All viruses cured

2000 and Dr Z postulated that ultrasounding liquid water did nuclear fusion.  The greatest scientific insight I have ever heard!  All professor argent termed molecular nuclear fusion.

Then uranium nuclear power would him a chair of Processing Chemical Engineering, and he lost interest in safe clean and free nuclear fusion.  I played around or they can make the equations, and it is quite remarkable!  I was helped by knowing that working steam engines give off helium, and gamma wave radiation.

1 H₂O+US→He+O+X-ray+E²

The professor might have decided not to research the area, but he had already given me the most brilliant scientific idea ever.

I wrote up the idea 2001 about using higher power ultrasound to restrict cancer growth.  Aso was aware the ultrasound scans of cancers cause the emission of X rays.  Again during 1.  In response to 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound.

For my idea was forwarded to the Moffitt cancer centre, who got their seed capital from was saying to find the cure to all cancers.

2002 am Moffitt published the use of high intensity ultrasound to totally clear all cancers plus inflated cell types common to viral and bacterial infections.

2 H₂O+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray what an idea professor Z had given me.  Though we stra Mr. the denies having been a genius behind the idea - which came from his uncle at Columbia University.  Who helped devise cold fusion.

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Including all strains of Covid flu.  I cured my own Covid19 November 2019 - one month after he took over from Covid18.  It is an internationally agreed naming convention.  The Covid number increases every year on the 1st of October.  To reflect last two digits of that year's winter.

I did some digging around in my metallurgy notes and phone 016 D Watts 40 kHz was vid nine to body cells.  There would obviously cause the inflated structure of cancers and infections to boil and rupture.

That year the beauty people have licensed 5 W 1 MHz device is.  2022 and they started using 8 W 1 MHz devices.  No more effective only 8 W three MHZ unit used by the Moffitt, who wanted $10,000 for the units!

An 8 W one MHZ unit used it cures for the a five UK pounds.  As her vicar more popular than our 25 UK pounds.

Applied externally to where it hurts you will clear all 200 types of human cancer in 1 minute.  ½ minute each side the chest clearing all infections.

I have been blocking about this idea since 2010 and that year I cured breast, lung and colon cancer.  The Christie cancer after Manchester confirmed the press cancer cure.

For the discharging the lady they had wanted to give breast surgery to.  As ultrasound scans so sure would she was cancer free - no X ray emission.

So in 2002 three medical professors published the one session total cure to all cancers.  And every registered Dr. On earth was obliged to verified and then use this new medical science.  Or strike themselves off the doctors' register the same day!

So since 2002 or they should have been no cancer drug prescriptions.  Which afforded to their unfortunate cancer patient a 2 year expensive decline to an agonising death.  When HIUS would are totally cleared any cancer they had.

I wrote this up idea about AIDs 2008.  That should have been validated and use by every registered Dr. On earth.  Yet they continue prescribing the defective AIDs treatments until 2018.

Any Dr. Prescribing cancer drugs after 2002, has personally validated the effectiveness of HIUS.  Or ceased to be a registered Dr.!  Losing medical registration and Health Insurance.

They took early retirement 2018.  The natural weather is struck off 2002 - and were required to return or wages paid to them for medical practice since that date.  And they ceased to be registered doctors.

In December 2019 Chinese doctors within Wuhan Province China, are applied the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest of Corona viral patients.  Unless 44,000 cases on earth where eradicated!

It never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine in China.  It was apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18, that mysteriously escaped from the biochemical laboratory funded by president O'Bama.

Each year Covid has a distinct genome.  So Covid 19 was the time the distinct viral infection, applied to Corona.  Corona have been erroneously given a pandemic alert.  Though he was contained within Wuhan Province China - so by medical definition not a pandemic.

A locally contained and cured epidemic.  So all the national locked down to inflicted on the general population, by self serving medics, were illegal.  The Covid19 vaccination was only six months into a two year drug testing regime, when obsolete.

We're on Covid20, the drug company is named Covid omicron.  To confuse people start using Greek letters!

Makes if amateur vaccination for the obsolete viral or bacterial strain, it worsens the death rate for the new infection strain.

All vaccinations kill one person in 200.  Healthy an innocent individuals sacrifice of the profits the doctors and drug companies.  In the case of Covid19 doctors only illegally started giving the obsolete an unlicensed vaccination, when were on the year of Covid20.

So the global vaccination saved not one life.  The vaccination is illegally given to 3.5 billion individuals.  The medically accepted death rate was 17 million.

Healthy an innocent individuals sacrificed for no possible medical benefit.  All through the year of Covid21/Pi drug companies RE intent on using up their stocks of the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.

The worst medical murder of the innocents in history.  And a every involved Dr. Already knew on the first year medical degree, that medicine prohibited a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold and.

As those virus is change too quickly!  A vaccination automatically obsolete only part way through testing.  So doctors are charging 150 UK pounds, to inject patients with an obsolete an unlicensed vaccination, and smiled as one in 200 of them died as a direct result.

All the doctors who have been or would back into illegal medical practice, took early retirement again!  We are back to the Dr. number crash of 2018 - their Health Services around the world cease to function.

The assisting nurses and pharmacists, will also instructed that a vaccination to Covid was illegal.  And participation in the illegal vaccination programme, contravened their nightingale pledge.

Striking off the nurses and the pharmacists.  In the UK Energy as nurses have gone illegal strike.  Also in contravention of their nightingale pledge.  Striking nurses ceased to V registered nurses the first day they walk out of a hospital for financial reasons.

Assisting the of cancer drugs all the common flu vaccination also struck off the nurses.  Those prolific assistants to medical murder in history.  And worst of all, although medical professors new the of murdering for money.

For each patient death warranting a legal fine of 17 million UK pounds.  The total fine around the world is 170 billion.  In excess of the worth of the planet!

The striking off every Dr., Nurse, and pharmacists and drug company is who assisted cancer drugs from 2002, or any Covid vaccination programme.

This year we're on Covid22, the drug companies or no doubt term Covid Rho.  Though this into water interest in the Greek letters!  Since a pointed out ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.

Clearing covet flu and the common cold.  Both of which are not trivial diseases!  Covid3 was cured in Asia 2003 as the Asian medics applied the published HIUS ½ minute each side of a person's chest.

Totally obliterating the SARs viral outbreak.  The world health organisation hastily withdrew its pandemic alert.  Once again that virus never escaped Asia!  Before he was totally cured using physical medicine.

All the doctors who have prescribed cancer medication since 2002, the struck off.  Repaying or wages back to that date.  And a legal fine of 10 million for every cancer patient medicated to death.

For which there receive 25 years in high security prison, for every patient murder.  Just as with the Covid vaccination murders.

Covid is totally cured by HIUS.  No care of it vaccination ever legal. 


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