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Lateral flu test useless

lateral flow is meaningless rubbish tests Medics say that they demonstrate you have Covid19.  Really.  Covid19 cease to exist 31st of September, 2020.  By medical definition we were then on Covid20. But medicine always prohibited research or application by Covid vaccination: as Covid flu involves too quickly!  A vaccination would take two years to licence, but already be obsolete within a year.  So any Covid19 test will likewise be out evolved by the virus. And now we're on Covid21.  But the natural flu test may or demonstrated to have Covid19.  We will never know!  As is only introduced late 2020.  When Covid19 no longer existed. If it showed a positive result, he can not have been for Covid19.  All it was to stimulate the uptake of the Covid19 vaccination. Which is obsolete only halfway through drug testing.  So never a licensed human drug!  Any Dr. Prescribing any Covid19 vaccination, instantly struck themselves off!  Making or medical practice then criminal. So how