norovirus virus already cured

'Experts' warn of ‘second norovirus wave’ with people catching bug more than once.  Just wrong

The norovirus wave died out, as people were already using the published medical cure of all viruses.  Which includes norovirus, flu and the common cold.

It shows an answer with the cure to cancers.  2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre published a single application of high intensity ultrasound as a one session total cure to the foreign inflated cell structures common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.

The Moffitt used 8 W three MHZ ultrasound and for Andy use a one session external a cure to all 200 types of cancer.  The prescription of the no defective biochemical cancer treatments used to make up 80% of Dr. and drug company income.

So every registered medic on earth had to validate the use of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound applied externally for 1 minute to where it hurts, as a one session cure to all cancers.

Hence the drug company is device is an interesting and infective disease.  Achingly aware that biochemistry had not got on top of viral and bacterial infections.  As the change genome in just too quickly!

But all infections use of pathogen base - which requires a foreign inflated cell nature to get infected cell replication.  Austin using some borrowed viral RNA.  Hence all cancers half the viral RNA sequence for uncontrolled single cell type replication.

So all viral and bacterial infections share some basic enzymes to induce infective structure replication away from the DNA he monitored stem cells.

I have firstly by a couple of years ago that to cure norovirus year and the required 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound I applied ½ minute each side the chest.

Any minor genome change inconsequential.  As the infection news to use the pathogen base.  So ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.

Without any Dr. or drugs interaction.  So this should all own an 8 W one MHZ unit, applied for ½ minute each side the chest when a family member feels infection coming on, will instantly cure all viral and bacterial infections.

I had norovirus three years ago air any isn't a pleasant illness.  So since they've always ensure that cured all infections as they come on.  ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of the chest.

Totally clearing all infections drug companies can't.  2012 Brett in New York use the standard ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from his own ultrasound massage device bought over the Internet, to cure his AIDs.

We shared our work with the world and HIV vanished in two weeks.  The being global drug company is very very angry!  He never have been a sudden biochemical and fans to cure AIDs.

Now there wasn't.  We just use the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound either side to the chest.  Which will obviously are also clear lung cancer!  Curing all viral and bacterial infections.

Medicine can only offer am also frequently obsolete in counter productive infection vaccination.  Which will intentionally kill one in 200 of those vaccinated.

The starmer ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections with no patient deaths.  Best infection medicine!

Doctors already her and the 8 W three MHZ unit, validated to clear all 200 types of human cancer in 1 minute: there doctors are very reluctant to use this medically proved total cancer cure.

The standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest clearing all infections without drug prescription.  Or patient death.

My local MP E should buy a an 8 W one MHZ unit over the Internet.  And have it in a constituency office, to clear all have a it is all viral and bacterial infections.  There being no drug prescription involved.

No patient intolerance of ultrasound.  And no sign affect the or any medication the person is ill advisedly using.


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