
Showing posts from March, 2022

All Covid cured

Covid CURED - now on Covid21 2002 and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of a single session of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses.  It cures all 200 types of human cancer overnight! This made the prescription of cancer or infection medication criminal medical malpractice.  1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, clears all inflated cell structures.  So it will clear all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections. The ultrasound causes the inflated cell structures to experience cell content boiling and fragment.  Inducing the body's own immune system to secrete and action the specific human antibody to clear the exploding cell type totally from the body. 1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray The drug companies have taken two declaring spasmodic global locked downs - as this up walls magical medicine to cure viral infections.  The common cold as caused by Covid, which has only evolved since the locked ...

News must be legal honest and true

RIP Covid19 2020 Or the licence or four the newspapers to publish is revoked.  As is the TV channels licence to operate her new service. By International Medical naming convention, the Covid flu is given a new number designation every October 1.  So Covid19 only existed as an influence or viral strain from the 1st of October 2019, on till the 31st of September, 2020. So Covid flu and the common cold change too quickly for a vaccination ever to be legal.  The drug licensing process takes two years, so the Covid vaccination obsolete under halfway through drug testing. So the Covid 19 vaccination was never a legal human drug.  Totally ineffective against the next year's Covid20 - Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20, totally resistant to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid 19 vaccination. Registered doctors are prohibited from giving obsolete an unlicensed medications.  As an obsolete vaccination would intentionally kill one person in 200.  Medically...

Covid vaccination always illegal

Covid vaccination illegal and partially fatal Since Covid34 star to causing the regular seasonal influenza in 1934, medicine is always prohibited producing a vaccination to a fast changing viral lines like Covid flu all the common cold. As Covid flu has a new number designation every 1st of October.  So the vaccination is obsolete under halfway three testing.  So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and never licensed! So no registered Dr. Could research are applying any Covid vaccination.  And that is Dr. First year medical students, on the first year of a medical degree!  So Covid vaccination was always illegal and medically unethical. Giving just one Covid vaccination stripped the individual of registered Dr. status, making all subsequent prescriptions illegal and invalid.  They also lost Health Insurance! Their Health Insurance is, by the medical regulatory board.  Which the drug companies have packed out with practicing doctors, since High In...

vaccinations kill

Covid jab kills One in 200 people!  Healthy an innocent people sacrifice for financial reward to the Dr. and drug company.  Only take two years to medically approve. Fast changing viral lines like the common cold and Covid flu have new versions are more frequently than that!  The Covid19 vaccination was never given drug licensing before obsolete 1 October, 2020. So any medic who is given any Covid vaccination in history, struck off!  No legal argument.  There vaccination no ****ing use by policy fatal!  The doctors to give them are not saving lives, their murdering their own patients for money! We are on the year of Covid21 - Covid19 has been extinct for over two years.  So any medic who is ever given a Covid vaccination - struck off! This dangerous and prolific mass murderers in history.  And a every six months the I want to give another buzz too fatal vaccination to Covid19 - why?  That viral strain is not exist in the universe fo...

But all viruses cured

infections cured NO DRUGS 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published a single application of high intensity ultrasound, as a way to totally clear all foreign inflated cell structures.  Setting up the immune action to clear that distinct cell type throughout the body. For a this also is reflected in order to replicate, regular stores of yet they get but never replicate.  A buzz off DNA intact stem cells. 1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray The drug companies have never admitted that HIUS cures all 200 types of human cancer: though they are voluntarily signed the doctors Hippocratic oath, and so were required to validate the Medical Paper published 2002. The refocused on heart disease!  Caused by an inflated bacterial structure on the coronary arteries all around the kidneys.  2013 other medics published a 20 patient double blind trial, in HIUS curing that bacterial rump.  Just as the Moffitt have published at 200 per cent double blind trial on HIUS clearing all 20...

all cancers and Covid CURED

Covid and all cancers cured @ home - no drugs For documents on the flu and Covid are medical rubbish!  Flu is Covid.  And the 1st of October every year since 1934, Covid he is given a new number! Corona virus appears to been a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18, contained within and driven extinct within Wuhan Province China. The Chinese medics applied the medically published High Intensity UltraSound.  The one session total cure to all cancers and viruses.  Also clearing bacterial infections. Since the Moffitt Paper 2002, the prescription of chemo or radio therapy for cancer has been criminal and fatal medical malpractice.  Killing the patient in two agonising expensive years! Every prescribing Dr. and their drug company, the struck off and removed totally from all medical practice.  The doctors lost all passed to write a legal prescriptions.  Every registered pharmacist on earth could not fill the drug orders are struck off doctors. C...

No Corona virus ever in the UK!

  Corona RIP 2020 Corona virus was apparently a Bio chemically modified form of Covid18, contained within and cured totally in the Wuhan quarantine in China.  Not one case over an outside Wuhan. Also opposes medical documents on Corona virus are spurious medical rubbish!  Chinese medics applied ½ minute of High Intensity UltraSound to either side the chest of Corona viral patients. This was the medically published cure to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections - published 53 medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre 2002.  An 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, applies the effective HIUS as home. 5 In 1 Skin Care Massager - Beauty Face Wash Scrubber Electric Cleanser Brush           11 product ratings Condition: New New Quantity: 3 available 19 sold   /  See Feedback Price: £4.79 No Dr. Intervention or drugs even legal!  This is why suddenly all 200 types of human cancer was cured.  The prescription...

very quietly cancer and AIDs were cured

HIUS CURES cancer and viruses In 2001, as molecular nuclear fusion at Sheffield University.  And we hypothesised that ultrasound sets off molecular nuclear fusion - though the name was devised later! 1 H₂O+P+US→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E² This was after my supervisor's ideas on the turbulent flow of water doing nuclear fusion on earth.  It is never followed up!  Since nuclear power bought his own eight chair of engineering.  They never bought me off!  As my accounts are supervised by a lawyer accountant. Answerable to the second highest court in the land! I wrote the idea up and sent it to my medical contacts at the NI H - national institute of health Washington, DC.  They sent the idea to the Moffitt cancer centre. Who in 2002 medically published the single application of High Intensity UltraSound, as a one session total cure to all cancers and viruses.  The idea also clear all bacterial infections! All for instructors to the embody half to divide in...

Covid19 no longer exists

vaccinations KILL the healthy By medical definition Covid19 was the regular influenza virus, from the 1st of October, 2019, and till the 31st of September, 2020.  We then have the year of Covid21, when the drug companies are frantically trying to vaccinate people against Covid19. India and Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20, totally cleared by a single application of High Intensity UltraSound: the medically published cure to all cancers and viruses. All influenza viruses, all strains of influenza are cleared by ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest.  Which causes the infected cells, which are pressurised, to boil and rupture.  Cancer and viral cells have a non native inflated cell structure. 1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray So this idea was published by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002, and cleared all strains a of cancer.  2012 it cured AIDs - which is why medics to shut the hell up about HIV.  It is cured! The same idea cleared Coron...