
Showing posts from March, 2024

Covid was all cured 2002

Covid cure NO DRUGS OR Dr. 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published a paper on the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the foreign inflated cell types common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections. So 2002 the prescription of cancer treatments, like chemo and radio therapies, plus the massively defective cancer surgery or became defective and prohibited medicine. Striking off the prescribing Dr. and the biochemical company involved: biochemistry all had to verified the effectiveness of HIUS 2002.  Doctors or drug company so did not validate HIUS automatically struck off and removed for ever from legal medicine. The drug company is who continued with the manufacture and sale or cancer treatments, the struck off and lost all other biochemical drug patents.  Then are bankrupt they could no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll every month.  And they have the largest wages bill in the world! So 2002 and every cancer on earth should have bee...

All Covid cured

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre Kevin article on High Intensity UltraSound clearing cells so the pressurise foreign cell structure common to cancer plus viral and bacterial infections. 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device clearing all cancers 22 years ago.  All registered doctors were required to personally validate and use this new medical science. So they're all purchase an 8 W 3 MHz device from the Moffitt for $10,000.  No more efficient and my 8 W one MHZ unit purchased over the Internet for under five UK pounds. facial massager ULTRASOUND ULTRASONIC BODY MASSAGER PAIN THERAPY 1MHZ FACIAL SKIN CARE MACHINE £3.3 But amazingly enough the paper or also covered the clearance of viruses, and I have personally cleared 30 viral and bacterial infections four my friends, ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections. I wrote this idea up about HIV/AIDs in 2008.  But luckily none of my gay friends had AIDs....

Covid24... cured

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre in hospital chain in America are published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear the inflated cell structure common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections. We'd be dead Foreign cell types can only replicate in the body, if I have an inflated cell nature to induce a single cell type replication: all for infective bacteria trick the B cells of the immune system into copying they genome and giving it a minimal cell wall. So bacterial infections are parasitic on the human immune system.  The presence of even a fungal antibiotic, stops this cell copying.  And stimulates secretion of the active human antibody to draed the targets the foreign bacterial cell type. Applying fungal antibiotics is defective medicine!  Over the aeons bacteria have found ways to circumvent fungal antibiotics.  Usually by making dummy receptors to suck the antibiotics S to the bloodstream. The 2002 it is so much better!  ½ minute...

Stop long Covid

flu cured at home 2002 Cure of Covid the medical name for the regular seasonal flu.  It kills 3.5% of infected people, mostly the aged every year.  Below pandemic level!  Requiring a fatality rate of over 5%. We can employing the standard cancer and viral cure published 2002 by the Moffitt cancer centre hospital chain in America.  ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side of the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections, oling also clearing all parasites.  It share the same foreign inflated cell nature we cancers and infections. facial massager ULTRASOUND ULTRASONIC BODY MASSAGER PAIN THERAPY 1MHZ FACIAL SKIN CARE MACHINE £3.32 - 4.38 / Piece 1 Review Both viral and bacterial infections require a foreign inflated cell nature, in two induce infective structure replication. Kiev it is a forwarded a new version number every 1st of October.  Reflecting last two digits of high killing winters date!  So care of it 19 including in 1 ...

Alzheimer's cured 2010

Infections all cured 2002 And no biochemical research has been medically ethical and legal issue Alzheimer's ever since.  No registered Dr. Is allowed to prescribe medication either. 2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound, to clear all pressurise cell structures.  Which includes all cancers, viral and bacterial infections, but diseases of age like heart disease, diabetes, dementia etc, So 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a medically licensed ultrasound massage device (and they must all be medically licensed to be sold) clears all 200 types or cancer!  The ultrasound applied to where it hurts! So 2002 all 200 types of human cancer sold.  The prescription of cancer drugs including painkillers became defective cata cancer drugs fatal medicine. 2008 I wrote up this idea about AIDs.  Burn by my American contact in New York 2012.  He bought his own 8 W one MHZ unit, and cleared the week virus totally ...

curing hospital acquired infections

Infections all cured These infections are the most troublesome to clear!  As they are resistant automatically two biochemical drugs!  Locally since 2002 medicine has known how to cure all infections and cancers. The Moffitt cancer centre 2002 found that a single application of for the termed high intensity ultrasound, it cleared all cancers and the inflated structures common with a viral and bacterial infections. This will work even within 18th of a young patient: I apply the ultrasound for 1 minute to where the cancer hurts, stopping the ultrasound as the patient reports warming. To clear all infections apply for ½ minute each side of her patient's chest, again stopping the ultrasound, as the patient reports warming. 1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray HIUS= e.g.  8 W three or 1 MHz ultrasound. facial massager ULTRASOUND ULTRASONIC BODY MASSAGER PAIN THERAPY 1MHZ FACIAL SKIN CARE MACHINE £3.3 - 4.35 / Piece 1 Review Every Dr. Bought and validated an 8 W three MHZ un...

Better than antibiotics

No drug disease cure 2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear foreign inflated cell types. The one session total cure to the inflated cell structures common to cancers, viral infections and even bacterial infections: bacteria require an inflated structure to induce infective structure replication by the over helpful B cells of the immune system. Cancer and viruses show some viral DNA to induce single cell type cell replication.  As foreign cell types are locked out off the body stem cells - were all body cells bud off. Hence cancer cells are inappropriate grows in the body structure.  Causing local pain!  And degrading the patient's immune action. 2001 I agreed with Dr. Z during my PH D work at Sheffield University, that ultrasound coals what was later cold molecular nuclear fusion in water. 1 H₂O+US→He+O+E+X-ray A carbon zero heat source!  1 minute of 2 kW 40 kHz ultrasoun...

Clearing autism

brain problem fixed I have been interested in autism and Asbergert's for many years.  These diseases appear to be caused by my old friend of viral rump.  Loitering around the central nervous system after a full viral infection. As of rain is an immune produce site.  Where we see the development of all dementia - or caused by a man inflated viral rump.  The main infection that spawned off the rump, has to be inflated in order to divide in the body. I have in publishing documents for so long and the use of High Intensity UltraSound to totally clear all viral rumps.  All cancers are also caused by a viral rump structure.  All 200 types! And they are all cleared by 1 minute of external e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound - from an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit.  The cheapest and simplest source of HIUS. facial massager ULTRASOUND ULTRASONIC BODY MASSAGER PAIN THERAPY 1MHZ FACIAL SKIN CARE MACHINE US $4.13 - 5.45 / Piece 1 Review $5.45 I found that ½ mi...