Covid vaccination and cancer drugs useless

Covid vaccination obsolete but still kills

The Covid19 strain only existed June 1 of October 2019, and 31st of September, 2020.  I was always intrigued that having a Covid19 vaccination did not air and self isolation.

It made absolute sense when you realise we are already on the year of Covid20, and the Covid19 vaccination never useful, and obsolete before licensed.

All the Covid 19 boosters were obviously totally useless!  As the vaccinating doctors were aware.  They were taught or since 1934 and Covid34, the Covid flu line just like the common cold, could never be vaccinated for!  It changes too quickly.  So the vaccination obsolete and never licensed.

Hepatitis has three versions - A,B,C.  Which all require different medicine.  But a single application of High Intensity UltraSound for 1 minute to just below the rib cage, clears all viral infections at affect the liver.

Even clear hepatitis C - but the drug industry is still can't effectively treat.  All flu viruses are will ever exist, are cleared by ½ minute e.g.  8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to each side the chest.  That is effective HIUS.

So doctors are fully aware that the Covid19 vaccination was for a virus that is cease to exist.  And doctors are not allowed to give obsolete an unlicensed vaccinations.  There are six and and 70 billion him five patients for a Covid vaccination, must be returned two patients.

And tragically vaccinations intentionally kill 0.5% of the healthy people we vaccine it.  So the Covid19 obsolete an unlicensed vaccination, was given to 3.5 billion global citizens.  And killed 17 million of them!  Medically executed by an unlicensed and useless vaccination.

So all the vaccination money must be repaid to the patients.  With an additional 10 million UK pounds, to and exit key and of patients deliberately vaccinated to death, with the useless an obsolete vaccination.

All through the year of Covid20 the drug companies are frantically trying to Kiev the unlicensed Covid19 vaccination: the biggest deliberate medical killing in history!  1/4 fatalities from World War II.

Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20 last year.  Totally resistant to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination: giving the obsolete vaccination was gross medical malpractice.

Resetting any Covid vaccination has been medically prohibited since 1934 - any involved Dr. Struck off without question.  No biochemical drug company was ever allowed to make and sell the Covid vaccination.

So India it use the published science of ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  And the last 77,000 cases of Covid20 were cures.  And then the year turns over on the 1st of October!

We are now on Covid21.  And patient's two given the obsolete Covid19 vaccination obviously gained no protection.  Even patient's to got better from Covid20, no protection from Covid21.

Automatically cleared like all viral strains, by ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  You can buy a an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, and it will clear all viral and bacterial infections a group of family members or friends catches.

No Dr. or drugs even legal!  Only a Covid uel turnover on the 1st of October!  Will be on Covid22, I had to correct my mother yesterday, we are still the year of Covid21.

And the drug industry is still focused on Covid19, which is not existed in the universe for over two years.  And again, no registered Dr. Could ever work on any Covid vaccination.

So the Covid19 vaccination was always obsolete and never licensed.  Never a legal human drug!

And every Dr. Already owns a 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound device, clear all cancers in 1 minute or less.  It works for all 200 types of human cancer out there.  Even working for pet and animal cancer - or just the HIUS time for the animal body size.

So children can be cleared of Covid flu and the common cold, and ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest: stop as the patient reports warming!  Ery practice nurse already carries a validated HIUS unit in the nursing back.  Clear all cancers in 1 minute!

½ minute to the top left to the chest the kidneys will clear coronary heart disease.  Making heart medication a criminal prescription!  Totally unnecessary.

Like AIDs treatments, the drug regime is designed to kill the patient needlessly in a decade.  A single application of HIUS will clear all infections and cancers.

1 minute will even clear type one diabetes.  ½ minute clears type two.  I cleared the diabetes for my mother and stepfather.  The result of a previous viral infection!

We can no clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Which stops the formation of cancers, diabetes, heart disease and dementia.

2013 I validated ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side ahead cleared the viral fragment causing MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  All mental health mended, no drugs or Dr. involved.

My friend in New York validated HIUS for ½ minute each side of the chest cleared AIDs in a single session.  So no biochemical research or drug application of for AIDs legal since in 2012.

So supposed to be aware of and use best new medical science.  Or strike themselves off the doctors' register the first day they applied defective medicine.  All cancer drugs have been defective medicine since 2002.

The Moffitt cancer centre paper was published by 3 medical professors.  So validated the next bit by every registered Dr. on earth.  Yet 2022 and still 1.6 million people around the world, are still being illegally medicated to death by cancer drugs.

Every Dr. Has a validated HIUS unit to clear all cancers and infections without any drugs or prescription.

So we're on the second half of the Covid21 year.  And the drug industry is still fixated with the Covid19 vaccination: though that viral strain cease to exist 31st of September, 2020.

All Covid19 vaccination is only given after the virus have been extinct for a year.  So all the vaccination charges are returned to surviving patients.  670 billion from 2020 alone.  Falling to one billion last year.  The vaccination totally useless ever!

And the vaccinating doctors struck off on their first Covid vaccination, and totally excluded from valid medical practice.  Or medicine applied by the struck off Dr., criminal.

All medical fees returned to the unfortunate patients.  By the usual 10 million to and exit key and of patients medicated to death by their struck off Dr..

As far as I know, every energy as Dr. Has given the illegal Covid19 vaccination - with a predictable wind 200 patient fatality rate.  So each and every Dr., plus assisting nurses and pharmacists, and the manufacturing biochemical drug company struck off.  And totally expelled from medicine.

This work was started at Sheffield University 2000.  Medically validated by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002.  Sheffield sought to distance themselves from the idea, as is apparent HIUS cured all cancers.

The biggest medical development in history!  So my work in the department of Engineering Materials.  Half the people alive today, are only because of the application of HIUS to clear the diseases of age.

That is four billion people around the world, only alive because of my ideas!  HIUS over 20 sessions for ½ minute each side ahead, will clear traumatic head injuries are of mine, or strokes.

½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the back of the kidneys, clears raised blood pressure causing all strokes.  So we stop strokes!  And can fix traumatic head injuries.

At home with no Dr. or drugs even involved.  ½ minute each side of the head clears all mental health problems.


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