Cure to the common cold and flu

flu and the common cold CURED 2002

Both are caused by viruses.  And all cancers and viruses are forced to divide in a single cell fashion, foreign to regular body cells.  Which bud off DNA intact stem cells.

2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre discovered that external application of High Intensity UltraSound, was a one session total cure to all cancers and viruses.

So 1 minute of external e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, is a one session total cure of all 200 types of human cancer.  Adjusting for animal size, this will clear all animal and pet cancers.

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Drug company is and doctors lost 80% of the income 2002 and have mall he tried to fabricate other sources of income.  ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys is at one session total cure coronary heart disease.

So cancer drugs and heart medication became criminal medical procedures 2002 and there prescription striking off both the Dr. and drug company.  Without legal argument.

½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Stopping the development of cancers, heart disease.  Diabetes and dementia.

So this will clear all strains of Covid flu.  Back to Covid34 in 1934.  Covid 19 cease to exist 31st of September, 2020: medical papers invoking Covid19 as if he was a live virus, are medical rubbish written for the drug companies.

We are now on the year of Covid21.  My he all Covid strains it is cleared by a single application of ultrasound to the chest.  Which causes the inflated viral cells to boil and rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

The 100% cure of all Covid strains: there is no Covid variants.  There is a new Covid number and every year on the 1st of October.  So we're on Covid21, but drug company is are still trying to financially induced ones registered doctors, to give the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.

Which did not stop India and Bahrain have had a outbreaks of Covid20 last year.  India cured 77,000 people of Covid20 - the usual ½ minute of HIUS to a Covid patient's chest.

This idea will clear the UK clean of a Covid21 infection - the present human flu, until 1st of October, 2022 and we're on Covid22.  Totally automatic naming convention!

The units cost under five UK pounds, are more stop the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.  The Covid19 vaccination will intentionally kill one person in 200.

For absolutely no medical gain!  As the Covid19 virus is not existed MM the universe for over two years.  After Zeneca Air were required to destroy all stocks of the Covid19 vaccination only halfway three testing.

It was never a legal human drug.  Which is why medicine has prohibited research or application of a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold, since 1934.

When it was realized the drug licensing process, would take twice as long as that Covid flu strain existed.

The drug company is delighted in proclaiming and the regular flu for 2019, a pandemic.  The pandemic virus was Corona virus in Wuhan Province China.  It never penetrated the world health organisation quarantine and, before Chinese medics used HIUS to totally eradicate last 44,000 cases of a virus on earth.

Covid is just the medical name for regular flu!  Boris Johnson is now saying we should treat Covid as if he was flu.  No Boris, Covid is flu and is totally cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side of the chest.


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