no Covid pandemic

Covid never a pendemic My medical definition pandemics can only be declared by the quango and the World Health Organisation. Must be a worldwide epidemic, they kills in excess of five per cent of infected people. And has no known cure! 2002 and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections. But doctors and drug company is have ban but the Hippocratic oath, says they have to validate then use medical advances. They are not allowed to declare ignorance of medical advances! As they have pledged remove them cells instantly from medical practice, if they are ignorant of, or general apply best medicine. So a biochemical cancer cures all became defective and criminal medicine from 2002. So no drug company was any more allowed to make and sell cancer drugs. Or they were ejected from legal medical activity! And lost all other biochemi...