Best health development ever

2000 and I realized that ultrasound scans of cancers, were doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.  As the cancer cells give off X rays!  And produce my crew bubbles of helium and oxygen gases, in cancer biopsies.

My PH D supervisor myself realized, ultrasound was doing nuclear fusion.  At 5 W 40 kHz.

1 H₂O+US→He+O+L+X-ray

Are applying ultrasound to liquid water, cause the emission of visible light and X rays, which was very interesting to engineers!  The Moffitt cancer centre applied e.g. 150 W 40 kHz to cancers.

And free use a one session total cure!  As is high intensity ultrasound sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion.  The beauty people now favour 8 W 1 MHz - clearing Stalin and damage.

2 H₂O+HIUS→He+O+L+X-ray

Now the cancer cells did not just emit X rays!  Displaying their position.  Now at the inflated cancer cells types boil had and ruptured.  Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the specific human antibody to clear that dangerous exploding cell type from the body.

½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections: the drug companies are desperately in refocus all infections - as they saw in horror all 200 types or cancer were cured.

Every registered Dr. On earth bought an 8 W three MHZ unit from the Moffitt, and validated the one session total cure of all cancers.  1 minute externally to where it hurts, clears all cancers.

Medicine has morosely noted that now all cancers are cured!  80% of drug company and Dr. Income vanished forever.  Which is being corporate death for any company through history.  Losing 80% other core income.

2013 medics published the use of ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys to totally clear coronary heart disease.  Hence the British heart foundation in the UK, are desperately linking up with a lottery, to make up for their son loss in charitable donations.  As all heart disease was also cured!

2013 I used ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the lower right of the chest over the pancreas, to clear type two diabetes.  Which gives off X rays in ultrasound scans, just like cancers.

Also caused by an inflated viral type structure in the pancreas.  Just as cancer is caused by the over inflated viral also cell type throughout the body.

American contacts reported a three day delay in type one diabetes remitting.  2016 I validated 1 minute of HIUS totally cleared even type one diabetes instantly.

This in their 2023, and medics confirmed two months ago at that all diabetes had vanished from the world.  The three big medical killers of humanity have vanished!  Medicine is time to provide mental health disease as the next big killer.

As he has been killing since a 1930s - with any medical intervention or treatment.  2013 I validated ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side of the head cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.

And freely published my work on the Internet.  And all registered doctors have the validated high us unit, so can no clear all mental health problems in 1 minute.

Including autism, and Ashburger's.  When individuals great technical adeptness, and social ineptness.  Low level autism.  Academics display a high levels of Ashburger's.

Within a totally remarkable time!  The most important medical killers now cured.  Without Dr. or drugs intervention.  Drugs being the big cash cow of medicine.  So the drug company is are of the norms!

As application of HIUS secretes the active specific antibody, to what ever strain of the diseases of age or a person is suffering from.  And it is adaptive!  Curing all the diseases medicine can't even treat effectively!

Making biochemical drug prescription defective and criminal medical malpractice.  Killing the patient no huge expense!  For conditions already cured by local application of HIUS.

I was physically pleased to observe the decline in MS: even there medics are horrendously reluctant to use the curative HIUS.  Who will last resort is buying their own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device - to clear their own infections.

So doctors are looking increasingly irrelevant to health problems.  Massively expensive, resulting in the unnecessary deaths of her patients.  As they refused to use a most published medicine.  Which strikes them off anyway!

The drug companies are working frantically, trying to stop people cure them cells using HIUS.  Gary centre doctors who only want to medicate them to death.  People would prefer our to be cured!  And almost zero expense.

So HIUS cures all mental health problems.  Conditions medicine can't even treat effectively.  But doctors have no therapeutic choice!  They have to use the medically verified HIUS.

Which eliminates the cancer from the world!  Medics can see that now nobody dies of cancer.  But we'll never have made the cancer was cured physically.  Nothing to do it doctors or drugs!

If you exclude the income from cancers, heart disease, and diabetes the rest or medicine runs at a loss.  So although the health company is in the U.S. and no running with increasing budget deficits.

Drug companies like Astra Zeneca have lost cancer drugs - 80% of the income.  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all Covid flu strains, as well as bacterial infections like streptococcus.

The drug company vaccinations were obsolete only six months into a drug testing regime: fast changing viral lines like covet flu and the common cold have new strains every year it even more rapidly.  So the vaccination could never be licensed.

And medicine is from the obsolete vaccinations actually increase the patient death rate from the new viral strain.  So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and never licensed.  Never a legal human medicine.

Any Dr. Giving his form Covid vaccination, the struck off without legal argument.  Along with the assisting pharmacists and nurses.

Now the world is on Covid22, totally cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  And no registered Dr. Is allowed to work on a vaccination to already cured condition.

And all Covid flu strains are cured.  Financially motivated medics gave 3.5 billion Covid vaccinations around the world.  The accepted death rate from any vaccination 0.5% of healthy an innocent patients.  That is 17 million people!

And the Covid19 vaccination increased the care of it death rate from Covid 20 he and higher strain numbers.  Every 1st of October the Covid number increases by one.  To reflect the last two digits of that year's winter!

Since Covid34 star to causing the regular human flu in 1934.  All Covid strains are no cured.  So the Covid flu for 2034, gave us and ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.

No Kevin vaccination ever legal medicine!  Any vaccinating Dr. Struck off and totally removed from all medicine for ever.  Presented to face criminal charges for first degree medical murder, of every patient who died after a Covid vaccination.

The Dr. or sea gets a 10 1,000,000 UK pound fine, and 25 years in high security prison as most prolific mass murderers ever.

If your Dr. Gave out Covid vaccinations, they cease to a legal registered Dr. On their first Covid vaccination.  And were required to cease medical practice instantly! 


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