
Showing posts from February, 2022

world is now on Covid22

Covid19 vaccine 2 years obsolete - but still fatal The regular flu and have the name Covid19 from the 1st of October, 2019, and till the 31st of September, 2020: it is an automatic naming convention.  But it takes two years to medically licence any vaccination. So a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold is automatically obsolete, only part way through drug testing!  Corrupt doctors applied the Covid19 unlicensed vaccination during the year of Covid20. They gave a 3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations.  The medically accepted death rate for any vaccination 0.5%.  That it is as they deliberately vaccinated 17 million global citizens to a needless biochemical death, When Covid 19 flu did not exist anymore.  India and Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20 - totally resistant to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination. The outbreaks were ended as I applied a medically licensed High Intensity UltraSound.  This causes the inflated cell structure comm...

Covid vaccination never legal

'the Dr will kill you now!' The Covid flu line star to causing human influenza in 1934 - with Covid 34.  The numbers just our last two digits of the winter of that viral strain.  Covid19 came into existence 1st of October, 2019, and cease to exist September 31, 2020. It takes six months to develop a vaccination.  Then he goes through a two year series of animal and human trials.  So the Covid19 vaccination never even went into human trials, before it was obsolete. And no registered Dr. Is allowed to Kiev an obsolete an unlicensed vaccination.  And the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and never licensed. Drug company is all voluntarily signed the doctors Hippocratic oath.  So are prohibited from manufacture and sale of obsolete an unlicensed medications.  Astra Zeneca Air just packed out there National Medical regulators, with practicing doctors! Who were being asked to prohibit their main income stream.  So that the drug be used! But v...

Cure the Queen

God save our gracious queen In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published 100 patient double blind trial, into High Intensity UltraSound totally clearing the pressurise cells common to cancers plus viral andbacterial infections. So every human animal cancer was an incurable!  E.g. 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to where it hurts clears all cancers.  The prescription of cancer drugs became criminal and defective medical malpractice. Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager Ion cosmetic lead-in instrument £1.71 - 2.03 / Piece 1 Review | 2012 a contact in New York confirmed ½ minute of this HIUS to each side of a person's chest would even clear AIDs!  The most pernicious viral infection in history cured.  Medics have ingots five billion, to research ineffective and pointless Bio chemistry!  The condition totally cleared for under five UK pounds. You can buy a the affective HIUS unit as an ultrasound massage device, over th...

Corona totally cured by February 2020

RIP Corona 22020 I sent the idea of the Moffitt cancer centre, are more applying ½ minute of High Intensity UltraSound to each side of the chest of viral or bacterial patients: this is a medically published total cure to all 200 cancers - 1 minute of HIUS to where it hurts. The Moffitt published a paper on the cure of cancer and viruses.  But bacterial infections share the inflated cell nature, with these foreign cell types! And the HIUS causes inflated cell types to boil and rupture.  Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody, to clear these foreign cell type from the body, 1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray So this induces a missing immune action to clear cancers all viral and bacterial infections totally from the body.  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral cell types or ever exist. 2012 my contact in New York use it to clear AIDs.  But suppose the registered medics were still prescribing the defective and...

All Covid cured

Covid/flu is now CURED NO DRUGS Covid is just the medical name for the regular human influenza.  Causing human death since 1934, with Covid34.  The number is just the winter!  So Covid19 existed for in the 1st of October, 2019, and 31st of September, 2020. So that flu strain was extinct only halfway three drug testing!  So the Covid19 vaccination is obsolete and never licensed.  Never a legal human drug! Tragically any vaccination kills 0.5% of healthy innocent people.  So the Covid19 vaccination scheme to 3.5 billion people around the world, and killed 19 million. The most fatal medicine since Sarin nerve gas was used an NAZI Gas chambers.  Killing 1/4 fatalities from World War II, in just six months!  Any vaccinating Dr. Struck a off the doctors' medical register.  An excluded from medical practice for life. Just one Covid vaccination, the struck off the Dr., assisting nurses and pharmacists and the manufacturing biochemical drug ...

Covid vaccination and cancer drugs useless

Covid vaccination obsolete but still kills The Covid19 strain only existed June 1 of October 2019, and 31st of September, 2020.  I was always intrigued that having a Covid19 vaccination did not air and self isolation. It made absolute sense when you realise we are already on the year of Covid20, and the Covid19 vaccination never useful, and obsolete before licensed. All the Covid 19 boosters were obviously totally useless!  As the vaccinating doctors were aware.  They were taught or since 1934 and Covid34, the Covid flu line just like the common cold, could never be vaccinated for!  It changes too quickly.  So the vaccination obsolete and never licensed. Hepatitis has three versions - A,B,C.  Which all require different medicine.  But a single application of High Intensity UltraSound for 1 minute to just below the rib cage, clears all viral infections at affect the liver. Even clear hepatitis C - but the drug industry is still can't effective...

AIDs and viruses cured 2012 Cancers 2002

flu and cancers cured In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear all cancers and viruses.  The drug industry was incensed!  And financially induced ones registered doctors to still prescribe the now defective cancer cures. Which was criminal medical malpractice!  1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound externally, clears all 200 types of human cancer.  Adjust body size and it will clear all pet and animal cancers as well. Compare with similar Items Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager Ion cosmetic lead-in instrument £1.68 - 1.99 / Piece 1 Review | The unit can be purchased for under five UK pounds over the Internet. But the Moffitt Paper also covered the clearance all viruses - that share the same inflated cell structure to induce cell replication.  Regular body cells are more flaccid and never replicate, they do is get bigger and till eight sense agencies to be active. ...

Cure to the common cold and flu

flu and the common cold CURED 2002 Both are caused by viruses.  And all cancers and viruses are forced to divide in a single cell fashion, foreign to regular body cells.  Which bud off DNA intact stem cells. 2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre discovered that external application of High Intensity UltraSound, was a one session total cure to all cancers and viruses. So 1 minute of external e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, is a one session total cure of all 200 types of human cancer.  Adjusting for animal size, this will clear all animal and pet cancers. Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager Ion cosmetic lead-in instrument £1.68 - 1.99 / Piece 1 Review | Drug company is and doctors lost 80% of the income 2002 and have mall he tried to fabricate other sources of income.  ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys is at one session total cure coronary heart disease. So cancer drugs and ...

Covid vaccination illegal

Covid19 vaccination is Dr murder The present Covid vaccination is for Covid19.  Which might medical definition only existed between the 1st of October, 2019, and 31st of September, 2020.  So the Covid19 virus strain only existed for a year! But any vaccination takes two years to medically licence!  Which is why medicine specifically prohibits research or application of a Covid vaccine.  Automatically obsolete and never licensed! But vaccinations intentionally kill 0.5% of the vaccinated.  Healthy an innocent people executed for financial gain of doctors and drug companies.  Which is why no registered Dr. Is allowed to apply an obsolete an unlicensed vaccination. So the Covid 19 vaccination was never legal medicine!  There is a class action going through poor families who lost a relative, who had died in confinement!  Illegally locked away to run and catching a nonexistent virus. There is no excuse for criminal medicine!  And there i...