Medicine losing so much money

2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound, to clear all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

1 minute externally to where it hurts, clears all 200 cancers out there.  Every drug company on earth voluntarily signed so the doctors four Hippocratic oath.  But doctors are signing the weekened Lasagne pledge, century in their medical licensing.

They are medically uninsured!  So medical practice is illegal.  Or medieval fees charged to their patients must be returned, and the Dr. struck off.

I seem to remember over two years ago, although graduating medical students went into swear the full Hippocratic oath.  As the lawyers pointed out to them that the lasagne pledge was not sufficient for legal medical practice.

Every drug company had to our tear in a HIUS unit (e.g. an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device - purchased over the Internet) and validate that the ultrasound did indeed clear all of inflated cell types common to cancer and viruses.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

This is why the cancer is emit X rays in 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound scans.  At the higher power level of HIUS the primary cancer cells are totally destroyed.  Inducing a full immune action to clear that distinct cancer cell type throughout the body.

½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  It will clear all Covid flu strains.  I use it to cure my own Covid19 November 2019.  One month after its superseded Covid18.  The Covid number is increased annually every year on the 1st of October.  To you last two digits of that year's winter.

So now we're on Covid22, and till the 1st of October when will automatically be on the genetically distinct Covid23.  Any vaccination would take six months to develop.  So Kevin vaccination be obsolete only 1/4 way through the two year drug licensing process.

Which is why medicine has prohibited a Covid vaccination since 1934 - when Covid34 star to causing the regular human flu.  HIUS cure is all Covid strains.

Even unlicensed vaccination would kill one in 200 healthy people.  So medicine prohibits a vaccination for a cured infection.  The newspapers today are talking about Covid, try to indicate that the Covid19 vaccination might be useful.

But medicine has found that an obsolete vaccination, it increases the death rate from later versions of that infection strain.  So when they started giving the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination, we were within the year of Covid20.

And the vaccination we Pkants the immune response to Covid20: OAPs can buy into the Covid vaccination have receded about Covid infection.  As professor Focie found!

The Covid 19 vaccination was the worst medical intervention ever.  It worsening the death rate for Covid20 and later.

This year the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest totally clears all infections in 1 minute.  Using the health centre HIUS unit, bought to confirm the cancer cure 2002.

For earlier to validate and the Medical Paper struck off the prescribing Dr. Any involved drug company.  Both totally remove from medicine for ever!

The newspapers are trying to build up a fuss about this year's annual flu outbreak.  Caused by Covid22, are cleared by 1 minute of HIUS to the chest.

No Dr. or drugs intervention even useful or legal!  Increasing the care of it death rate.  Newspapers are not allowed to prevent the spurious fiction, concocted by the self serving drug companies.

In the same way TV adverts are constrained from promoting vaccination medicine for any infection.  As 2002 and HIUS was validated by every registered Dr. On earth, to clear all infections.

Stopping the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.  Two months ago medics put on record as the global diabetes had vanished.

2013 I validated ½ minute of HIUS to the lower right of the chest cleared type two diabetes instantly.  Type one remitted in three days.

2016 I have personally confirmed that 1 minute of HIUS cleared even type one diabetes.  The most massive health improvement since the total cure cancers 2002.

The daily express published the old miner articles on the cancer cure.  Then shut the hell up!  As drug company are voters plant budgets have bought their silence.

Today he we stand in the world free of diabetes!  AAnd not one newspaper has picked up on the is health improvement.  Which really is 40% of drug company income.

The cancer cure murder 80% of drug company and Dr. Income.  The cure heart disease, via ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys, was medically confirmed 2013.

2023 he it will clear Atrial Fibulation.  A truly massive health advace.  No registered Dr. Is allowed to research alternative cures for cured diseases.  Heart disease is cured!

2012 my personal contact in New York, or by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest and cleared his AIDs.  The idea freely shared with the world and wild AIDs was cures.

Registered doctors have the HIUS unit at hand, so can clear all haemophiliacs of HIV.  They are given by a direct medical injection, by their psychopathic struck off doctors.

Now HIV/AIDs totally cured in 1 minute.  The most pernicious infection in history cleared by 1 minute of ultrasound - ID and if at 2000 with the help of professor Z at Sheffield University.

He was as previously not to be given any credit for the cancer cure.  Academics are forever taking credit for the students work.  Yet professor Z would prefer not to be given any credit for curing the worst disease in history.

Why he has there been no publicity to the diabetes cure?  The doctors Hippocratic oath, prevent so applying defective medicine.  All diabetic medication became criminal medical malpractice 2013.

Any Dr. Prescribing insulin and metformin since, struck off.  Along with the involved biochemical drug company.  I have lost four non blood relatives to diabetes.  And was amazed as I found the total cure 2013.

We are my diabetic friend in church.  He was assured that the ultrasound would do no harm, and rather than just cure use diabetic discomfort, the ultrasound cured immune ½ minute.

Free be to God!  Any medic prescribing diabetes medicine since 2013, must return or medical fees to their patients.  The emission of 10,000,000 UK pounds, for a diabetic deliberately medicated to death.  Though obviously struck off from all medical practice! 

The drug company is only making payroll every month, by selling off their shares to the banks.  So pretty soon the banks to learn 100% are absolutely nothing.  As the drug companies will have cease to have any income.


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