All diabetes cured
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Cancers cured 2002 |
And medicine does not allow treatments to already cured diseases. And I cured diabetes 2013. And every registered Dr. On earth has promised by aware off, validated and then use best new medicine.
So the prescription of insane or metformin became criminal medicine 2013. And there is no legal argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath. All biochemical drug company is voluntarily signed. So they were prohibited from manufacture and sale or insane or metformin from 2013.
Ignorance of new medicine strikes off the Dr. or drug company! So no diabetic drug manufacture is any more legal. Any drug company struck to all its other biochemical drug patents, and ejected from medicine. Without legal argument!
2013 as walking around with an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit - that emitted the High Intensity UltraSound that have been medically validated to clear all cancer cells in 1 minute. Making the prescription of cancer drugs from 2002 also are criminal and defective medicine.
This struck off the drug company like Astra Zeneca Air who continued with cancer drug manufacture, as they are validated the Moffitt cancer centre paper 2002, at one session of HIUS clear all cancers. Like 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound.
My mother's degree instantly that drug companies use or powerful ultrasound devices. They used 8 W q MHZ. Source at the higher frequency! The same power level. It does issu stop the ultrasound as the patient reports warming. Maybe in as little as 20 seconds!
So at 2012 my contact in New York used ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to the chest to clear his HIV AIDs. We shared our work freely on the Internet, and there disease vanished - as doctors have a the Hippocratic oath. And cured AIDs.
But somewhere around the world doctors are still be prescribing the defective and criminal AIDs treatments. Strike in themselves off the doctors' medical register. And losing Health Insurance.
Initially I tried turns seconds on my diabetic friends pancreas - the lower right of the chest. This Catnot three day remission from diabetes type two. There is being a gave him 30 sections, and he ever had diabetes again!
So that is how to cure type two diabetes. ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the lower right of the chest. Are using the doctor's 8 W 3 MHZ unit, even quicker!
Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager Ion cosmetic lead-in instrument
- 1Review
The device I use is a medically licensed home beauty device. Required no or hospital intervention or Dr. actions. And deftly no drug prescription!
So doctors all promised to use best medicine. But the drug companies have packed air to the national registers, with practicing doctors. Who were never enforce the Hippocratic oath. So each prescribing Dr. the biggest mass murdering bastards ever. And are obviously not a Dr.!
And 2012 and other medics published ½ minute of HIUS. To the seller to the chest the kidneys to clear all heart disease. I had suggested ½ minute to the top left to the chest to clear some heart disease 2008. I did not know about defective coronary heart disease.
Which leaves us with diabetes! Killing horribly since the 1950s. Diabetic medication inducing patient death within a decade from diabetic complications. Which of late have crashed!
As fission support and use their own ultrasound device: medics are not allowed to medicate the well! Normal blood sugar levels. No metformin or insane prescription even legal. To do so was struck off the Dr. and drug company again.
So the drug company is are in a absolute panic, trying to say they had devised suddenly knew better diabetic treatments. But diabetes is cured with a single application of JIUS.
No drug prescription or Dr. Involvement even legal! And the ultrasound device can be purchased for under five UK pounds today. ½ minute of ultrasound to the top left to the chest the kidneys clears heart disease.
The same device will cure all cancers in 1 minute. All 200 types! the same ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections: which share the same non native cell structure of cancers.
What is happening here is that the HIUS causes water molecules in the pressurise cell, to end up as helium and oxygen gases, the massive heat.
The foreign cell type boils and ruptures! Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear that dangerous cell type throughout the body.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→Je+O+E²+X-ray
Biochemist argue they don't understand this simple first year undergraduate physics. And use a look at the Hippocratic oath so freely swore, this does not matter!
It clears all the diseases of age. How it works is of no importance. It does make biochemical research into the diseases of age, unethical and illegal.
And the drug world is facing the vanishing or diabetes from the world. I have written my papers from my hair us and salford quays, and they have travelled around the world!
My American contacts have confirmed the diabetes type one cure. Which I have personally validated 2016 in salford. We or somebody you caught diabetes in America.
So the drug companies arguing that diabetes is incurable. Not since 2002! It responds to the published cure to all cancer and viruses.
Next or drug companies agony surely could not cure viral and bacterial infections, even though they have personally confirmed it did their! Infection share the same non native inflated cell structure of cancers.
So yes HIUS clears all infections including Covid and the common cold. And the world there is a big debt of thanks to Sheffield University, where I devised this work!
Though for last 20 years they have tried to stop me telling the world. So all diabetes cured. Without drugs. No diabetic complications inducing death. The best diabetes medicine.
And very nearly free! Also cures cancers, heart disease, and 2013 I confirmed ½ minute of HIUS to each side ahead to clear the inflated viral structure causing dementia or.
I have personally cured MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia. And medicine prohibits research into alternative treatments or cures for cured diseases. So no biochemical research into dementia legal for nine years.
Are the research or remove from legal medicine. Losing Health Insurance, there are no longer registered to work in medicine.
You may have netted from my chemical equation, we are converting the water into helium and oxygen gases. This is molecular nuclear fusion. My PH D selected area at Sheffield. Who have never seen fit to award me the PH DI deserved!
To other medics to continue to prescribe the defective and criminal biochemical treatments.
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