Covid24... cured

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre in hospital chain in America are published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear the inflated cell structure common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

We'd be dead

Foreign cell types can only replicate in the body, if I have an inflated cell nature to induce a single cell type replication: all for infective bacteria trick the B cells of the immune system into copying they genome and giving it a minimal cell wall.

So bacterial infections are parasitic on the human immune system.  The presence of even a fungal antibiotic, stops this cell copying.  And stimulates secretion of the active human antibody to draed the targets the foreign bacterial cell type.

Applying fungal antibiotics is defective medicine!  Over the aeons bacteria have found ways to circumvent fungal antibiotics.  Usually by making dummy receptors to suck the antibiotics S to the bloodstream.

The 2002 it is so much better!  ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.



£3.32 - 4.38/ Piece
  • 1Review

It works for all types and strains of infection!  Care of it is a medical name for the regular seasonal flu that tracks winter around the globe every year.  Given a new number every 1st of October, reflecting that year's winter!

So Covid19 only existed from a year from the 1st of October, 2019.  But it took six months to develop any vaccination.  Which then had to enter a two year drug licensing regime, before he became licensed legal human medicine.

So only six months into the drug licensing scheme, the vaccination is obsolete - an incredibly enough medics have found the obsolete vaccinations actually worsen the severity from the new infection strain.

The Covid19 vaccination was never licensed legal medicine!  Any GP giving just one Covid19 vaccination was required the same day to strike themselves off the medical register for ever.

Losing all medical wages and any future pension.  The assisting nurses and pharmacists, plus the manufacturing biochemical drug company also struck off their respective medical registers.

All totally remove from legal medicine for ever.  All other biochemical drug patents the drug company once possessed, void and worthless!  So since 2002 Astra Zeneca totally struck off.

Its share price set to zero 2002, he could no longer make wages every month.  The most bankrupt corporation in economic history.  3.5 billion Covid19 vaccination unlicensed an obsolete.  The counter productive vaccinations given!

The same argument applies to all Covid vaccinations!  Today he the most recent vaccination which could have been licensed will be for Covid21.  But as he is obsolete, counter productive.

Making the regular seasonal flu more severe and fatal!  The though I use to kill 3.5% of infected people - below the medical definition are pandemic, killing in excess of five per cent of infected people.

Two reiterate no care of it vaccination ever legal!  The Covid23 vaccination obsolete on the 1st of October, 2024.  When will it would be only six months into a legally required two year drug licensing regime.

Actually making it the seasonal flu for 2024, medical name Covid24 worse and more fatal.

Vaccinations kill one in 200 of healthy people vaccinated.  So the 3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations given to the global population, intentionally killed 17 million of them.  Totally ineffective and counterproductive on Covid20.

Each Covid vaccination death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  Striking off the Dr., Nurses, pharmacists and manufacturing biochemical drug company.

The Dr. receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison for each deliberate vaccination murder.  All medical students are taught on the first year of a five year medical degree, as a vaccination to care of it flu and the common cold not possible!

The vaccination obsolete and counterproductive only six months into drug testing.

Each Covid vaccination murder warranting the same legal fine of 10 million.  Total global fine 170 trillion.  In excess of the worth of the planet!  And a every vaccinating Dr. Struck off without legal appeal.

Structural all subsequent medical wages and never entitled to any pension.  And cause receiving 1/4 century in jail for each vaccination death.  Without doubt the Covid19 vaccination the worst medicine in recorded history.

Six million induce people died in the holocaust of the Second World War, caused by sarin gas.  The pointless an anti productive vaccination in 2021, killed 17 million healthy an innocent individuals.  The vaccination counterproductive a ander obsolete!

The biggest deliberate mass killing in history.  Surely the headliner every global newspaper!  Yet not one has mentioned it.  Every vaccinating Dr. Struck off with a fine of 10 million for every intentional vaccination death.

And every Dr. Knew the vaccination was obsolete and counter productive.  And every registered Dr. On earth has pledged to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register, the first day they knowingly applied defective medicine.

The care of it vaccination is both unlicensed, the obsolete in counter productive.  The so every vaccinating Dr. Required to strike themselves off, and cease medical practice for ever!

Backdated to 2021.  When there are some unknown reason, doctors started giving the obsolete unlicensed and counterproductive medical intervention.  For their own naked profit!

Intentionally killing 17 million people around the world.  One in 200 of those vaccinated!  In the UK this mass medical murder for 45 thousand healthy an innocent people.

The most shameless medical mass murderer in history.  And today the drug companies are still going on about the obsolete in counter productive Covid19 vaccination.  Which is over four years obsolete!

Having no positive effect on Covid23.  Having a negative effect on the severity of the seasonal flu for all time!  One on my medical professor friends E mailed me to tell me that an obsolete vaccination was counterproductive: something I did not know.

So for five UK pounds you can buy the 8 W ultrasound massage device from the Internet, and was on an E bay are good sources, which will clear all viral and bacterial infections.

Irrespective of type or strain!  The same device will clear all cancers by 1 minute of external ultrasound to where it hurts.  But doctors and on record 2020 to stay in the cancers had stopped forming.

Cancer drugs intentionally kill the patient within two to 10 years.  A massively expensive and or agonising death!  1 minute of 8 W ultrasound clearing all 200 cancers out there.

Any Dr. Prescribing cancer medication since 2002, the struck off without legal argument!  For apply defective and fatal medicine four their own naked profit.  Producing a predictable patient death!  The most psychopathic murderous bastards doctors in history.


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