Corona totally cured by February 2020

RIP Corona 22020

I sent the idea of the Moffitt cancer centre, are more applying ½ minute of High Intensity UltraSound to each side of the chest of viral or bacterial patients: this is a medically published total cure to all 200 cancers - 1 minute of HIUS to where it hurts.

The Moffitt published a paper on the cure of cancer and viruses.  But bacterial infections share the inflated cell nature, with these foreign cell types!

And the HIUS causes inflated cell types to boil and rupture.  Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody, to clear these foreign cell type from the body,

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So this induces a missing immune action to clear cancers all viral and bacterial infections totally from the body.  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral cell types or ever exist.

2012 my contact in New York use it to clear AIDs.  But suppose the registered medics were still prescribing the defective and criminal cancer treatments, until 2018!  Then he overnight the suddenly stopped.  Apparently the medical academics have: to desist!

HIV AIDs was cured.  From December 2019 Chinese medics applied the medically published HIUS for ½ minute each side the chest of Corona patients.  Unless 44,000 patients got better!  Corona never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine in China.

The drug companies hit back, by saying Covid19 was suddenly a variety of Corona.  The Covid flu line dates back to 1934, we've Covid34.  Covid is given a new number every October 1, and the old version ceases to exist 31st of September!  So Covid 19 ceased September 31, 2020.

So Corona are ours was extinct for every 2020 according to the World Health Organisation.  Who retracted the pandemic alert!  Non was ever issued for Covid flu and.

Medicine works on truth!  Corona virus emerged 2018 - apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covid 18.  No direct relationship with her next year's Covid19.

And I cured my own Covid 19 November, 2019: the standard ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of my chest.  Never bothered to see a Dr.!  100 per cent better after a 2 hour nap - following the ultrasound.

So HIUS cleared the most pernicious viral infection known to man kind, in 1 minute.  Without any Dr. or drugs involvement.  It eradicated Corona virus from Wuhan Province China totally by February 2020.

Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20, irrespective to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination: that was only six months into a two year drug licensing program, when obsolete!  The Covid19 virus no longer existed.

The Covid vaccination intentionally kills one in 200 patients.  For absolutely no medical gain!  Covid19 is ceased 31st of September, 2020.

The medics are no complained the world governments are winding down the Covid 19 locked down measures.  Almost exactly two years since the Covid 19 virus ceased to exist!

The world medics have fed national governments total medical and biological rubbish.  Extinct virus is do not spread and evolve!  The Covid line was actually on to Covid20 - totally resistant to the previous year's unlicensed an obsolete Covid19 vaccination.

So Covid is cured!  Now medics are talking about long Covid!  But if the Covid virus is totally cured in 1 minute, there are no viral fragment left behind to form long Covid!  The regular flu is totally and utterly cured without drugs or Dr. Involvement.

And the doctors wanted another Covid19 vaccination.  Over two years since that virus ceased to exist.  Which would intentionally kill one in 200 patients.  3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations given, where we are already on the year of the next year's Covid20.  So not one life saved!

The vaccination deliberately killed 17 million global citizens.  That is a most horrendous and pathological medical malpractice in history.  Even Astra Zeneca has suddenly gone quiet!

They have lost the vaccination market to Pfizer.  And you may Covid19 vaccination is obsolete and unlicensed.  We're on the year of Covid21.  Which becomes Covid22 the 1st of October, 2022.

Curing the Covid in 1 minute, prevents any possibility of causing long Covid.  And all viral strains are cured by HIUS - just like it cures all cancers.

And cancer is a much harder condition to cure than the regular flu!  Covid is just the medical name for human influenza.  Causing human death at below pandemic levels since 1934.

Now I do some of paper ever totally curable in 1 minute!  Using a home ultrasound massage device, 8 W 1 MHz.  Costing under five UK pounds.  Sold with the medical licence for safe home unsupervised use.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager Ion cosmetic lead-in instrument

£1.71 - 2.03/ Piece

So the door on the Covid vaccination was slammed shut in 1934: any Covid vaccination automatically obsolete under halfway through drug testing.  May be even 1/4!  As it would take six months to develop.

And the next year's Covid is totally unaffected by the obsolete vaccination.  And all the doctors who ever gave one Covid vaccination, the struck off.  Removed totally from medical practice.

A fine of 20,000 UK pounds to each surviving vaccination victim.  10 million UK pounds to and exit key and of patients deliberately and psychopathically vaccinated to death.

Any Covid vaccination is illegal.  Any Dr. advocating or giving it, struck off.  So only no research into a Covid vaccination is either a medically allowed.  Who ever devised the Covid19 vaccinations, the most prolific medical murderers in history!

World governments have wound down the Corona restrictions, in exactly two years after that viral strain cease to exist.  Covid19 an unrelated influenza virus.  No were sufficiently fatal to want a pandemic alert: influenc it kills 3.5% of infected patients, pandemics kill over 5%!

If the black death all smallpox existed today, it will be cleared by ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  Just as that medical idea cured AIDs.  The three medical professors from the Moffitt were awarded the noble prize in 2015.

The 13 year delay, caused by intervention from the drug companies.  I had not realized that the noble prize could be financially manipulated.


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