common cold cured

Everything cured @ home

2002 and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer hospital chain, punlished the use a one session of High Intensity UltraSound as a one session total cure to all inflated cell types, which includes cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

Through a suggestion from Dr Z at Sheffield University 2000, I realise that higher power ultrasound at 150 W 40 kHz to clear all inflated cell types.  I the Internet and at Sheffield University, took a 160 Watts cause ultrasound burns to body tissues.  150 W show cause inflated cell types to boil and rupture.

Whirl leaving regular more placid body cells totally unaffected - except if they were adjacent to the exploding foreign cell type.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E+X-ray HIUS= e.g. 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound.

Applied each side the chest for ½ minute, this to clear away the inflated cells common to all viral and bacterial infections.

Dr. MatZinger from the NI H forwarded my work two the Moffitt cancer hospital chain.  He was awarded the 2015 noble prize for curing all cancers: so every registered Dr. On earth was aware of their work.

Source we only Columbia University boss at the Moffitt library, as the Moffitt went bankrupt - as are the finance is generated by of biochemical drugs, they became economically loss making.

Buying the library from the Moffitt allowed Columbia to try and remove the work on cancer and HIUS from the world.  But I have spent every day since 2010 promoting their work on high intensity ultrasound clearing the inflated structure common to cancer and viruses to the world.

I am funded through a trust fund.  Beyond financial manipulation!

So 2002 and every registered Dr. On earth validated the Moffitt Paper on using 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, to clear all human cancers.

The 8 Watts ultrasound causes inflated cell to experience boiling, and rupturing.  As the ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion within the inflated cell type.

The immune system secrete and actions the active specific antibody to clear that dangerous exploding cell type totally from the body and brain.  Removing 80% of the income of doctors and drug companies.

But doctors, drug companies and high up nurses all take the Hippocratic oath.  The drug companies and a high up nurses are voluntary signatures.  They had drug company is then forced to stop manufacture and sale of any medicine which is becoming defective.

2002 and Moffitt Paper compelled every registered Dr., Drug company and nurses to cease involvement with the now defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer drugs.

The high up nurses are bound by the nightingale pledge, to instruct lower down nurses and pharmacists to stop biochemical cancer drug delivery.  I am being very intentional and precise in my language, as drug companies and doctors or bend over every which way, to treat the defective biochemical cancer drugs as if there were still legal medicine.

There should be no manufacture and sale of the defective biochemical cancer drugs since 2002.  All the manufacturing drug companies, plus assisting pharmacists and nurses all struck off.

Doctors no longer allowed to prescribe the defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer drugs since 2002.  All struck off as a registered Dr., And stripped of their Health Insurance for life.

There medical practice then illegal and prohibited globally.  The doctors receiving a 25 year custodial jail term in high security prison, for each medicated cancer patient death since 2002.

As the European Court of human rights has reminded me, there is no legal challenge to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  Which is lawyers at Sheffield University taught me 1983.

But I have done loads of other careers since.  So no nurse allowed to an minister the defective biochemical cancer drugs since 2002.  Or like the doctors, the struck off and structural medical wage and any future medical pension.

They cancer drug delivery nurses stripped of their nursing registration.  No longer allowed to operate in Health Systems around the world as if they were still registered nurses.  The appropriate fine and jail time a matter for the lawyers.

Certainly within the UK the NHS compelled to strike off every cancer drug delivery nurse and since 2002.  Stripped of her nursing registration, and Health Insurance cover by the royal college of nursing in the UK.

Around the world all cancer drug delivery nurses some the struck off and structural medical wage and future pension.

Surely the most important news health story ever!  The global newspapers and magazines are scared of medicine.  So not the validate the express would carry the story of the defective nature of cancer drugs since 2002.

Every family has lost a relative to the medics defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer drugs since 2002, this EU's are uncontested payout of 10 million UK pounds.

The involved doctors and nurses struck off, structural medical wage and given appropriate jail sentences.

2020 and doctors part on rich and record that all cancers have stopped forming globally.  Just 1 minute of external 8 W ultrasound to where it hurts, clearing all devolved cancers.

2010 I confirmed that ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of a person's head, totally cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  No registered Dr. Then allowed to research biochemical treatments for these cured conditions.

All mental health problems totally cured 15 years ago air.  Any Dr. or academic medic researching biochemistry and dementia, the struck off and totally expelled from legal medicine for ever.  As usual stripped or medical wage and any future pension entitlement.

The involved hospital and drug company also struck off and remove from medicine totally for ever.

2010 and I had confirmed that the ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of the chest also cleared the foreign inflated cell structure common to all viral and bacterial infections.  Cancers are compelled to divide in a single cell way, requiring some viral RNA to move from precancerous cluster is to full growing cancers.

2010 I met a lady Dr. Who had precancerous cells around her cervix.  I was being medicated buy a GP for no great reason.  I learned her my 8 W one MHZ unit, and she vanished into the ladies' toilets.

Coming out 2 minutes later looking a little flashed.  As the next GP a appointment discharged from all the cervical cancer Medical Care.  So my lady Dr. Has share the one session of 8 W ultrasound to where it hurt, clearing all precancerous cluster is in the body.

Source of useful to know!  I validated that 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound cleared breast, little colon and lung cancers.  The Christie cancer hospital fully discharged why the friend from all press cancer Medical Care.

As she no longer had breast cancer!  And freely published my work on the Internet, which had to be red ink per second and by every registered Dr. On earth.  The doctors are constrained from the prescription of the defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer drugs.

All the Dr. legally compelled to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register the first time they prescribed the defective biochemical cancer drugs, after firstly validated my cure paper.

Murder every registered Dr. Already has had validated the Moffitt Paper 2002, and subsequently was prohibited from the prescription of the knowingly defective and fatal biochemical cancer drugs since 2002.

Eight years before my personal cancer cure confirmation.  Here I will give thanks to Dr. Z for giving me the idea from his uncle at Columbia University, ultrasound setting off nuclear fusion in liquid water.

A process that skills exponential he with water pressure.  Hence the practical experiment I found that 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound cause the total clearance of the inflated cells common to all cancers and infections.

There since the Moffitt Paper and I use 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound.  From units which can be purchased for under five UK pounds.

½ minute of this an 8 W ultrasound each side of the chest medically published by the Moffitt 2002, as a one session total cure to the inflated cell structures common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

Hence I have been blocking since 2010 on the cure the common cold.  Which drug company is and doctors also are resistant to!  As a common cold is such a source of economic income.

And the lengthy medicated viral infection these on to the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia or in the new year.  And cancers use to each 80% of the economic income of medicine.

And the it talk until 2020 for global cancers to die out.  Though all cancers totally cleared by 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound applied externally in the doctor's surgery all at home.

Doctors compelled to use best new medicine instantly after they have validated the new medical science.  So far days after the Moffitt Paper 2002.  When biochemical cancer drugs became my defective an intentionally fatal medicine.

Striking off the prescribing Dr., and assisting nurses and pharmacists, plus biochemical manufacturing drug company.

So all those nurses structure nursing registration and colon and Health Insurance.  Ejected at their own hand from legal medicine 2002.  They now face face repaying or the inappropriately paid medical wages back to 2002.

So so the prescribing doctors ejected from medicine at their own hand, their first involvement with the defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer drugs.

The biochemical cancer treatments illegal and for globally prohibited medicine since 2002.  The involved medics struck off and stripped of any subsequent medical pension.

Tragically doctors are even more persuasive than lawyers.  So at all the way around the human rights lawyers.  Who have legal supremacy to the National Medical regulators.

And to force the regulators to strike off any biochemical cancer drug prescribing Dr. Since 2002 without legal challenge.  A fine of 10 million UK pounds for each medicated cancer patient death since 2002.

Since when medics have intentionally and so callously prescribe the knowingly defective biochemical cancer drugs, resulting in the medical deaths of 200 million cancer patients around the world since 2002.

The total legal fine of 2000 trillion.  Massively in excess of the economic worth of the planet.  The lawyers get an uncontested legal cancer case victory.  Given a an contested legal payout of 20 trillion.

Each involved Dr. Nurse and drug company is struck off without legal challenge.  The biggest case of medical malpractice in history.

They usual ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest, clearing all bacterial and viral infections a patient has contracted.  Including all strains of Covid flu and the common cold.

Covid is just being the medical name given to this seasonal flu as it sweeps around the planet.  So flu is Covid, and Covid is flu.

Norovirus has been a viral infection medicine has alcester about for three years.  And as a common cold and Covid are totally cured, they are refocusing their PR work on Norovirus.

And published the usual ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest being the total cure to all viral infections including Norovirus over last couple of years.

Which they feel the buy their own 8 W ultrasound massage unit, I applied each side the chest this will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Leading to the extinction of Norovirus.

So the drug company is are promoting the idea that there is a new type of Norovirus.  Which Wil cause a new wave and factions around the planet.  Norovirus still uses the pathogen base - the enzymes utilised by every viral infection that is ever existed.

So the standard 8 W ultrasound each side the chest totally clearing all Norovirus.  Any minor genetic variation inconsequential and irrelevant.

So the common cold totally cured!  The cure totally ignored by doctors and drug companies cure their own financial self interest.

Which means there with the help of Dr. MatZinger and Z I published the one session total cure of all infections and cancers.  The no professor Z, very anxious to declare it is not a medic, and so unaware of the effectiveness of HIUS.

The use of 8 W ultrasound externally for 1 minute to any cancerous organ, makes some the cancer primary cells boil and rupture.  Making the body see cancers as dangerous.

Then secreting an action NG the active human antibody to clear all cancers and infections from the body.  So the total cure to the common cold.  As not acknowledged by one drug company or Dr. around the earth.

And ½ minute of e.g. 8 W ultrasound each side of her a person's chest, clear all viral infections including Norovirus, and are obviously all strains of the common cold and Covid.


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