All Covid cured

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre Kevin article on High Intensity UltraSound clearing cells so the pressurise foreign cell structure common to cancer plus viral and bacterial infections.

1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device clearing all cancers 22 years ago.  All registered doctors were required to personally validate and use this new medical science.

So they're all purchase an 8 W 3 MHz device from the Moffitt for $10,000.  No more efficient and my 8 W one MHZ unit purchased over the Internet for under five UK pounds.



But amazingly enough the paper or also covered the clearance of viruses, and I have personally cleared 30 viral and bacterial infections four my friends, ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.

I wrote this idea up about HIV/AIDs in 2008.  But luckily none of my gay friends had AIDs.  2012 I heard from a guy who was HIV⁺ in New York.  Who bought and used his own 8 W 1 MHz device - ½ minute each side use chest.

His next GP a appointment the Dr. or play discharged him.  As he was well, and doctors are prohibited from medicating the well.  This idea was shared with the world and AIDs  vanished.

The last I saw the no professor Z he was unimpressed.  Though he has suggested that ultrasound cause nuclear fusion in the turbulent flow and of liquid water.

The most brilliant scientific idea I ever heard!

1 H₂O+TU+US→He+O+E²+X-ray

I got intrigued that ultrasound scans cause just cancer cells do of X rays.  Over the years I became aware that cancer an infection cells had a foreign inflated cell nature.  So the ultrasound pass the not only through body cells.

Causing cancer cells to emit X rays as they did biological molecular nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E²+X-ray

So the ultrasound as a fluid turbulence!  And we are doing nuclear fusion within the body outside the only permitted pressures.  My ideas went by the national institute of health to the Moffitt cancer hospital chain.

2002 they published their paper on HIUS causing cancer cells in the body to boil and rupture.  Emitting X rays.  The cell fragments containing my crew bubbles of helium and oxygen.

` there being no chemical source of helium, and no radioactive decay in the human body.  So we are doing nuclear fusion from the interaction of the pressurised hydrogen ions.

With the ultrasound at HIUS power levels, foreign cell types like cancers all viral and bacterial infections, to emit massive amounts X rays.  As they flash boil!

The inactive immune system sees the cell fragments, makes the active antibody to the novel DNA.  We get the antibody to cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

Which is actioned throughout the body, totally clearing all 200 cancers 2002.  Ander every registered Dr. On earth had to acquire the HIUS unit, and verified and then utilised the new medical science.  Which remember was published by leading medical institution!

Doctors and drug company is watched in horror as all 200 types of human cancer were totally cured.  Making the prescription of cancer drugs defective and criminal medicine were fatal outcome.

The prescription of cancer drugs was is globally prohibited from 2002.  Drug company is are no longer allowed to manufacture and sell cancer drugs.  Or the Dr. and drug company struck off their medical registers, and all other biochemical drug patents the drug company possessed, wide and worthless.

Their share price directly related to the athletics some of the outstanding drug patents.  So suddenly the drug company patents were worthless!  They could no longer the bridge that borrowing from the banks to make payroll.  They were the most bankrupt corporations in economic history.

So on all 200 drug company is and the world continue the illegal, criminal or murderous manufacture and sale of the defective cancer drugs.  Just one day and or cancer drug prescription since the Moffitt Paper, and the drug company is totally struck off the are all medical activity.

Any prescribing Dr. Who prescribed cancer drugs since 2002, the struck off without legal appeal.  But doctors are the most ethical individuals on earth, they tell us.

So so Boselli would never dream of prescribing defective medicine - without strike in themselves off the doctors' register the same day, and the medicine for ever.

If there doctors continued prescribing the defective cancer drugs, in direct contravention to the Hippocratic oath.  So removing their legal so for from the National Medical regulators.  Why the GMC or AMA.  They were stripped of their Health Insurance, so all were doubly ineligible for medical practice.

If your Dr. Prescribed cancer drugs just ones in last 22 years, they cease to be a registered Dr..  And must return or medical fees charged to their unfortunate patients or more likely next of kin, for all medicine they are so illegally applied, probably with fatal results!

But the Moffitt Paper covered the clearance of viruses.  As 2012 it eradicated AIDs totally from the world.  And will clear any variant AIDs.  So this to Sheffield University we phoned the total cure to most pernicious viral infection in history.

Drug company is also unhappy that AUDs was totally cleared with any infection with them.  Corrupt doctors are still prescribing the defective and fatal AIDs treatments and till 2018.

All such pathological individuals are instantly struck off the doctors' medical register.  They ceased to be doctors!  A25 year jail term in high security prison for every medicated AIDs treatment death.  A $648,000,000 business 2012.

2020 medics outbreak of the genetically modified Covid18 there he and so and as Corona virus.  Apparently having escaped from the Wuhan biochemical facility.

I reminded the Chinese president of the Moffitt Paper from 2002.  Chinese medics applied the standard ½ minute of HIUS to the chest are the last 41,000 Corona viral patients on earth.  And they all got better!

The 'pandemic' virus was extinct.  He could no longer spread and evolve.  The drug companies declare a pandemic virus so the applied to the genetically and related ovid19 virus.

The world health organisation had canceled the pandemic alert, as Corona became extinct.  The drug company is do not declare a pandemics, they just sat there pronouncements of the unfunny quango are of the world health organisation.

Which was obviously open to economic than inflation by the financially of rates aren't drug companies.

As the Guardian has noted, Covid19 was just the regular seasonal flu for 2019.  Replaced automatically by Covid20 1st of October, 2020.  It is an automatic rename process that happens every year.

It takes six months to freeze a vaccination, this own enters A2 year drug licensing regime.  Though fast changing viral lines like care of it flu, the vaccination is obsolete in counter productive within six months of starting drug testing.

So never a licensed legal human medicine.  Financially corrupt doctors started giving out the Covid19 vaccination from January 2021.  When he was spectacularly obsolete and counterproductive.

Actually worsening the seasonal flu for unfortunate people who paid their Dr. 150 UK pounds for the unlicensed vaccination.  Which did not save one life!  Him from we increase the seasonal flu death rate from 3.5%.  Below the 5% required to be declared a pandemic.

So by medical definition care of it or not a pandemic.  The pandemic alert was issued for a totally different extinct Bio chemically altered virus, that died out within Wuhan Province China.  Never elsewhere in the world!

Tragically vaccinations kill one in 200 healthy an innocent people.  3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations pointless aily given!  Every prescribing Dr. Struck off the medical register the same day.  For ever remove them cells from legal medical activity.

One on my professor friends the military to the cancer productive effect of the obsolete vaccination.  And remember the care of it vaccination never licensed any way!  Never a legal human drug.

Every vaccinating Dr. Struck off the same day without legal challenge.  All medical activity since their first Covid vaccination illegal and an insured.

The medically accepted death rate from the obsolete an unlicensed care of it vaccination, was 17 million healthy patient deaths.  The biggest deliberate medical killing in history.

The total legal fine 170 trillion.  In excess of the worth of the planet.  And every vaccinating Dr. Struck off at their own hand without legal argument.

And the drug company is are still pushing for more Covid19 vaccinations.  Even though we're on the year of Covid23 = becoming Covid24 1st of October, 2024.

And obsolete vaccinations actually worsen the patient experience from the new infection strain.  Making the regular flu worse and more fatal!  Each additional flu death warranting a legal fine of 10 million.

Patients who had the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination, and then went on to die from the regular flu, when all probability medically murdered!  And have an open and shut call case at the crown court.  For 10,000,000 UK pounds.  The involved Dr. and nurses all struck off without legal argument!

The NAZI Gas chambers kills six million gas.  The Covid19 vaccination intentionally resulted in the deaths of 17,000,000 healthy patients around the world.  The most fatal medicine in recorded history.  Invoking the automatic legal fine of 170 billion.

If your rises died last year of care of it vaccination, you're entitled to a payment of 10 million.


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