Covid19 vaccination never licensed

covid vaccination useless but fatal

Covid years the medical name for the regular human influenza.  Which started in 1934 with Covid34 - the number is just last two digits of that year's winter.

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear the pressurise cells common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, clears all 200 types of human cancer.  No cancer drugs have been criminal for last 20 years.  Just one or cancer drug prescription, the Dr., Drug company plus assisting nurses and pharmacists all struck a off.  Remove them cells totally from legal medical activity!

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Drug company is responded by saying they could no vaccinate against him the regular flu; even know that the vaccination was specifically medically prohibited!  No Dr. Allowed to research are applying a Covid vaccination.  Without again being struck off!

The Covid 19 vaccination was only six months into a two year drug licensing program, when obsolete!  We will automatically on Covid20.

India and Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20.  Chinese medics had eradicated Corona virus from Wuhan Province China, by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side of patients chest.  The last 44,000 cases of Corona on earth where eradicated.

Covid 19 was the regular seasonal flu that circulated the world.  And so was obviously not a development of Corona virus.  It would appear Corona was a development of Covid18 that mysteriously escaped from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China.

India cured 77,000 cases of Covid20.  Using the standard published ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  No medical science which clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Without any Dr. or drugs intervention.  It was first infective disease medicine.

Every registered Dr. Already owned an 8 W 3 MHZ unit, which was proven to clear all 200 types of human cancer in under 1 minute.  It will also clear all viral and bacterial infections.

Stop the ultrasound as the patient reports warming!  Maybe after only 10 seconds.  Certainly befpre 30 seconds is up.

So Covid 19 was never medically licensed: which is why American medicine stopped doctors giving the obsolete an unlicensed medication a couple years ago air.  No registered Dr. Is allowed to apply he just one days of obsolete an unlicensed medication.

So all cancers out there cured in 1 minute.  By people using their own device at home!  No Dr. or drugs involved.  80% of Dr. and drug income gone.

HIUS medicines desperation to go and other drug based medical treatment.  But medicine prohibits giving a vaccination to already cured condition.

As a vaccination kills one person in 200!  HIUS cures 100% of people without fatality.  So no registered Dr. Ever allowed to give a Covid19 vaccination.  Or struck off the same day leaving medicine for ever.

A fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, for every patient so callously vaccinated to death.  Buy a an obsolete and useless vaccination!  The doctors must return all those charged for use as vaccinations.

As a leave Medical Service for ever - backdated to 2002.  Repaying or medical fees charged to their unfortunate patients on next of key and ever scenes.

Each surviving Covid vaccination victim, get a payout of 20,000 UK pounds for each potentially a homicidal vaccination.

And now the world is on Covid21.  Mental the 1st of October, 2022.  Them by medical definition will be on Covid22.  There are no residual pockets of Covid19.

It is an internationally agreed medical naming convention.  That determines every Covid virus in the world, is given a new Covid number on the 1st of October.  So was no way a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold was ever legal.

Any Dr. Giving just one Covid vaccination struck off.  Paying the appropriate legal fines!  The UK he came in fines of a an adaptive 450 billion.  Before you factor Ian all the fines for a patient homicides.

And the smiling GP around the world could ever give one Covid vaccination.  Which of the obsolete, medically useless and potentially fatal. 


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