Alzheimer's cured 2010
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Infections all cured 2002 |
And no biochemical research has been medically ethical and legal issue Alzheimer's ever since. No registered Dr. Is allowed to prescribe medication either.
2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound, to clear all pressurise cell structures. Which includes all cancers, viral and bacterial infections, but diseases of age like heart disease, diabetes, dementia etc,
So 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a medically licensed ultrasound massage device (and they must all be medically licensed to be sold) clears all 200 types or cancer! The ultrasound applied to where it hurts!
So 2002 all 200 types of human cancer sold. The prescription of cancer drugs including painkillers became defective cata cancer drugs fatal medicine.
2008 I wrote up this idea about AIDs. Burn by my American contact in New York 2012. He bought his own 8 W one MHZ unit, and cleared the week virus totally from the body.
Shared with the world that cleared all HIV from the world. The Moffitt utilised an 8 W three MHZ unit, only as he infective the costing $10,000. My 8 W one MHZ unit costing under five UK pounds.
In 2010 I validated plasma is to clear rounds, colon, breast and liver cancer is. The Christie discharged him from all Medical Care - she was doing in for breast cancer three days later.
The gala ultrasound scan and have a cancer free. So fully discharged you only after demanding what medicine I cured my condition: as required by the doctors Hippocratic oath.
Every Dr. On earth validated the Moffitt Paper 2002. Animal and globally prohibited from the prescription of cancer an infection medication. The paper covered the cure of all viruses.
2012 and the AIDs cure circulated on the gate Grapevine. And there disease vanished from the earth! No mysterious he medics were still prescribing the defective AIDs treatments until 2018.
Even though the doctors Hippocratic oath demanded they still prescribing the no defective cancer drugs. High up nurses also take the doctors Hippocratic oath, as do all the registered biochemical drug companies.
The drug company is but that is not manufacture and sale of cancer drugs 2002. All be struck off the biochemical drug company register. And stripped of all other biochemical patients they have once possessed.
Then worthless they were unable to borrow the from the banks are legally had to make payroll every month. 2002 and never came the most bankrupt corporations in economic history.
Any Dr. or drug company power plant biochemical treatments for HIV since the cure totally published 2012, also struck off removing them cells from legal medicine for ever.
Lower down nurses were informed that the only legal cancer an infection medicine wasHIUS. So were constrained by the dispensation of cancer an infection medication from the day he the drug round.
The high up nurses were legally compelled Chernobyl cancer or infection medication, including vaccinations from the drug trolley.. Vaccinations kill one in 200 the healthy an innocent individuals. Medicine prohibits or they used my own major disease is cured - like using HIUS.
½ minute of 8 W ultrasound either side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections. Like utilising the health centre 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit.
Totally clearing all cancers in 1 minute since 2002. No GP allowed to prescribe, and no nurse helped to deliver the intentionally fatal an defective cancer an infection medication.
So all HIV vanish from the world 2002. Yet apparently registered doctors were still prescribing the defective and fatal AIDs medication until 2018. The prescribing Dr. and drug company struck off without argument.
So a month ago air and the drug company is are building up the mass vaccination against measles. Which would have killed one in 200 of people who received a vaccination! And the two years obsolete from the present measles or infection.
So the vaccination would have been totally that if and very dangerous. Intentionally killing one in 200 other people vaccinated. So no measles vaccination could ever be illegal!
Not needed today! ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest clearing all viral infections, if they are also to the common cold and Covid flu. Also clearing measles - just as so cured AIDs from the world 12 years ago.
The most pernicious and previously incurable disease cured totally physically in 1 minute. Using an 8 W ultrasound massage device - sore the licence for safe home unsupervised use.
Clearing all viral and bacterial infections. Which share the same foreign inflated cell structure with all cancers. So all infections totally cured without medical intervention.
I wrote about clearing measles, and there disease vanished from the world again! It years I have 25 year outbreaks. No more! All the common cold strains, Covid variants of viral infections like measles totally and utterly cured.
It will clear all viral and bacterial infections. I have resume also clear all parasitic infections - as for aesthetic structures share the same foreign inflated cell structure to cancers.
All infections totally cured! ½ minute of HIUS from an 8 W unit was found practically to clear MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia plus other serious mental our problems 2010.
Any registered Dr. On earth already owns an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit. And was required by the Hippocratic oath to validate the mental health disease clearance. Including the total clearance of our Alzheimer's.
So no registered Dr. or drug company any more allowed to research biochemical treatments and Alzheimer's. As HIUS provides a 1 minute total cure to all mental health problems. Including the aged moments OAPs experience.
It was totally restore the coveted an intellectual capabilities of an individual's brain. I've published this total cure 2010. Since when no biochemical research or prescription for mental health problems has been medically ethical and legal.
Striking off the registered Dr. and drug company. Both for ever totally excluded from legal medicine. Along with the assisting nurses and pharmacists.
So Alzheimer's totally cured 2010 and the physical cure personally verified by every registered Dr. On earth. But already owns the he was ultrasound unit, which had to use to clear all cancers, heart disease, diabetes, infections and dementia.
No biochemical prescription for these conditions legal medicine. The total cancer cure was medically published 2002.
Mysteriously the prescription of illegal biochemical treatments for cancer persisted until 2020. Each prescribing Dr. and drug company eyc., The struck off without legal appeal.
It is a result of the Hippocratic oath, freely signed by all registered doctors, high up nurses an registered drug companies. Doctors in four cities like New York, who prescribed the defective an intentionally fatal AIDs treatments since 2012, struck a off and remove from legal medicine.
The AIDs treatments killing intentionally within a decade. A defective biochemical treatments for the G is totally cures by one session of 8 W ultrasound, 2012.
The total physical cure confirmed by every registered Dr. On earth. So all prescribing AIDs medics and the drug companies totally removed for ever from legal medicine.
A legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, for every cancer or infection patient medicated to an needless and expensive death since 2002. When all viral and bacterial infections totally cured.
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