curing hospital acquired infections

Infections all cured

These infections are the most troublesome to clear!  As they are resistant automatically two biochemical drugs!  Locally since 2002 medicine has known how to cure all infections and cancers.

The Moffitt cancer centre 2002 found that a single application of for the termed high intensity ultrasound, it cleared all cancers and the inflated structures common with a viral and bacterial infections.

This will work even within 18th of a young patient: I apply the ultrasound for 1 minute to where the cancer hurts, stopping the ultrasound as the patient reports warming.

To clear all infections apply for ½ minute each side of her patient's chest, again stopping the ultrasound, as the patient reports warming.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray HIUS= e.g.  8 W three or 1 MHz ultrasound.


£3.3 - 4.35/ Piece
  • 1Review

Every Dr. Bought and validated an 8 W three MHZ unit 2002.  Clearing all cancers and infections.  Any Dr. Prescribing cancer or infection medication including vaccinations since, the struck off the same day!  And for ever excluded from legal medical practice.

There prescriptions invalid and illegal.  No registered pharmacist should ever have filled their drug orders.

Higher up nurses take the doctors Hippocratic oath, as do all biochemical drug companies.  Required to personally validate that  HIUS was a 1 minute single application total cancer cure.

For earlier ½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  So all infection medication including vaccinations became defective!  Vaccinations killing one in 200 of the healthy people we vaccinate.

A totally purposeless death!  As a have a sure shift genome many a vaccination as saying counterproductive sometimes within a year!  No vaccination to care of it all the common cold could ever be legal licensed human medicine.

Any Dr. Giving just one Covid vaccination the struck off without legal argument!  There are for ever excluded from legal medical practice.  Having to return or medical fees to their subsequent patients.

With an additional 10 million UK pounds for every patient so callously an needlessly medicated to death.

Or hospital infections share the foreign inflated cell type with all cancers.  So ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound applied to each side the chest will clear all infections.  Including those contracted in hospital.

Every patient who is died as a result or hospital all infections since 2002, once the usual legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  The involved Dr.s, nurses, pharmacists and drug company is all struck off without legal argument.

Which means there all hospital acquired infections can be totally cured in 1 minute.  Using the 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit costing under five UK pounds!  And every nurse is trained to use it.  Doctors are irrelevant!  Intentionally murderous defective professionals.


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