated that ultrasounding liquid water did nuclear fusion.  The greatest scientific insight I have ever heard!  All professor argent termed molecular nuclear fusion. Then uranium nuclear power would him a chair of Processing Chemical Engineering, and he lost interest in safe clean and free nuclear fusion.  I played around or they can make the equations, and it is quite remarkable!  I was helped by knowing that working steam engines give off helium, and gamma wave radiation. 1 H₂O+US→He+O+X-ray+E² The professor might have decided not to research the area, but he had already given me the most brilliant scientific idea ever. I wrote up the idea 2001 about using higher power ultrasound to restrict cancer growth.  Aso was aware the ultrasound scans of cancers cause the emission of X rays.  Again during 1.  In response to 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound. For my idea was forwarded to the Moffitt cancer centre, who got their seed capital fro...

Elective surgery not legal

surgery KILLS Surgery does involve the patient being given a general anaesthetic.  And all medics realise general anaesthetics kill!  As I was warned three times as giving an ineffective and pointless an eye surgery after my car accident.  So medics have been after the spurious surgery for decades! In the 1950s radio and chemotherapy were devised.  And cancer surgery or became defective and criminal medicine.  Killing the patient within two years!  So medics invented idea are going chemo therapy after surgery.  And that is ineffective as chemotherapy on its own. Then 2002 am Moffitt cancer centre published one session of High Intensity UltraSound, as a 100% cancer cure rate - that works for all viruses and cancers! The General Medical council in the UK carriers Dr. Insurance.  So under the legal imperative to ensure that every Dr. Had personally validated and then used HIUS.  So prescribing any cancer drugs using chemo and radio thera...

All Covid cured

Every year - new flu strain.  All cured now. Covid19 was the regular flu strain for 1 October, 2019, and till the 31st of September, 2020.  Medicine has always prohibited registered medics from researching or applying a Covid vaccination.  As it would take two years to fully drug test! And be obsolete within six months of testing commencing.  So January 2020, and financially motivated ones registered doctors, started giving the obsolete an useless Covid 19 vaccination.  Each year's flu strain totally unresponsive to any previous vaccination. Most radically a vaccination has a medically accepted death rate, or one individual in 200.  If the disease is less fatal than the vaccination, it is totally prohibited!  An obsolete vaccination is no use at all. So the doctors have deliberately vaccinating innocent and healthy individuals with the useless vaccination.  And see 1 individual in 200 die needlessly!  The Moffitt cancer centre ha...

Best health development ever

2000 and I realized that ultrasound scans of cancers, were doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.  As the cancer cells give off X rays!  And produce my crew bubbles of helium and oxygen gases, in cancer biopsies. My PH D supervisor myself realized, ultrasound was doing nuclear fusion.  At 5 W 40 kHz. 1 H₂O+US→He+O+L+X-ray Are applying ultrasound to liquid water, cause the emission of visible light and X rays, which was very interesting to engineers!  The Moffitt cancer centre applied e.g. 150 W 40 kHz to cancers. And free use a one session total cure!  As is high intensity ultrasound sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion.  The beauty people now favour 8 W 1 MHz - clearing Stalin and damage. 2 H₂O+HIUS→He+O+L+X-ray Now the cancer cells did not just emit X rays!  Displaying their position.  Now at the inflated cancer cells types boil had and ruptured.  Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the specific human...

AIDs cured 2012

AIDs cured 2012!   1986 the medical world spends a fortune, relaunching the Africa slim disease, the disease went on to kill five million people around the world.  Though city centres around ports! And medicine got five billion to research the condition.  Which he also had termed HIV - that's probably evolved from the simian virus, or SIV that was endemic in the giant apes. This is likely that AIDs enter the human arena, through people eating bush meat.  We killed and ate the giant apes!  Our close relatives. In 2000 and I was studying nuclear fusion at Sheffield University.  Myself and professor Z decided the ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in liquid water. 1 H₂O+US→He+O+E²+X-ray the most astounding piece us and so I have never been involved in. I wrote up the idea about cancer 2001 and sent it to my medical contacts, at the National Institute of Health.  Who forwarded my dear to the Moffitt cancer centre - set up to find the cure to ...