Covid vaccination never legal
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Covid vaccination medical murder |
In 200023 medical professors from the world renown Moffitt cancer centre, I applied one session of High Intensity UltraSound - and found it to be a total cure of all cancer and viruses.
So it eradicated Corona virus within the Wuhan quarantine in China by February 2020. It was apparently a Bio chemically enhanced version of Covid18, that escaped from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan.
Covid19 was the next year's regular influenza viral strain, that circulated around the whole world. Extinct virus is do not evolved and spread! They are gone.
The Covid19 viral strain was the medical designation from every Covid Micro strain from 1 October, 2019 for a year. By the 1st of October, 2020 we're on Covid20.
For which reason Medical Centers always prohibited any registered Dr. Working on are applying any Covid vaccination. As a vaccination would be obsolete and useless only 1/4 way through drug testing.
So the Covid19 vaccination was never medically licensed. Tragically killing in excess of one in 200 people vaccinated. For no possible medical gain!
As the Covid19 virus no longer existed from the 1st of October, 2020. So no registered Dr. Was allowed to apply the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination. As it would intentionally kill one in 200.
In the UK 2.5 million Covid19 vaccinations illegally given. And medicine will protect the 45,000 people had died as a direct consequence! So every Covid vaccination prescribing Dr. Struck off without legal argument.
As are the involved drug company like Astra Zeneca, the Pfizer are Johnson & Johnson. But Astra Zeneca Air continued with the illegal manufacture and sale of cancer drugs after 2002, when they confirmed that HIUS clear all 200 types of cancer out there.
The Hippocratic oath dictates they lost all other biochemical drug patents. So the drugs sold by Astra Zeneca were out of patent 20 years ago! And not legal medical prescriptions.
Patients are are entitled to return of all medical fees for the illegal medicines! And the prescribing doctors struck off without any legal argument. Struck off doctors receive neither wages and of pension. So any Dr. Prescribing cancer drugs from 2002, cease to be a registered legal Dr. 20 years ago.
All their prescriptions are medical activity illegal and an insured,
The assisting nurses and pharmacists all struck off as well. And the pharmacist have been up in arms as cancer drugs ceased to be legal medicine 2002. Andd they lost 90% of the income.
So every pharmacist at Boots the chemist or Lloyds struck off. And or there pharmacy counter as in the country close down. As without legal registered pharmacists they cannot operate.
Pfizer has lost all its other drug patents. Including that for Viagra. Which was developed as a side affective and and ran the drug, was to give them an an erection.
So Johnson & Johnson also are struck off. All of their medical activity illegal.
Just one application of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, will clear the inflated cell structure common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.
½ minute each side ahead will clear the inflated viral structure causing dementia. MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia cured. As is depression! Without any eight medication.
The drug company is have been desperately scratching around in the last 20 years, trying to find another reason to exist.
2012 and medics published the use of ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the back of the kidneys, to totally clear heart disease. This work through coronary heart disease and other heart problems. Like Angina.
The same year my personal contact in New York verified that ½ minute of HIUS cleared HIV AIDs. Which share the idea freely on the Internet and there disease vanished. Though suppose the doctors were still prescribing the defective AIDs treatments and till 2018.
He each and every one struck off at their own hand, and remove from medicine totally. Returning or medical fees to their unfortunate patients on next of kin.
The usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections in one session. Making the prescription of viral or bacterial medication from 2002 criminal medical malpractice. Striking off the Dr. and drug company again.
I reiterate that the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head clears all dementia. So no registered Dr. Is allowed even to research biochemical treatments and dementia. As all dementia is cured.
So each biochemical prescribing Dr. from 2002 struck off and remove them cells totally from legal medical activity.
And every nurse that assisted with cancer or infection medication in last 20 years, also struck off. Along with their hospitals and health centre.
Through drug company is now want parents to drive their children over to the GP, to begin a vaccination to Covid19. For no medical reason! There vaccination was never licensed before being obsolete 1 October, 2020 and was never legal medicine for adults or children.
It is a repeat of the MMR scandal. Where fans were S to drive a during over to be given a vaccination would kill one in 200. For no possible medical advantage. We on the year of Covid21, and the of automatically becomes Covid22 1 October, 2022.
They can never be a legal registered vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold. As those viral family is massively out strips medicines ability to produce illegal vaccination.
We are talking four micro strains a year and the vaccination would take two years to complete! But be obsolete within three months. Half the time it takes two produced a vaccination!
Any Dr. Working on the Covid19 vaccination was struck off 2019 and remove them cells totally from legal medical activity. They are the most pathological and unrepentant murderers in history.
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