Covid was cured

Covid came un 1934 - now cured

No vaccination even legal!  It is a science fact that vaccinations kill one person in 200.  So you are prohibited from vaccinating for already cured disease.

For worse still Covid19 has ceased to exist and the medical definition, by the time drug company is started paying doctors to vaccinate people against Covid19!  October 1, 2020 and we were on Covid20.

The regular influenza for 2020.  Medicine had declared in 1934, but no Covid could ever be vaccinated four!  That was the year of Covid34.  Every year the Covid number increases on October 1.

In 2034 we'll have to be on Covid034!  To a void, fusion.  So the Covid19 vaccination was only six months into a two year drug licensing program, then spurious and unlicensed medicine!  Never licensed.

Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20.  India cured 77,000 cases of Covid20 using the medically published High Intensity UltraSound: the published cure to all cancers plus viruses and bacterial infect

All foreign cell types require a pressurise nature to induce cell replication.  Body cells bud off DNA intact stem cells.  They never replicate!  But all foreign cells divide in a single cell fashion.

If we apply e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound for 1 minute to any cancer, the cancer cells boil and rupture!  Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the specific human antibody, to clear that dangerous exploding cell type from the body.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So the ultrasound turns regular water into helium and oxygen gas.  With emission of massive heat and X rays.  Incredibly enough we are doing nuclear fusion.  From the compound of hydrogen at body temperature and very moderate pressure.

And this will clear every cancer that ever exist!  As all future cancer strains or require a non native pressurise cell structure to induce cell replication.

The Moffitt Paper 2002 also referred to clearance of viral cell types.  They are also are boil in response to HIUS.

So ½ minute of ultrasound to each side the chest, will clear all infective cell types.  Chinese medics used it from December 2019, to clear Corona virus in Wuhan Province China.  The virus never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine.  Not even in other Chinese Provinces!  Certainly never in Europe or the U.S..

There was apparently a Bio chemically enhanced form of Covid18.  Allying the escape of a Bio chemically altered pathogen is criminal!  And killed five million Chinese people.

An issue by simple to trace of biochemist who August rated the release!  They it out of 10,000,000 UK pounds for each of the five million people killed.  That is 50 trillion!

I use it to clear my own Covid19 November 2019: only one month after its superseded Covid18.  I had a 2 hour nap.  With an got up health but bored.  And no so I got or Dr. or go any drugs!  It was just the regular flu.

And now we're on the year of Covid21, until October 1 of all be on Covid 22.  Amateur the first 2022.

That will automatically be cleared by ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  There medical science it even cleared AIDs for a personal contact in New York.  The most pernicious viral infection in history cured in 1 minute!  Using a medically licensed beauty device.

And this will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  The world was again in board of Covid, so medical or tried to move on to monkeypox.  Which use a non fatal viral infection.  Like cowpox.  Which use to 40 years of protection from other strains of the fox virus.

Cowpox eradicated smallpox from the world.  Smallpox was a fatal viral condition!  Nobody is died from monkeypox.  When the drug companies realised in horror that is a non fatal virus, they shut the hell up.

They will be back with a bacterial epidemic!  But bacterial infections like viral infections, share the non native inflated cell structure.  So ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all bacterial infections as well.

The world has got bored of Covid!  Ever has concluded issues as fatal as the regular flu.  Which kills 3.5% of infected people.  Since 1934!  But since the Moffitt Paper 2002 when he and ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all Covid strains.

The Covid vaccination was always fatal and unlicensed medication!  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.  Which is really tragic.  As you can buy a HIUS for under five UK pounds and it will clear all viral and bacterial infections.

Without any patient death!  A vaccination kills one person in 200.  If the infection is extinct the vaccination is illegal!  The doctors struck off without legal argument.  10 million UK pounds for every death.

20,000 UK pounds to surviving vaccination victims.  So Covid19 has not existed since September 31, 2020.

The drug companies are still pushing as a major killer!  By medical definition it does not exist anymore.  Medicine dictates that we have a new Covid version every 1st of October.

And the vaccination would take 2 1/2 years to produce an licence.  Totally useless against Covid flu and the common cold.

The common cold is also cured by ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  Which makes the inflated cells boil and rupture.

The patient's own immune system to secrete and actions the specific active antibody, to clear that infected cell type from the body.  It cures all viral and bacterial infections.

As well as all cancers!  So the cancer cure was published 20 years ago.  Making cancer drug prescription criminal medicine.

Striking off the prescribing Dr. without legal argument!  This and criminal trial for mass four counts of first degree medical homicide.

So are health give is turned murderers for money and amusement!  If your GP care that just one Covid vaccination, they will require that day to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register.

They lost Health Insurance.  And were the most criminal medics ever!


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