no Covid pandemic
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Covid never a pendemic |
My medical definition pandemics can only be declared by the quango and the World Health Organisation.
Must be a worldwide epidemic, they kills in excess of five per cent of infected people. And has no known cure!
2002 and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections. But doctors and drug company is have ban but the Hippocratic oath, says they have to validate then use medical advances.
They are not allowed to declare ignorance of medical advances! As they have pledged remove them cells instantly from medical practice, if they are ignorant of, or general apply best medicine.
So a biochemical cancer cures all became defective and criminal medicine from 2002. So no drug company was any more allowed to make and sell cancer drugs. Or they were ejected from legal medical activity! And lost all other biochemical drug patients.
After Zeneca carried on irregardless! Medicating cancer patients to a two year agonising expensive an unnecessary death. The Hippocratic oath demands they be structural all other biochemical drug patents.
Biochemical research is all registered doctors. So were prohibited from biochemical cancer and disease research from 2002. The HIUS sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion.
My thanks to professor Z for his ideas on molecular nuclear fusion. Though am I wrote my first paper on the subject 2001, my PH D was yanked from under my feet!
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
This is what medics have used ultrasound scans at 5 W 40 kHz, to detect cancers since the 1950s. There pressurise cells emit X rays in response to the ultrasound. The regular more placid body cells do not do 1.
This is best medicine to detect cancers. So medicine does not permit alternative biochemical methods of detecting cancers. Alternative cures are not medically permitted!
So from 2002 Astra Zeneca should have been stripped of 80% of its income. Yet since then an estimated 200 million global citizens, have been medicated to an agonising death using cancer drugs.
Each and every cancer drug prescriptions since 2002 striking off the Dr. and drug company. 200 million deaths, invokes a legal fine of 2000 trillion! The world is only worth 138 trillion.
In 2018 a biochemical form of Covid18 escaped from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China. Almost before the epidemic began, IA medical quarantine around Wuhan was established.
In contravention to Chinese human rights. As Covid has been the regular flu since 1934. So never subjected to a pandemic warning. Killing of 3.5% since 1934. With Covid34.
So the regular seasonal flu it was by definition never a pandemic, and from December 2019 I reminded the Chinese president to apply HIUS for ½ minute each side of a Corona patient's chest.
As viruses like cancers must have and overinflated nature to induce infected cell replication. Body cells bud off DNA intact stem cells and never replicate.
So by February 2020 Corona was extinct even within Wuhan: never in Europe or elsewhere in the world. The virus was extinct. And extinct virus is do not evolved and spread. They do not exist anymore!
Almost instantly the drug company is proclaimed that Covid19, the next year's regular seasonal flu, was a type of Corona virus - that only fleetingly existed within Wuhan Province China.
And then became extinct! So Covid19 was never a subject of a pandemic alert. The World Health Organisation retracted its pandemic alert for Corona virus. As it was now extinct!
And the courts Covid19 November 2019. One month after by naming convention we would no longer on Covid18. I applied ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side of my chest, had a 2 hour nap - and got up healthy club world. Covid of all strains is that simple to cure.
India and Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20, obviously in 2020. Which proved to totally resistant to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination. Medical vaccinations take two years to licence, but Covid flu and the common cold for our new versions every six months.
Which is why medicine prohibits a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold. Covid is just the medical name for the regular seasonal influence or virus. A new version every year!
People should all own an ultrasound massage device of the right specification. As ½ minute of HIUS was medically published as a total cure to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections 2002. Bacteria require the same non native inflated cell structure, that cancers and viruses used to induce infected cell replication.
So ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest will cure every viral and bacterial infection which are ever exist. My contact in New York used it to cure AIDs 2012. An idea that the world shed and there disease vanished.
Lower power theological doctors were still prescribing the defective and criminal AIDs treatments and till 2018: the doctors Hippocratic oath demands they be struck off you should 2002.
All subsequent medical practice illegal and an insured. Or there prescriptions invalid. Their unfortunate patients on next of kin get return or medical fees charged to them since 2002.
And the party logical individuals stands criminal trial for multiple counts of first degree medical murder. Any patient medicated to death in last 20 years! Was medically murdered.
We are now on Covid21, cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side of the chest. A 1 minute total cure to all influenza strains. The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and never licensed. Always illegal medicine!
Just one Covid vaccination striking off the involved Dr. and drug company. No legal argument! Basic contravention of the individual is human rights. Doctors are not allowed to vaccinate their patients to death for their own personal profit and amusement.
And the Covid19 vaccination was never medically licensed. October 1, 2022, will be on Covid22. Already totally cured using the standard ½ minute of HIUS to the chest.
The idea which will clear all viral and bacterial infections. Including the common cold and measles. 1 minute of HIUS to any cancer externally to the body, clears all 200 cancers out there.
½ minute of HIUS to the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections which will ever exist. Medical vaccinations kill one individual in 200. But medicine prohibits any research into alternative disease treatments or cures.
And all infections were cured 2002 by the Moffitt cancer centre using 1 minute of HIUS. The technique that cures all 200 types of human cancer. Making biochemical drugs for cancer research and criminal medicine.
No biochemical research into cancer or infection cure is medically legal. In direct contravention to the individual's human rights.
And the human rights lawyers have legal supremacy to the National Medical regulators - packed out by the drug companies by serving doctors. Who were never going to prohibit their main income source!
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