very quietly cancer and AIDs were cured
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HIUS CURES cancer and viruses |
In 2001, as molecular nuclear fusion at Sheffield University. And we hypothesised that ultrasound sets off molecular nuclear fusion - though the name was devised later!
1 H₂O+P+US→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²
This was after my supervisor's ideas on the turbulent flow of water doing nuclear fusion on earth. It is never followed up! Since nuclear power bought his own eight chair of engineering. They never bought me off! As my accounts are supervised by a lawyer accountant.
Answerable to the second highest court in the land!
I wrote the idea up and sent it to my medical contacts at the NI H - national institute of health Washington, DC. They sent the idea to the Moffitt cancer centre.
Who in 2002 medically published the single application of High Intensity UltraSound, as a one session total cure to all cancers and viruses. The idea also clear all bacterial infections!
All for instructors to the embody half to divide in a single cell way - which requires them cells have a non native inflated cell structure. Body cells bud off intact stem cells, get bigger and then shut down - they cessate at the end of the working lives.
We found out that molecular nuclear fusion increased exponential he with liquid pressure. So the foreign cell types in the human body, will boil in 1 minute we of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound.
2 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
Which means it growing viruses and bacterial releases X rays, so extreme therapy is quite possibly the worst idea anybody has ever had!
A single application of HIUS clearing all 200 types of human cancer in 2002. Personally validated by every registered Dr. and drug company on the face of the planet! Subsequent manufacture and sale of cancer drugs became criminal medical malpractice.
Striking off the Dr. and drug company! There was no way back into medicine from struck off doctors! The doctors who took early retirement 2018 as a realise cancer was totally cures 16 years previously, were always barred from medicine!
No return to combat the spurious Covid pandemic. The pandemic alert was declared for Corona virus in Wuhan Province China. The virus never extricate the Wuhan quarantine.
And until December 2019 Chinese medics applied ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest of Corona patients. Unless 44,000 cases are Corona on earth would cured. The inflated cell structures boil, and launched an immune action throughout the body to clear that dangerous cell type totally.
Covid has been the regular human flu since 1934. Corona emerged 2018: apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18. Which went by with no notice. Just the seasonal flu for 2018.
So Corona had no direct relationship we've Covid19. Which is only the medical name for the seasonal flu. Never given a pandemic alert! As the regular flu kills 3.5 per cent of infected people, by medical definition a pandemic kills in excess of five per cent. So Covid never a pandemic!
Medics are thrust the world into spasmodic lock downs, for the regular flu! Yet the medically published ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest clears all inflated cell structures - including all viral and bacterial infections.
Personally validated by every registered Dr. 2002. As it was specifically mentioned in the Moffitt Paper! So so, prescription of cancer or infection medication was criminal medical malpractice.
Striking off the Dr. and drug company: drug company is a most persuasive people on earth. But HIUS was a one session total cancer cure. Cancer drugs from by the patient with an expensive two year decline to certain death.
So void 2018 doctors applying there are plant mains very very empty. So they took early retirement: though much of it every cancer drug prescription is struck off the prescribing Dr.. So all the doctors struck off.
And barred from ever RE entering medicine! Yet they did in 2020, for Covid19. Not as scary pandemic. Just the regular seasonal flu!
2008 I have written up the idea of ½ minute of HIUS to the chest clearing all viral infections. It guy who was HIV⁺ tried the idea for AIDs. And it worked. So we freely published our work on the Internet.
Which may subsequent prescription of AIDs treatments criminal medical malpractice. Again striking off the Dr. and drug company without legal argument! It is the doctors Hippocratic oath. Which is absolute uncontestable medical law.
So at 2012 prescription of AIDs treatments became defective and criminal medical malpractice. Striking off the Dr. and drug company. And no biochemical research work into HIV was ethical and legal since.
2013 I found that ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest cleared type two diabetes - bike for my mother and stepfather. Who could never quite understand why this only got better! Neither could their Dr., At the Christie. He is legally compelled to ask! He never did.
2016 I confirmed the experience of my American diabetic contacts, that 1 minute cleared type one diabetes instantly. Otherwise he'd only remitted in three days.
So all viruses cures by 1 minute using HIUS. The best and only legal infection medication! Medicine prohibits a vaccination to a cured condition. No medic was even more allowed to work on a vaccination. Without being struck off!
Medicine has had is allowed to research into a Covid vaccination since 1934 - as a vaccination would take two years to licence, but being medically obsolete within a year.
Indian Bahrain vaccinate against Covid19 - using the obsolete an unlicensed vaccination, which killed one in 200 people! So no registered Dr. Was ever allowed to give a Covid19 vaccination. All again the Dr. and drug company struck off.
The Covid19 vaccination or predictably zero effect on the next year's Covid20. India cleared 77,000 cases of Covid20 using the medically published ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest: I am so made I reminded them! As I reminded the Chinese president about Corona virus and HIUS, December 2019.
So HIUS it cleared all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, in just 1 minute from 2002. Firstly validated by every registered Dr. On earth. Who was then legally a medically prohibited from prescribing cancer or infection medication including vaccinations.
Doctors are only permitted to use best medicine! I have to be aware and validate new medical advances. Or they are again struck off without legal argument!
So the doctors talk early retirement from 2018 - though in actual fact each and every returning Dr. Was actually struck off! And barred from medicine for ever. They could not return to medical practice - those that did must return or wages and pension.
Paying our 10,000,000 UK pounds for every patient who had died and or the illegal medical prescriptions. Struck off doctors can not prescribe drugs! No matter how persuasive they are. No longer doctors!
So now the doctors all taken early retirement again. So the drug companies are promoting the idea that Covid19 has returned. That is medically stupid! The regular flu was only Covid19 June 1 of October 2019 and 31st of September, 2020.
We were then on Covid20 - to which drug companies are never pretended they can produce a vaccine. No Dr. Could ever research a Covid vaccination ever. So the Covid19 vaccination was illegal and obsolete.
All through the year of Covid20 the murderous drug company is wanted to vaccinate against the obsolete and nonexistent Covid19 influenza strain. It should have been so easy!
No registered Dr. Is allowed to apply an obsolete an unlicensed vaccination. It is criminal and fatal medical malpractice. The doctors were already struck off! Losing medical registration and Health Insurance. So there prescriptions were never legal.
And no registered pharmacist should ever have filled the drug orders! Or they are also were struck off. Without legal argument. As were the assisting nurses who helped give cancer of Covid medications. Criminal medicine on a stick! The Covid vaccination killing one in 200 healthy individuals.
Covid19 has ceased to exist. The Covid deaths were all due to the illegal vaccination! Murdered by the smiling Dr. For profit! The most criminal medicine ever.
Since 1 October, 2021, we are now on Covid21. The Covid19 virus only existed in the medical history books. Now we're on the planet is Covid19! We have four micro strains of Covid20.
Omicorn is just one them! But now are on the year of Covid21. So Covid Omicorn does not exist by medical definition! They can be no stage in Covid Omicorn. As every registered Dr. Is aware, that influenza strain does not exist in the universe.
½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest will clear all Covid. Including Covid22 - that starts 1st of October, 2022. When Covid19 when there have been extinct for over two years!
Any Dr. giving just one Covid vaccination ever, the struck off without legal argument. Astra Zeneca have a room full higher paid lawyers wishing to argue. The Hippocratic N allows no argument.
So the no registered biochemical drug company has ever been allowed to manufacture and sell any Covid vaccination. All the drug company is struck off the biochemical drug register. Losing all other biochemical drug patents.
But Astra Zeneca has been making the unethical and illegal cancer drugs since 2002. I was not allowed been struck off to hinder its business! Argue that it is the drug company, and making kill their patients with no legal regard.
Week in Asia Astra Zeneca they are barking mad! If they signed the Hippocratic oath, they are bound by its legal restrictions, it is without doubt the most shocking legal have used over par after Zeneca to pretend to still be a legal drug company after 20 years!
Cancer drug prescriptions since 2002 have provided a cancer patients to a two year expensive an agonising decline to certain biochemical assisted death. 1 minute of HIUS would have cured all cancers. Also curing all viral and bacterial infections.
Including all strains of Covid flu and the common cold. Also measles and mumps: before the drug company is are argue that there is another virus not cured by HIUS. It cured AIDs and Corona.
I would like to give thanks to professor Z at Sheffield University press help with this idea, but is free C acemi or not to thank him. Those major funders are nuclear power. No thanks given. For most important idea in history!
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