
Showing posts from February, 2025

No cancer screening required

No cancers now dude Registered doctors part on rich and record 2020 that all global cancers have stopped forming.  This meant that breast cancers have ceased to form. 2020 I learned my mother my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, and he applied it to the heart and lance she had felt in her breasts.  ½ minute each lump. The next appointment at the Christie cancer hospital, they Dr. Fully discharged her from all breast cancer medicine. The Moffitt who proved 2002 the 1 minute of e.g. 8 W three MHZ ultrasound totally cleared all 200 types or cancer from the earth. So cancers ceased from 2020.  And every registered Dr. Had confirmed 2002 that 1 minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound totally cures all cancers there any drug application.  18 years later cancers ceased.  There the doctors Hippocratic N oath had demanded it should have been the next day! On TV today they were still advertising for breast screening.  Breast screening is testing for breast ...

common cold cured

Everything cured @ home 2002 and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer hospital chain, punlished the use a one session of High Intensity UltraSound as a one session total cure to all inflated cell types, which includes cancers plus viral and bacterial infections. Through a suggestion from Dr Z at Sheffield University 2000, I realise that higher power ultrasound at 150 W 40 kHz to clear all inflated cell types.  I the Internet and at Sheffield University, took a 160 Watts cause ultrasound burns to body tissues.  150 W show cause inflated cell types to boil and rupture. Whirl leaving regular more placid body cells totally unaffected - except if they were adjacent to the exploding foreign cell type. 1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E+X-ray HIUS= e.g. 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound. Applied each side the chest for ½ minute, this to clear away the inflated cells common to all viral and bacterial infections. Dr. MatZinger from the NI H forwarded my work two the Moffitt cancer hos...

Curing all infections

Infections died away In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published use of one session of High Intensity UltraSound, to totally clear the foreign inflated cell structure common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections. So from 2002 every registered Dr. On earth acquired an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit.  Through practical experiment I have found that 8 W 1 MHz equally effective.  As is 150 W 40 kHz. £2.04 £3.30 38% off    3+ pieces, extra 2% off +£0.41 estimated tax  Buy 3 pieces get 1% off 3 in 1 EMS Ultrasonic Body Slimming Massager Lipo Fat Burner Infrared Ultrasound Cavitation Machine Weight Loss Tool I use my 150 W ultrasound massage device to clear a breast, little colon and lung cancers 2010.  Freely publishing my work every registered Dr. Had to firstly validate and then use the new medical science. By every registered Dr. Had to confirm the Moffitt Medical Paper 2002, or be automatically struck off and excluded from medicine totally ...

norovirus virus already cured

'Experts' warn of ‘second norovirus wave’ with people catching bug more than once.  Just wrong The norovirus wave died out, as people were already using the published medical cure of all viruses.  Which includes norovirus, flu and the common cold. It shows an answer with the cure to cancers.  2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre published a single application of high intensity ultrasound as a one session total cure to the foreign inflated cell structures common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections. The Moffitt used 8 W three MHZ ultrasound and for Andy use a one session external a cure to all 200 types of cancer.  The prescription of the no defective biochemical cancer treatments used to make up 80% of Dr. and drug company income. So every registered medic on earth had to validate the use of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound applied externally for 1 minute to where it hurts, as a one session cure to all cancers. Hence the d...

Cure shingles totally

Shingles cured 2002 Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), the same virus that causes chickenpox. The virus remains dormant in the body after chickenpox, but can reactivate later in life.  In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre developed the use of High Intensity UltraSound applied externally as a one session cure to all cancers and viruses. 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clearing all cancers as home with no Dr. or drugs interaction.  Predictably the drug company is are horrified! I firstly validated 2010 and that ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Which tend to infect the lungs!  For ease of transmission to other individuals. The cheapest source of the required HIUS is an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit purchased over the Internet. £0.81 £3.29 75% off    3+ pieces, extra 2% off +£0.16 estimated tax  Buy 3 pieces get 1% off 3 in 1 EMS Ultrasonic Body Slimming...

All winter infections cured

Winter bug On entry to medical practice all doctors pledge to Hippocratic oath.  Promising to be aware off, firstly validate and then use best new medical science. 2002 the Moffitt cancer hospital chain in America are published the use of high intensity ultrasound to totally clear the foreign inflated cell structures common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections. People could use this medical science by buying an 8 W 1 or 3 MHZ unit over the Internet for under five UK pounds. Portable Therapeutic Ultrasound Machines | Pain Relief & ... TensMachineUK  › ultrasound-machines Med-Fit Max - Powerful  1 MHz Ultrasound Machine , Med-Fit Pro: Powerful  1 MHz Ultrasound Machine , SKU: ULS600, 14 reviews, from as low as £119.00. £10 to £143  ·  Free delivery over £19.99  ·  28-day returns Missing:  8w  ‎| Show results with:  8w   Usually such devices cheaper.  Do your own search 1 mi...