cancers cured 2002
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RIP cancers & Covid 2002 |
2001 I was busy studying and a Ph.D. level at Sheffield University. Looking into how the turbulent flow of water did nuclear fusion. This is actually idea on my PH D supervisor, at Columbia University.
I concurred with professor Z 2000 that ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in water. As I was aware since the 1980s that the ultrasound scanner of cancer cells cause the emission of X rays, here the doctors use 8 W 40 kHz ultrasound.
Causing emission of X rays - which can only happen with nuclear fission or fusion. There Is no source of radioactive decay - no nuclear fission.
But as I learned a master's degree in to metallurgy and engineering in 1980s cancer biopsies cause the pressurise cancer cells to fly with my crew bubbles of helium and oxygen gases.
Incredibly enough biology had discovered how to do nuclear fusion on earth.
1 H₂O+US→He+O+E²+X-ray US= 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound
Biology did not realise what they had found! But discovered that the ultrasound inspections of cancerous tissues, cause the emission of X rays. Just like the ultrasound inspections of metal forgings, causes the emission of X rays at graphics. When we burn metal with water and fired in a mixture, the crack acts as a stress raiser, as we pass the ultrasound threw the forging.
So the presence of a crack in the forging catalyses 1. Oh serving covered in my master's degree - the non destructive testing of forgings. But the emission of X rays had never been explained.
2001 and I realise that the ultrasounding of cancers also emitted X rays. As once again we are doing what professor Argent named molecular nuclear fusion.
2 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E²+X-ray US= 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound was again. So ultrasound scans cause cancers to emit heat and X rays.
I wrote a paper on this which has circulated to my medical contacts and the national institute of health. Who forwarded to the Moffitt cancer centre. He 2002 published 100 patient double blind trial into 1 minute of 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound clearing the foreign pressurised cell types common to all cancers nd viruses.
½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound applied to each side the chest will clear the pressurise cell structure common to all viral and bacterial infections. Which require a pressurise cell structure to induce cell replication.
This will totally clear all Covid flu types. It would take six months to produce a vaccination and then two years to fully licence. So any Covid vaccination is obsolete and never licensed.
Medicine is burn the obsolete infections actually worsen the death rate from the new infective strain. But 1 minute of HIUS to the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.
With no patient death! A Covid vaccination, as with all medical vaccinations, intentionally kill one in 200 of those vaccinated. HIUS cure to all Covid flu strains. The Covid19 vaccination was never medically licensed. Automatically obsolete before being given to one person and then having a detrimental effect on Covid survival.
So the doctors giving just one Covid vaccination, the struck off and totally removed from all medical activity for life! The manufacturing biochemical drug company who made the potentially fatal vaccination also struck off.
We are in the year of Covid22, turning into Covid23 and the 1st of October, 2023. Cleared like all Covid strains by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.
Which is covered in the Moffitt Paper 2002, which also detailed the use a 1 minute of external HIUS to clear all 200 types of human cancer.
As it was medically published 53 medical professors in a world leading cancer hospital chain, the medicine had to personally validated by every registered Dr. On earth. Or they were automatically struck off and remove from legal medical practice.
So doctors had the total cancer cure 22 years ago. Making the prescription of biochemical treatments defective and criminal medical malpractice. Was again striking off the Dr. and drug company.
The cancer patient experiencing an unnecessary two year agonising decline to Bio chemically assisted death. Yet every registered Dr. In the world an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, and had validated 1 minute of its ultrasound will clear all types of human cancer.
And there are prohibited from the prescription of cancer drugs. Yet an estimated 200 million people since the Moffitt Paper 2002, have experience an unnecessary an agonising expensive Bio chemically assisted death.
Each cancer drug prescription striking off the medic and drug company! So every cancer drug prescription would require a new Dr. and drug company. Are struck off doctors are not allowed a wage or a pension and there prescriptions are illegal and invalid.
No registered pharmacist could ever fill! They took early retirement 2018, only 16 years and after all cancers on earth would cured. Having deliberate medicated cancer patients to an agonising an needless death.
The most psychopathic mass murdering bastards in history and obviously not registered doctors anymore! The fleetingly retired to medical practice 2020, to apply the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination. Which actually increased the care of it death rate from Covid20 or higher: Covid is given a new number designation every 1st of October. For that winter's infections season.
So no vaccination for Covid flu was ever legal or even necessary. They have personally validated 1 minute of HIUS to the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.
Lawyers would not be aware of the medical prohibition for any flu vaccination. As medics realized 1934, with Covid34, that any Covid vaccination be obsolete and never registered.
So medical would students are taught on a medical degree, no vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold could ever be illegal. It will be deliberate medical murder of her patient's. Killing needlessly for money! 15 UK pounds for every patient they intentionally murdered. That is how much doctors value patient lives.
For all cancers are cured 2002. No cancer drug prescriptions since was legal. And Health Services like the energy as chief medical records, every cancer drug prescribing Dr. Struck off. And stripped of all subsequent wages of pension. And totally excluded from legal medical practice.
HIUS is the best and only legal medicine to clear cancer plus viral and bacterial infections. Doctors pledge on taking up medical practice, the first day they knowingly applied defective medicine, is there last day as a registered medic. They have to strike themselves off!
Only the present generation of doctors didn't! Each doctors prescribe cancer drugs since 2002 struck off without legal argument. They consequence of the Hippocratic oath.
Which drug company is voluntarily sign. Any manufacture and sell defective medicines like cancer drugs, strokes off the drug company. And straight so or more other biochemical drug patents they own.
They cease to have a share price. And could not leverage allow them from the banks, to make payroll. So drug company is like Astra Zeneca became bankrupt 2002.
Yet 2023 he they are still pretending to be legal drug company is. They are not! And the prescribing doctors also are struck off. Owing a fine of 10 million UK pounds, for every cancer patient delivery medicated to an needless death.
Receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison. The most heinous mass murderers in history.
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