Elective surgery not legal

surgery KILLS

Surgery does involve the patient being given a general anaesthetic.  And all medics realise general anaesthetics kill!  As I was warned three times as giving an ineffective and pointless an eye surgery after my car accident.  So medics have been after the spurious surgery for decades!

In the 1950s radio and chemotherapy were devised.  And cancer surgery or became defective and criminal medicine.  Killing the patient within two years!  So medics invented idea are going chemo therapy after surgery.  And that is ineffective as chemotherapy on its own.

Then 2002 am Moffitt cancer centre published one session of High Intensity UltraSound, as a 100% cancer cure rate - that works for all viruses and cancers!

The General Medical council in the UK carriers Dr. Insurance.  So under the legal imperative to ensure that every Dr. Had personally validated and then used HIUS.  So prescribing any cancer drugs using chemo and radio therapy became defective and criminal medicine.  Criminal 21 years ago!

Doctors burning to use best new published medicine the is Health Insurance &Medical registration. 
They are doubly an registered for medical work.  Although medical practice is defective and criminal.

They must return or all medical charges to their patients since the ceased to V registered doctors 2002, the a assisting nurses were are have eyes for higher up nurses, that HIUS was the only legal medicine.

Not require any Dr. or nurse intervention.  1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, will clear all 200 cancers in one session.

Applied to the side of the mouth, this will clear tooth ache and oral cancers.  So medicating are all cancer became criminal dentistry 2002.  Striking off the dentist and pharmacists.

Every nurses assisted cancer drug delivery since 2002, stripped or nursing registration and Medical Insurance.  The insurance is carried by a there are college of nursing in the UK, who were under the legal imperative to instruct all the nurses not to hell with cancer drugs.

The nurses also is a major strike 1988.  Just as I was in hospital following a car accident!  The sun started amateur experience was not helped by the illegal nursing strike.  As since 1988 every registered nurse in the UK, has promised not to strike for financial reasons - or ceased the nursing practice that day.

Losing nursing registration and Health Insurance.  The insurance is carried by the RCN - who have instructed nurses to go on strike!  In Italy may or striking nurses are struck off.  This is the biggest professional suicide in history.

I got the European Court of human rights involved, as they have legal supremacy to the National Medical regulators, and or nurses who have retired 2018, suddenly the retired again!

As their major European courts aware that the flu vaccination was obsolete only six months into a drug licensing scheme.  Care of it is just the regular medical name for the seasonal flu.  So the Covid vaccination was never legal medicine!

Any Dr. giving just one flu all Covid vaccination, the struck off and stripped of Medical Insurance.  They continued medical practice was then doubly criminal.

1 minute of external HIUS was medically proved 2002 to cure all 200 cancers.  Medics were then barred from subsequent prescription of or cancer drugs.  Or they were instantly struck off and remove them cells from legal medical practice.

The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete as usual, only 1/4 way through drug testing.  So never a licensed human medicine.  And no Dr. Is allowed to prescribe unlicensed an obsolete medicines.

Medics have found that an obsolete infection actually increases the death rate, from the new infection strain.  So the Covid19 vaccination increases the death rate for Covid omicron - the drug name for Covid20.  The standard medical naming convention is Covid20.

As cancer the cured medics are frantic for another source of income.  So I decided trick the global population into having the annual flu jab.  Without doubt the most deliberate medical killing drugs in history.

All through the year of Covid20, the drug companies RE intent on vaccinating people against a nonexistent Covid19 strain.  I've published documents on Covid rho, sigma, and tau already being cures by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.

The physical disease cure that also clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Without any Dr. or hospital involvement.  The drug company is are still producing copy on the murderous Covid19 vaccination.

3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations given.  The medically accepted death rate would be 17 million innocent and healthy individuals.  So we are on the year of Covid Sigma - totally cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest.

And medicine specifically prohibits a vaccination for already cured infection.  He Kevin vaccination is were always illegal anyway!  Striking off the prescribing Dr. and the drug company.

October 1, 2023, we would be on Covid tau - but hopefully by then feeble have used their own ultrasound massage device at home, to clear the flu.  Or get the practice nurse to use the health centre HIUS device to clear their infections.

Hostels are going frantic!  They always unwanted pets there so no use.  So doctors are being encouraged to give patients are voluntary surgical interventions.  Surgical interventions, and they general anaesthetics kill.

So elective surgery is medically illegal and unethical!  Any Dr. It giving cancer surgery since 1950s, has given defective and fatal medical interventions.  So they cease to be registered Dr. On their first cancer surgery.  And that is a 73 years ago.

With a cancer surgery, surgical teams are uneconomic.  And elective surgery is illegal.  As it kills the patient needlessly!

So remember as your GP tok she into having pointless surgery, they are persuading years to medically executed by the surgical team.  Which he sees naked profit!

½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys was medically published 2013, as a one session total cure to coronary heart disease.  It also clears heart arhthmia - which the drug company is have now renamed Atrial Fibulation.

So already totally cured!  Using ultrasound unit owned by every health centre in the world.  Doctors advocating elective surgery, of the sodium patients to allow them cells two medically killed for no reason.  This disqualifies the Dr. from medical practice ever again.

The nurses had taken strike action within the NHS recently, have acting in defiance of their nightingale pledge.  They have lost nursing registration, and can no longer even prescribed compatible medication.  They have exclude them cells from legal medicine.

And they are being urged to go on strike, by their insurance!  Who would no doubt happily struck the nurses are there Health Insurance, without bothering to tell them.


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