vaccinations kill

Covid jab kills

One in 200 people!  Healthy an innocent people sacrifice for financial reward to the Dr. and drug company.  Only take two years to medically approve.

Fast changing viral lines like the common cold and Covid flu have new versions are more frequently than that!  The Covid19 vaccination was never given drug licensing before obsolete 1 October, 2020.

So any medic who is given any Covid vaccination in history, struck off!  No legal argument.  There vaccination no ****ing use by policy fatal!  The doctors to give them are not saving lives, their murdering their own patients for money!

We are on the year of Covid21 - Covid19 has been extinct for over two years.  So any medic who is ever given a Covid vaccination - struck off!

This dangerous and prolific mass murderers in history.  And a every six months the I want to give another buzz too fatal vaccination to Covid19 - why?  That viral strain is not exist in the universe for over two years.

And so because they can!  No in the smiling as they kill their own patients.  That is so inconsistent with a healer!  The drug company is are one tree signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath.

So pledged never to make and sell obsolete an unlicensed medication.  Which the Covid vaccination always was!  There is no legal grey area.

The doctors Hippocratic is specific!  No vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold ever legal.  Registered doctors are not even allowed to research the vaccination!  Let alone give it.  The assisting nurses and pharmacists also struck off. 

And there is no medical argument!  The accepted medical death rate for any authorized vaccination is 0.5%.  But the viral lines to Covid flu and the common cold, if all quicker and drug licensing can keep pace with!

So the Covid19 vaccination was only halfway three drug licensing when obsolete: for which reason no registered Dr. Has ever been allowed to work on a Covid vaccination, since Covid34 star to causing influenza in 1934.

Covid 19 only existed between 1 October, 2019, and 31st of September, 2020.  So no Covid vaccination ever legal!  And now we're on the year of Covid21 - even last year India and Bahrain found that the Covid20 virus is totally unaffected by the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.

If you have survived a Covid vaccination, you'll it return of your medical fees!  Along with punitive damages of 20,000 UK pounds for each Covid vaccination.

Tragically the one in 200 who had died as the smiling Dr. Vaccinate or them to death, is not here to get their money!  The money goes to their next of kin.

The doctors Hippocratic oath demanded they should have returned or medical fees and struck themselves off, the Thoughs Covid vaccination they gave.  All subsequent medical prescriptions are invalid and illegal.

Choir possibly the pharmacist or dispensed the drug order for the unethical and illegal Covid19 vaccination, so they knew from firsthand experience that the individual was struck off are no longer a Dr.!

Knowingly dispensing illegal medications struck off the pharmacist.  The assisting nurse also struck off!  Along with the assisting nurses and the drug company.

The Covid19 vaccination is is without any doubt the most fatal medicine in history!  The Astra Zeneca comebacks every six months, to repeat the illegal and unethical but fatal vaccination process.

By Astra Zeneca has continued with the illegal manufacture of cancer drugs after they became criminal and defective medicine 2002.  And no Dr. Is allowed to prescribe defective medication!

Just you remind your GP of this.  The drug company is have financially compromised the National Medical regulators, I will go on dispensing a illegal and defective medications, until we are all dead!

Any drug company manufacturing cancer drugs after 2002 struck off without argument.  Or the other drug prescriptions then void and worthless!  They can no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll.  They are bankrupt!


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