Stop long Covid

flu cured at home 2002

Cure of Covid the medical name for the regular seasonal flu.  It kills 3.5% of infected people, mostly the aged every year.  Below pandemic level!  Requiring a fatality rate of over 5%.

We can employing the standard cancer and viral cure published 2002 by the Moffitt cancer centre hospital chain in America.  ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side of the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections, oling also clearing all parasites.  It share the same foreign inflated cell nature we cancers and infections.


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Both viral and bacterial infections require a foreign inflated cell nature, in two induce infective structure replication.

Kiev it is a forwarded a new version number every 1st of October.  Reflecting last two digits of high killing winters date!  So care of it 19 including in 1 October, 2019.  Winter air 31st of September, 2020.

Which he actually made into effect today in the Guardian!  Thanks guys.  Care of it is not a dangerous new pandemic, it is the standard regular human flu.

Since 2002 we have realise that ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Irrespective of type!  All infections require the same foreign cell nature in, cancers, to replicate.

Yesterday and medicine seen to grudgingly accept that all cancers were now extinct.  The total cure being published 2002!  Making the prescription of cancer treatments application is cancer surgery defective an intentionally fatal medicine within two years.

So all cancer treatments ceased to be legal 2002.  My friend in New York validated the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest totally cleared AIDs: he was HIV⁺.  1986 medicine renamed the African slim disease, as AIDs.

The same opportunistic infections were also reported among hemophiliacs, users of intravenous drugs such as heroin, and Haitian immigrants—leading some researchers to call it the "4H" disease. By August 1982, the disease was being referred to by its new CDC-coined name: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

So the cure of most pernicious viral infection in history, they killed five million people around the world, totally cured in 1 minute!  Using an ultrasound massage device and no Dr..

The same idea will clear all strains of the common cold, the result and Covid.  It was totally clear all viral and bacterial infections, and probably parasites!

Pandemics have just ended.  Where the total cure of cancer in 2002.  Cen so all infections have been totally cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest.

Every registered Dr. On earth validated the total cancer cure 2002, using HIUS.  Totally outside of medical patent protection.

So so medicine has been desperately scratching around for a new pandemic!  Care of it was just the standard seasonal flu.  Which medicine has no answer!  Vaccinations are automatically two years obsolete and counterproductive when house or drug testing.  So never a licensed human medicine.

The care of it vaccination was illegally given to 3.5 billion healthy an innocent people around the world.  Intentionally killing 17 million of them for no possible medical gain!  Striking off every involved Dr. and drug company.

This surely must form the headline the Guardian newspaper tomorrow.  All for the right wing Daily Express.

Curing care of it in 1 minute using HIUS stops the formation of long Covid: standard medical name, plus viral syndrome.  A result of a long viral infection - not specifically Covid.


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