AIDs cured 2012
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AIDs cured 2012! |
And medicine got five billion to research the condition. Which he also had termed HIV - that's probably evolved from the simian virus, or SIV that was endemic in the giant apes.
This is likely that AIDs enter the human arena, through people eating bush meat. We killed and ate the giant apes! Our close relatives.
In 2000 and I was studying nuclear fusion at Sheffield University. Myself and professor Z decided the ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in liquid water.
1 H₂O+US→He+O+E²+X-ray the most astounding piece us and so I have never been involved in.
I wrote up the idea about cancer 2001 and sent it to my medical contacts, at the National Institute of Health. Who forwarded my dear to the Moffitt cancer centre - set up to find the cure to cancers.
They found that 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHZ ultrasound cause the inflated cell types common to cancer plus from bacterial infections, to boil and rupture. The immune system then secrete and targets the active antibody to the exploding cell type.
A total one session cure to all 200 cancers out there. I utilised an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, as my medically licensed ultrasound unit. That was 100 per cent effective in clearing all cancers, plus all viral and bacterial infections I tried it on.
2003 and medics had used High Intensity UltraSound, to totally clear the SARs viral outbreak from Asia. Caused by Covid3 - the seasonal flu for 2003. The Covid number is last two digits of that year's winter.
I wrote up about using 150 W 40 kHz unit. But when I heard from a guy who was HIV⁺ 2012, four years after the initial Medical Paper, medical science said he moved on to using 8 W one MHZ units.
He ordered the device from China: where consumer electronics are cheapest. He applied it for ½ minute to each side use chest, and the next GP a appointment he was fully discharged from all AIDs Medical Care without any medication: as he was now are well and totally HIV⁻, no Dr. Was any more allowed to medicate him. Or the Dr. was struck off!
At this juncture the doctors Hippocratic oath, demanded by every registered Dr. On earth validated and then used HIUS to clear HIV. Just as the or prescription or cancer drugs from 2002 was criminal and defective medical malpractice. Striking off the Dr. and drug company.
The drug company is were required to validate new medical science - so manufacture and sale of AIDs treatments since 2012, was criminal and fatal medical malpractice.
The AIDs Germans killing the patient deliberately within a decade. Each AIDs death after 2012, warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds. The Dr. and drug company both struck off.
And the drug company is are other biochemical drug patents were then invalid medicine! So they should have been no AIDs deaths or treatments prescribed since 2012.
Since the beginning of the epidemic, nearly 675,000 people with AIDS in the United States have died, and even today, nearly 13,000 people with AIDS in the United States die each year. Engagement in care: AIDS-related deaths occur when people who are infected do not receive the testing, treatment and care they need.
So every year since 2012, every AIDs death has cancer medicine 10 billion. And the Dr. and no drug company is struck off.
Doctors family is stopped with the illegal prescriptions in 2018. That is 180,000 needless deaths. A total fine of 1.8 trillion. Which is why medicine no longer talks about AIDs. And each of the prescribing doctors ceased to V registered medics 2012.
Although medical practice was then criminal and uninsured! They must remove them cells instead from medical register. An return all fees to their unfortunate patients. But the additional 10 million UK pounds, $16.00 million to and exit key and and of every H every patient they medicated to an needless death.
Which leaves us with all the haemophiliacs who were given AIDs via a hypodermic! With contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent. One of my friends used to work in this medical area and the stories he tells about the lack of medical controls are shocking!
So every registered Dr. Already has the validated 8 W 3 MHZ unit, us to clear all cancers in 1 minute.1 applied to where it hurts! So they can use the applied ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest of the haemophiliacs.
I have half an idea that ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will also clear haemophilia. It will certainly clear Dr. Induced HIV. Who are being illegally medicated great expense to Medical Insurance companies.
Doctors have been creeping around for last Xi years, pretending that AIDs still existed in the wild. There the New York cure of AIDs draw all around the world by the Internet. Physically the gay the Internet hot line.
Cancer is should all disappeared by 2003. Only by 2023, are doctors mostly noting that nobody now has cancer. 80% of Dr. and drug company income vanished! Which makes all of medicine massively insolvent.
The AIDs cure alone has cost medicine $680.00 million a year. AIDs was promoted to the world in 1986. I was busy studying at Sheffield University. Through my PH D work there in 2000-, I found out termed out to the one session total cure them all cancers.
And I wrote this sell for about AIDs 2008: an ice challenger every interested Dr. In the world had to validate and then use HIUS. Making the prescription of AIDs treatments defective and fatal medicine.
Medicine prohibits research into cured conditions. Surgery no biochemical research into cancers since 2002. Certainly no Dr. Could have prescribed cancer drugs in last 21 years.
Dr. Required habit are declaring they are super ethical, and continue to do what the hell they want - they loads of money while killing the patient needlessly needs to be. So AIDs was totally cured 2012. My concept was in New York! I live in England - so they cure cross the Atlantic backwards and forwards.
No Dr. Could have research biochemistry and AIDs since 2012. Or the Dr. and involved drug company is struck off without legal argument. Yet tragically all those people were medicated to an needless death.
Medics already knew the viral cure 2003 - when the cured SARs. 2018 and Chinese medics use the same idea to clear Corona virus - a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18. So the pandemic alert never applied to Covid19.
And medics could cure the common cold and flu since 2002. All the fuss made about renaming the disease AIDs, or no medical acknowledgement that the week virus has been eradicated from the world.
Presumably so ones registered doctors can still prescribe the defective and fatal AIDs treatments to haemophiliacs. Who call being cured by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.
And the newspapers should promote these cures! Tell the world cancers are cured from 2002. Every medicated cancer death since was criminal medical malpractice. Warranting the standard legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, and the Dr. and drug company struck off.
Medicine it cannot cope with the idea that AIDs now has a simple physical cure. No drug involvement required! A total 1 minute cure to all viral and bacterial infections.
All cancers are cured 2002, and 2023 he the medical world has no repositioned itself, as your to vaccinate against Covid flu. Covet just being the regular medical name for the seasonal flu.
Even though the Hippocratic has prohibited such medicine since Covid34 star to causing the regular seasonal flu 1934. No registered Dr. Allowed you to research are applying a flu vaccination.
Are they are struck off the same day - no legal argument. I find it amusing, that AIDs was announced the world true my studies at Sheffield University. Due to my PH D work there 2000-, I found the one session total cure to all cancers, plus all viral infections included Covid.
We are now on the year of Covid22. Pleasingly cured by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. So all Covid cured. But China has a massive biochemical industry, plus pinning its hopes for a economically positive future, and the Covid flu epidemic every year.
All viral and bacterial infections and a cured. The medical vaccination for Covid19 was obsolete only six months into a two year drug licensing scheme: which is why medicine always prohibited a flu vaccination. Always obsolete and never licensed!
Now the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections. Included the common cold and Covid flu! RIP AIDs and infective disease.
Cured by the standard cancer cure! 1 minute of HIUS externally to where it hurts, clears all cancers. As medically published 2002. Am familiar to every registered Dr. On earth the same year.
Who is then legally a medically constrained from the prescription of cancer drugs. Or they were struck off and stripped of medical registration, to face criminal trial for curative first degree medical murder.
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