All winter infections cured
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Winter bug |
On entry to medical practice all doctors pledge to Hippocratic oath. Promising to be aware off, firstly validate and then use best new medical science.
2002 the Moffitt cancer hospital chain in America are published the use of high intensity ultrasound to totally clear the foreign inflated cell structures common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.
People could use this medical science by buying an 8 W 1 or 3 MHZ unit over the Internet for under five UK pounds.
1 minute of this High Intensity UltraSound totally curing all 200 types of human cancer 2000. The drug company is mounted a massive rearguard action, to try and stop Hippocratic oath swearing doctors using the firstly validated 8 W three MHZ unit.
Medicine has known since the 1880s the cancer cells give out X rays in response to 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound. They had not fully grasped that the ultrasound was setting off biological molecular nuclear fusion: he was the name was not devise until 2001 and by the late Professor Bernard Argent.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
This works as the foreign cancer or infection cell HIUS to have a foreign inflated cell nature. Unlike the more placid regular body cells. In criminally the 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in the body and 31° C, and just four atmospheres internal pressure in they cancer or infection cell.
Drug company is were so anxious! As they were not involved in ultrasound. And the application of anaesthetics for radio therapy. Which had utilised electro magnetic radiation.
Or ltrasound needing high frequency sound. And the 8 W one MHZ unit can be purchased over the Internet for under five UK pounds.
Utilised at home ½ minute each side the chest, this will totally clear the foreign inflated cells all viral and bacterial infections. The cells boil and rupture! Causing local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear the foreign cell type from the body.
I found it particularly interesting, that it will even clear the new infection types. It will clear the Sudan virus in 1 minute. An infection or two and all for there to be a biochemical treatment.
1 minute of 8 W ultrasound clearing all infections. And clearing viral infections stops the development of any cancer cell type. So no new cancers will evolved in the future!
The Moffitt published 2002 the application of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound I applied externally to where it hurt, to clear all 200 types of human cancer.
Again the drug company is fired up a large financial rearguard action, to try and induced suppose the registered doctors to still prescribe the defective biochemical cancer treatments.
Which kill the cancer patient intentionally into agonising expensive years. 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound clearing all cancers totally in 1 minute.
Stripping doctors, the drug company is and Health Services of 80% other income. So Health Services around the world have refocused on the annual winter or infection rush.
Arguing that they have no medical answer. As any infection vaccination would take two years to licence. And fast changing viral strains like care of it and the common cold change genome far too quickly.
The Covid19 vaccination becoming obsolete only six months into their two year legally required drug testing regime. And Covid, the regular flu, has a new strain declared every year.
Hence the senate commercial medicine can offer were symptomatic treatments and hospital or aggression. But since 2002 the medical world has become more where the 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound to the chest, will clear all viral and bacterial infections.
2008 I wrote the idea up about clearing AIDs. And it talk until 2012 for Brett, who was HIV⁺ to get in touch. He was his own 8 W one MHZ unit, and applied it for ½ minute each side the chest.
His next GP appointment he is Dr. was forced to discharge and without any medicines. As doctors are prevented from medicating the well. And he was now HIV⁻. We are cured the most pernicious infection in human history.
Using the medically licensed five UK pound 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit bought over the Internet. Seldom medical licence for safe, home and supervised use.
We published our work freely on the Internet and the cure spread around the world, and AIDs was extinct within two weeks. Though suppose the registered doctors were still prescribing the pointless but fatal within a decade, AIDs treatments until 2018.
Country to the Hippocratic oath. All the involved doctors and drug companies struck off without legal challenge. There biggest medical clear out in history.
And the issue include the need to strike off every cancer drug prescribing Dr. and nurse.
Medicine has never conceded there all cancers would cured. Paying although hurts our new cancer cell types emerging. But I was already explained they would require the same foreign inflated cell structure, being cured by 1 minute of external HIUS.
This year's winter 2025. And the MHS warts of filling up as they do every year. The BBC has investigated and found that one in seven other patients is well and fit to be discharged home.
Rather than taking up expensive medical beds. In true for every infection patient can be cured in 1 minute in the health centre, by the practice nurse wielding their 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit.
Validated by the doctors to clear all cancers in 1 minute. And it transpires also clearing all viral and bacterial infections in 1 minute. A totally drugless cure. Which involves no Dr. Prescription or pharmacist visit.
It costs the 0.003 UK pounds. Lessen the costs of the health centre lightening. When done at home no nurse or Dr. Is even involved.
And he will clear all viral and bacterial infections. Even today even clearing Sudan virus. The immune system to secreting an action NG the specific human antibody to whatever infection the person has.
Every family should own an 8 W one MHZ unit, ready to clear any infections any family member contracts. Clearing the infection in 1 minute, stops is transmission to other family members, then the workplace or school attended to by the family member.
Totally cutting the NHS out there the business of clearing infections. In the same way that 8 W three MHZ ultrasound totally cleared all cancers. Without any hospital admission been required!
All their hospital cancer patients cured in 1 minute and sent home. So they remember how to survive on hospital dimmers. I was in a hospital for 18 months following a car accident.
Alarmingly hospital does even began to taste like real food. So doctors no longer involved in cancer medicine. All the cancer charities desperately raising money for the Dr. implemented cancer biochemical research.
But doctors no longer involved in cancer research. Cancer Bio chemistry no defective an intentionally fatal medicine. ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to the top left to the chest the kidneys was Dr. Validated 2013 to clear coronary heart disease.
2025 the same idea clearing all heart rhythm problems. Which is actually reduced to a patient's struck risks - chemo patient a compromise blood system all blood pressure.
We can clear all half farmers using the usual application of HIUS.
2010 I validated that my 8 W one MHZ unit apply for ½ minute to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, cleared type two diabetes. My American friends reported the full minute was required for type one diabetes, or he only remitted in three days.
By much 2023 doctors have put on written record that all diabetes has ceased. Both little type one and type two. And doctors are not permitted to be ignorant of new medical science published by the Hippocratic oath.
The drug companies have announced their intention to produce better diabetic treatments. A bit late! As a there are no diabetics in the world. So no registered Dr. Could research a nonexistent disease. Diabetes totally cured. As are cancers and heart disease.
And a winter 2025 the they can use the medicine published by the Moffitt cancer hospital chain 2002, and confirmed by me 2010, that ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.
A 1 minute total cure involving no Dr. or drugs. No hospital admission required: at any hospital is almost certain way to contract are there more serious infections. Best avoided at all cost!
I was waiting for the drug companies to announce us an outbreak of a bacterial infection. The nurse the usual five yearly outbreak of hooping. I reminded them of the 1 minute total cure using ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest.
And I heard no more of it! HIUS show cure all viral and bacterial infections, and I'm pretty certain parasitic infections like malaria.
And Health Services around the world are making the injuries are suddenly all cancers were totally cured 2002. And I repeat, the total cure viruses in 1 minute silence the door on the formation of new cancer types.
So what medicine will hospitals do? In the third world all the ladies birth children. Though in the first world we have a more extensive childbirth facilities.
It does look rather like Health Systems around the world the longer have to be concerned with curing infections. Just as the MHS was packing its wards we well patient's you should have been discharged and back home.
Care of it is just the medical name for the regular seasonal flu. I cured my own Covid19 using the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side my chest 2019. In November, one month after the seasonal flu has ceased to be Covid18, and now Covid 19.
Every registered Dr. On earth validated the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, totally cleared all 200 types of human cancer in 1 minute of external ultrasound. And all care of it totally cured using the same 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound to the chest.
Rhinoviruses are the most common cause of colds in the U.S. Parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, enteroviruses, human metapneumovirus and common human coronaviruses also cause colds. A cold may last for about one week, but some colds last longer, especially in children, the elderly and those in poor health.30 Oct 2024
But all viral infections cures by the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound either side the chest. The medically published idea that cured HIV totally 2012.
HIUS works for all individuals. Irrespective of age, and more upgrade the patient's immune system to 100% vitality. And fight off whatsoever viral strain is present. And a every Dr. Has the personally validated 8 W ultrasound unit, firstly proven to clear all cancers.
Apply for ½ minute each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections. The drug companies are a real problem! They will argue till the last breath in your bodies, that the best answer to infections are biochemical drugs.
Even though they have firstly validated the 100% effectiveness of 8 W 3 MHz ultrasound clearing all cancers 2002. When biochemical treatments can only yield A2 year decline to Bio chemically assisted, expensive an agonising death.
Never having seen fit to concede that cancers were cured. Leaving to registered doctors to pass on written record that all cancers have ceased forming globally 2020. Something the cancer charities have never conceded. As a have a massive self interest in cancer still existing. When it didn't!
And the drug company is now trying to build a winter infections as of the economic replacement for cancers. Which made up 80% of Dr. and drug company income, now the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of person's chest clears all viral and bacterial infections at home.
Hospitals are just about to come very empty, totally useless places. And Dr. Incomes are about to take a massive crash. Even within National Health Services like the NHS, he retained consultants and doctors are strictly employed in ratio we have the infection of the general population.
No wintertime infections. No Dr.s required.
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