Nursing and Junior Dr.s strikes illegal

Nurse struck off if they strile

According to their nightingale pledge taken by nurses and pharmacists.  Striking for financial reasons is specifically declared unethical and illegal.  A striking nurse stripped of their nursing registration.

Not free to work as a nurse anywhere around the world!  Losing nursing Health Insurance.  Which is capped by the Royal College of Nursing!  Who have have advised nurses to take industrial action.

In total contradiction to their Nightingale Pledge!  UK nurses since 1988 have taken the Nightingale Pledge: the pledge was only enforced in the UK after the nursing strike of 1988.  Which made nurses so unpopular!  Nurses then not allowed to strike.

As striking nurses would kill their patients deliberately!  Yet 2023 he and nurses are again taking strike action.  It is open and shut law!  They cease to be registered nurses and can no longer work in medicine.

The European Court of human rights is reluctant to get involved in medical affairs.  And I am made them aware that the striking doctors' violated their Hippocratic oath.  A longer professional oath.

That dictates the striking nurses and doctors are struck off!  The doctors or wall suddenly taken early retirement!  As they realised in horror they have been struck off.  Stripped or wages since their first took industrial action.  And getting no pension.

Their private medical practice is then doubly criminal!  Just so illegal!  There medical prescriptions invalid and unlawful.  Registered pharmacists are not allowed to fill the drug orders.

And the drug orders written by licensed doctors, are the main income source of medicine.  So striking doctors totally removed that income source from medicine.  As well as destroying their own professional career.

2023 he and lower back below the Dr. numbers of 2018 - the Dr. number crash.  As doctors realized all cancers were actually cure 2002, by the single application of high intensity ultrasound.  As medically published by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002.

Making subsequent prescription of cancer drugs illegal!  Kill the patient needlessly in two agonising years.  Each patient death warranting a 25 year custodial jail sentence in high security jail.

And a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  Striking nurses also contribute towards patient death.  They are murdering their own patients for dubious financial reasons.  Though some pledge is absolute more The medical sector has now moved into debt.

80% of the income was based around cancer drugs.  They cease to be legal medicine 21 years ago.  Any Dr. Prescribing cancer drugs since struck off the same day.  Likewise any nurse assisting the cancer drug delivery, also struck off.  The fine and jail time appropriate is a matter for the lawyers!

I would envisage 10 years for every patient death the assisted with.  The legal fine will have wiped out the doctors insurance, so at 10,000,000 pound fines will have come up to the Health Service and the IMF and World Bank.  The nurses additional fine is almost immaterial.

As a Dr. Induced cancer drug find years 2000 trillion.  When world economy is are only worth 138 trillion.  Certainly the nurses savings or be wiped out.  And the nursing insurance maxed out.  They will no longer ever work as nurses ever again.

It is a detailed and their own nightingale pledge.  They say callously is four and then totally ignored!  The European courts judge the doctors Hippocratic oath, and the nurses nightingale pledge as absolute more outside legal challenge.

Sheffield University taught many this law on my master's degree in to engineering.  Thinking I need to have a bracing in corporate law.  It happens that the medical professional oaths or also covered by this law.

Any nurse who is assisted or cancer drug delivery since 2002, struck off.  As high us causes the inflated cells common to cancer plus viral and bacterial infections, to boil and rupture.

Clearing all cancers in 1 minute of local e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound application.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

2012 my personal contact in New York validated that ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest totally cleared HIV AIDs.  The most pernicious viral infection in history.  Still totally an incurable using biochemistry.

When this idea was applied to Covid flu, all Covid was cured.  I used it November 2019 to clear my own Covid19.  In January 2020 we're on Covid20 - the Covid flu line changes too quickly making any vaccination obsolete before licensed.  So the Covid vaccinations never legal human medicine.

We are now on Covid22, totally cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  So there will totally clear the Covid have a little outbreak in China.

Bio chemistry can never produce a valid licensed Covid vaccination.  Any Dr. It giving a Covid vaccination, is injecting the patient with the unlicensed an obsolete medicine.  Which tragically has a one in 200 patient death rate.

So Boselli to control the flu strain that cease to exist over two years ago!  The so any vaccinating Dr. automatically struck off.  Along with the assisting nurses and pharmacists.  All Covid flu strains are cured using HIUS.

And medical law prohibits a vaccination to already cured infection.  The drug industry is desperate to free use a drug based medicine it could profit from.  But no Covid vaccination could ever be illegal medicine.

And a short the New England journal of medicine knew this medical fact, and the Covid vaccination scheme stopped instantly!  And each of the vaccinating doctors struck off without legal argument.

Giving obsolete unlicensed medication year's gross medical malpractice.  Even without a patient death, they are ejected totally from medicine for ever.  The patient death warranting the usual quarter of a century of jail time, and a 10 million UK pound fine.

Though the continued prescription cancer drugs and so massively illegal!  Since 2002.  Just one cancer drug prescriptions since struck off the Dr., Who is then prosecuted for gross medical mall conduct.

The drug industry is use her financial reserves, to induced suppose the registered doctors to prescribe the fatal medicine to cancer patients.  Inducing a two year decline to certain Bio chemically assisted death.

The Dr. and the drug company struck off.  The drug company is losing all other biochemical patents they possessed.  Although drugs then outside legal medical prescription.

As ever the assisting nurses and pharmacists struck off.  Just one assistance of cancer drugs in last 20 when years, and their notes remove them cells from medicine.

They cannot go on illegal strike.  As they it were are no longer registered nurses.  Just one day of strike action and they are not nurses either!

And drug company is have sought medical protection from the GMC.  Who are legally subservient to the European Court of human rights, the house of lords and the UK, and the senate in the U.S..

The National Medical regulators are not tell father legal featuring!  So the drug companies have induced doctors to medicate cancer patients to death.  Including members of the house of lords.  They executed before we have legal superiority to their own law firm.

University professors have happily allow themselves to medicated to death with the illegal cancer drugs.  Falling on the medical sword - reasoning their own income as the heavily subsidized by the medics.

Every cancer death warranting the same 25 years in high security prison without parole.  They termed has absolutely no affect on legal penalties.  It just write them totally of all legal representation.

The lawyers in any case or massively inferior to the European courts and their like.

2013 I firstly validated that ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the rib cage over the pancreas, clear the inflated viral structure causing diabetes within the pancreas.  Medical or required every registered Dr. On earth had to validate and use this new medicine.

This is 2023 and two months ago medics complained that diabetes had vanished from world.  It should have vanished 10 years previously!  Type one diabetes taking 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest to clear type one diabetes.  Otherwise he'd only remitted in three days.

As my American diabetic friends reported.  And every registered Dr. On earth has personally confirmed.


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