Curing all infections

Infections died away

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published use of one session of High Intensity UltraSound, to totally clear the foreign inflated cell structure common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

So from 2002 every registered Dr. On earth acquired an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit.  Through practical experiment I have found that 8 W 1 MHz equally effective.  As is 150 W 40 kHz.

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I use my 150 W ultrasound massage device to clear a breast, little colon and lung cancers 2010.  Freely publishing my work every registered Dr. Had to firstly validate and then use the new medical science.

By every registered Dr. Had to confirm the Moffitt Medical Paper 2002, or be automatically struck off and excluded from medicine totally buy themseves.

The drug company is also had to validate the total effectiveness of 8 W ultrasound, ceasing to make and sell cancer drugs from 2002.  Burn their financial self interest get them busy making and selling the defective an intentionally fatal cancer drugs until 2018.

Every registered Dr. Who prescribed cancer drugs from 2002 the struck off at their own hands an same day.  Losing Health Insurance and Dr. Registration.  There medical practice doubly criminal and illegal.

Stripped of all medical wage and future pension.  As he is the case for all assisting nurses - informed the white higher up nurses that HIUS was the only legal cancer medicine.

Doctors family put on record 2020 all global cancers have stopped forming.  As if in some magic way this allow them to continue prescribing the defective an intentionally fatal cancer drugs and till he this in cancer patients were dead, usually within two years.

Now the drug companies are refocus on repeated testing of global citizens for surviving cancers.  Which are doctors are fully aware no longer exist.  An asset sale prohibited from applying repeated useless and negative cancer tests.

As 2020 and all cancers around the world has stopped forming.  But 2010 I also validated that ½ minute of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, totally cleared 30 different viral and bacterial infections for my friends.

The ultrasound causes the inflated cell structure common to all infections, to boil and rupture.  Infections are for ever locked out of the DNA he monitored stem cells.  So are forced to replicate outside the stem cells.

Viruses divide in a single cell fashion and even within the multi cellular body.  And the standard viral RNA term as the precancerous cluster into for dividing in growing cancer.

2010 I validated that my lady Dr. Friend who had precancerous cells is cervix, to clear them using 1 minute of my 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit, ½ minute each cervix.

The precancerous cells were overinflated, so boil had and rupture had he in the usual fashion.  Totally clearing that dangerous exploding cell type from the body.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray

When of foreign inflated cell types boil and rupture, the local immune system secrete and actions the active human antibody to totally clear that dangerous foreign cell type totally from the body and brain.

There is no intolerance to human antibodies.  The body only secretes safe human antibodies.  There is no tolerance for infection so the human antibodies.

Which technically an attack the pathogen base - the six enzymes the courts cancers and infections to divide and replicate, and setting up secondary infection sites.

So the body targets all six enzymes.  Any infection is unable to block any human antibody.

For infections all viral and bacterial structures have a foreign inflated cell nature.  To induce infective structure replication throughout the body.

Heart disease is caused by an inflated bacterial structure, I called a bacterial rump, left behind by a fall bacterial infection.

If we apply the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest we instantly cure all viral and bacterial infections.  In my experience the cure is instant.  Lasting for 2 hours maybe we're an established infection.

But using the 8 W ultrasound when you feel the infection coming on, will cure the infection instantly.  Stopping the formation of a viral rump that causes cancers, and bacterial rump that causes heart disease.

Last 2013 the registered doctors published a 30 patient double blind trial, into a single application of 8 W ultrasound to the top left to the chest and and the vacuum the kidneys, for just ½ minute as a total cure to heart disease.

And remember the instinct cure of bacterial infections using 8 W ultrasound, stops the formation of all bacterial rumps throughout the body.  Totally stopping the development of all heart disease.

Which could are being cured by ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to the top left to the chest and the back of the kidneys.

2010 I validated that ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the lower right of the chest over the pancreas cleared the type two diabetes for my diabetic friend.  I repeated the cure for my mother and stepfather.  The Christie cancer hospital was bemused!

How engines eight mother and stepfather off all diabetic medication.  Medics are not allowed to medicate the well - side effects the sector serious and potentially fatal complication of Drucker application.

My American diabetic contacts reported a three day delay in type one diabetes remitting.  They handed remitted after three days.  2016 I firstly validated the full minute of 8 W ultrasound to the lower right of the chest instantly cleared even type one diabetes.

Curing cancer is wiped out 80% of Dr. and drug company income: in corporate history losing 80% of your core income is bankruptcy within two years.  The medics are for ever pleading for more government money!

As medicine now loses massive money.  Curing heart disease white or 15% of medical income.  2023 he also found to clear heart rhythm problems.  Which would have led to a compromised blood system and a stroke reduction.

My diabetic cure has reverberated around the world.  And by March 2023 all diabetes around the world had ceased.  It no drug cure - especially important to Asua.  Curing both type one and two diabetes.

Which are left medicine with infective disease!  Hence the massive medical panic about Covid19.  Just the medical name for the regular seasonal flu October 1, 2019 until the 31st of September, 2020.

Since 1934 medicine has prohibited any work on a vaccination to work on the common cold and seasonal flu.  Covid of course was Covid19.  But the medical testing regime legally required for any vaccination, takes two years.

And so on the professors from the Moffitt reminded me, the Covid vaccination was obsolete an even counter productive within six months.  So no care of it vaccination could ever be legal licensed human medicine.

Any Dr. giving the unlicensed and useless Covid vaccination, the struck off without legal argument, so no care of it vaccination could ever be legal human medicine.

Even giving a licensed vaccination kills one in 200 of the healthy innocent individuals vaccinated.  Hence the MMR scandal, the doctors happily forcibly vaccinated two years children we have a vaccination.

That transpired to be 80 times as lethal as the measles mumps and rubella it aimed to curtail.  So he to those doctors struck off, fined and given appropriate jail sentences.

25 years in high security prison for each of the healthy patients they so callously and needlessly the vaccinated to death.  Giving a defective vaccination!

2025 and medical establishment are struck off every Dr. and drug company involved in intentionally fatal vaccination process.  The expected death rate was 17 million.  From the complications of the vaccination!

A total legal fine of 170 billion.  Striking off the every vaccinating Dr. and the drug company.  The doctors Hippocratic oath is absolute law.  Beyond legal contention.

Medicine has never pretended he could vaccinate against Covid20... .  A pandemic kills one in three of the infected.  Not the case of Covid, which is the seasonal flu fatality rate of 3.5%.

Pandemics die away over a four year period.  Covid19 by medical naming convention, cease to exist 31st of September 2020.  So medics talk about the Covid pandemic - never happened.

The seasonal flu not sufficiently fatal.  And since the Moffitt Paper 2002 the are fully aware of one application of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, clearing all viral and bacterial infections.

Including all strains of Covid and the common cold.  Cured in 1 minute without drugs or Dr. Involvement.  All the bills up to Christmas there medics are promoting Norovirus as the next big medical problem.

I reminded the world of the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest, totally clear all viruses including Norovirus instantly.  Now there medics are desperately promoting the idea that there will be a second wave of Norovirus.

As it died away so harmlessly.  But any virus now a totally cured by the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest.  The NHS nurse organize the staff rotas to fully manager heat MHS Hospital wards over the cold months.

Burn our people for their own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit, to cure all viral and bacterial infections instantly as home.  Not requiring a visit to the G P's Health centre.

And no hospital or Canada minute the well: as the chancellor of growing A secondary potentially full infection is so high in hospitals.

But 2025 and the hostels are empty and unused.  All the extra staff sent home to enjoy a longer Christmas break.  There being no possibility of man ever been required the or hospital again.

So taken off the NHS wages bill.  Sacked without legal argument.  No longer required.  If the nurses are minister had just one what of biochemical cancer drugs since 2002, the struck off without argument.

Biochemical cancer drugs became defective an intentionally fatal medicine after the Moffitt Paper 2002.  Firstly validated by every Dr., High nurse and drug company.

The doctors and higher up nurses firstly validated the 100% effectiveness of 8 W ultrasound clearing all infections and cancers.  Prohibited from the administration there are cancer or infection medication ever again and.

Struck off medics are losing all medical wage and future medical pension.  The doctors receiving a 25 year jail term for every patient who had died and or medication from cancers and infections.

Conditions the doctors are having personally validated that 8 W ultrasound totally cleared in one session.  1 minute externally over any body cancer clearing all cancers.

½ minute each side the chest firstly validated by myself 2010, to clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Which I freely published on the Internet, at which stage he had to firstly validated and use by every registered Dr. and nurse on earth.

So this is spring 2025, and medics are amazingly concerned!  That Covid24 just died away without a Dr. or drugs intervention.  The common cold suddenly cured totally by the usual ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest.

Curing all winter viral infections stops the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.  All conditions totally cleared by local application of 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound to the infected organ or tissue.

So all the common cold suddenly cured!  Without any Dr. or drugs interaction.  Stopping the development of the diseases of age next spring.

And Health Services around the world have mandarin heated hospital wards for the expected rush of winter infections.  The infections people are cured at home using the 8 W ultrasound unit.

In the UK the NHS legally compelled to surrender all under utilised staff home.  And striking off every Dr. and nurse who worked with the defective cancer biochemical drugs since 2002.

When they were medically demonstrated to be defective an intentionally fatal medicines.  All cancers totally cured using the standard 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound externally to the infected painful organ.  The total cure to all 200 types of human cancer.

The ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound clearing all infections.  So there'll be no winter months infection rash into Health Systems around the world.  And tomorrow marks the beginning of the UK Spring.

And doctors have watched in horror that the total lack of any infections for the or hospital beds.  All the winter infection doctors and nurses, never required.

Only that all doctors and nurses involved in the defective biochemical cancer drugs since 2002, the struck off and stripped or medical wage and future medical pension.  Losing Dr. or nurse registration and the required Health Insurance for legal medical practice.

So all infections cured no drugs or Dr. Involvement required. 


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