All Covid cured

Covid/flu is now CURED NO DRUGS

Covid is just the medical name for the regular human influenza.  Causing human death since 1934, with Covid34.  The number is just the winter!  So Covid19 existed for in the 1st of October, 2019, and 31st of September, 2020.

So that flu strain was extinct only halfway three drug testing!  So the Covid19 vaccination is obsolete and never licensed.  Never a legal human drug!

Tragically any vaccination kills 0.5% of healthy innocent people.  So the Covid19 vaccination scheme to 3.5 billion people around the world, and killed 19 million.

The most fatal medicine since Sarin nerve gas was used an NAZI Gas chambers.  Killing 1/4 fatalities from World War II, in just six months!  Any vaccinating Dr. Struck a off the doctors' medical register.  An excluded from medical practice for life.

Just one Covid vaccination, the struck off the Dr., assisting nurses and pharmacists and the manufacturing biochemical drug company.  All letter medicine totally for the rest of recorded time.

And doctors boast of their ethics!  And are not allowed to give obsolete an unlicensed medicines.  Which the Covid19 vaccination was!

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses at one session.  It will also clear bacterial infections!

All are non native inflated cell structure.  And boil and rupture on external application of HIUS - causing local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear the distinct from a cell type from the body.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

This cleared the SARs outbreak in Asia 2003.  Caused by Covid3.  It cleared eight for my friend in New York, ½ minute each side the chest from 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, at a single session!

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager Ion cosmetic lead-in instrument

£1.71 - 2.03/ Piece

The most pernicious an expensive disease in humanity has ever known, totally cleared in 1 minute.  For under five UK pounds.

A shown medics adopted HIUS in this fashion to clear Corona virus from Wuhan Province China.  Globally extinct by February 2020: never having penetrated the Wuhan quarantine.  Never in the U.S. or Europe!  A Bio chemically altered form of Covid18.

HIUS will clear all viral strains.  Yet all through the year of Covid20 drug companies have frantically trying to sell the Covid19 vaccination.  Indian Bahrain demonstrated that Covid20 he did not respond to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.

Just as medics would suspect!  Every year a new Covid strain.  It takes two years to licence any medical vaccination.  So vaccinations to Covid flu and the common cold, automatically obsolete before licensed!  Which is why medicine specifically prohibits research or application of a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.

There is no legal argument!  Any Covid vaccination is criminal medicine!  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.

Each vaccination warranting a 20,000 UK pound fine, to surviving vaccination victims.  The full 10 million to the next of key and of those patients intentionally vaccinated to death.  With a useless an unlicensed vaccination!  No Covid vaccination ever legal.

And now we're on the year of Covid21.  He will automatically become Covid22 on the 1st of October.  No registered medic has ever tried free using a vaccination even to Covid20 - I reminded the medical world such activity is medically prohibited and prescribed.

So the ultrasound massage device above, will clear all cancers in 1 minute - I apply the ultrasound to where it hurts.  It will clear all viral and bacterial infections - ½ minute each side the chest.

Even the type of infection is immaterial!  It will clear all strains of any viral and bacterial infection.  He can never be outdated!  As it causes the inflated cell types common to all cancers and viruses, to boil and rupture.

The virus changes the RNA at the end of its genome, making biochemical treatments ineffective and useless.  It does not change its single cell division nature!  Which requires the cells of viruses and bacterial infections to have a non native inflated structure.

So HIUS will clear damaged cells and infected cells.  It will not affect regular body cells.  It is a 100 per cent effective total cure to all infective disease.

A biochemical vaccination is defective and criminal medicine!  Specifically a Covid vaccination was only ever be halfway three testing when obsolete.  If you could be produced instantly!

Really vaccination production takes six months.  So the vaccination is obsolete 1/4 of the way through drug testing.  So never a legal human medicine!

And no registered Dr. Is permitted to give obsolete an unlicensed vaccinations.  Or they are required that day to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register.  And cease medical practice.  For a year appropriate damages to the unfortunate vaccination patient.  Up to 10 million UK pounds for a patient vaccination killing.

We live in a time of the cure of all cancers.  1 minute of HIUS externally will cure all 200 types of human cancer.  Drug companies have looked to viral and bacterial infections as a source of income.

But the Moffitt Paper 2002 also mention that HIUS cleared all inflated cell structures - like viral and bacterial infections.  A one session total cure to all viral and bacterial infections.

Antibiotic tolerance is immaterial.


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