Covid vaccination illegal

Covid19 vaccination is Dr murder

The present Covid vaccination is for Covid19.  Which might medical definition only existed between the 1st of October, 2019, and 31st of September, 2020.  So the Covid19 virus strain only existed for a year!

But any vaccination takes two years to medically licence!  Which is why medicine specifically prohibits research or application of a Covid vaccine.  Automatically obsolete and never licensed!

But vaccinations intentionally kill 0.5% of the vaccinated.  Healthy an innocent people executed for financial gain of doctors and drug companies.  Which is why no registered Dr. Is allowed to apply an obsolete an unlicensed vaccination.

So the Covid 19 vaccination was never legal medicine!  There is a class action going through poor families who lost a relative, who had died in confinement!  Illegally locked away to run and catching a nonexistent virus.

There is no excuse for criminal medicine!  And there is no possibility of any body catching Covid19, and the virus was extinct!

India and Bahrain have had outbreaks of Covid20 - totally resistant to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.  India had 77,000 cases of Covid20.  Totally clear by a single application of High Intensity UltraSound - the published cure to all cancer and viruses.  Even clearing HIV aids 2012.

So Boris Johnson is now a end he is although Corona virus restrictions.  A bit late!  Corona virus died out by February 2020 in Wuhan Province India.  Never in England and the confinement restrictions placed on the population there were just illegal.

The drug companies want to reserve the Covid19 vaccinations for three select groups.  Covid19 years extinct!  The Covid19 vaccination is an illegal and criminal medical intervention.  No registered Dr. Could give to any body!

There is absolutely no valid reason and he kills one in 200 of those vaccinated.  For no possible medical gain.  Every registered Dr. Is fully aware that the Covid19 virus for medical definition does not exist anymore and the vaccination is criminal and totally prohibited!

Any Dr. giving one Covid vaccination, the struck off and ejected from medicine for life.  Facing criminal charges if a patient dies.  And a fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.

20,000 UK pounds to each surviving vaccination victim.  Without doubt the most criminal medicine ever devised.  And the manufacturing drug company also struck off and ejected from medicine totally.  Losing all other biochemical drug patents.

And there is no grid they can gain applying being given a policy fatal an obsolete unlicensed vaccination.  It is criminal medicine or strike!  Totally illegal and prohibited.

The article as the group's he can still be given the illegal vaccination, has been deleted.  No doubt there medical lawyers at all the drug company is that no person can be given the illegal vaccination.

Ever Drs chatting to a Dr. from Manchester eye hospital and: where I had I surgery after my car accident.  I told her I used repeat application of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound for a minute to the area affected by the surgery.

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I corrected my eyes quaint years later, the surgery costing 20,000 pounds a throw, no use!  Ultrasound fixed my eyes.  Using a medically licensed home beauty device costing under five UK pounds.


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