Covid vaccination always illegal

Covid vaccination illegal and partially fatal

Since Covid34 star to causing the regular seasonal influenza in 1934, medicine is always prohibited producing a vaccination to a fast changing viral lines like Covid flu all the common cold.

As Covid flu has a new number designation every 1st of October.  So the vaccination is obsolete under halfway three testing.  So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and never licensed!

So no registered Dr. Could research are applying any Covid vaccination.  And that is Dr. First year medical students, on the first year of a medical degree!  So Covid vaccination was always illegal and medically unethical.

Giving just one Covid vaccination stripped the individual of registered Dr. status, making all subsequent prescriptions illegal and invalid.  They also lost Health Insurance!

Their Health Insurance is, by the medical regulatory board.  Which the drug companies have packed out with practicing doctors, since High Intensity UltraSound was medically published 2002 as a one session total cure to all cancers and viruses.

What actually happens years biological molecular nuclear fusion: when the ultrasound induces nuclear fusion in the hydrogen ions in water molecules.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E² cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, need to have a non native inflated cell structure - to induce infected structure replication.

The more placid regular body cells never replicate.  They bud off DNA intact stem cells, and get bigger and till they cesstate of the end of their life!

1 minute of external e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, from a medically licensed ultrasound massage device, will clear all cancers!  And all ultrasound massage devices are medically licensed for safe home unsupervised use.

½ minute to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas will clear type two diabetes: as I have personally validated 2013 - and freely published on the Internet.

Which and that every registered Dr. On earth had to validate and use HIUS to clear all type two diabetes.  Metformin or insane prescription became defective and criminal medical malpractice.

2016 I validated the experience of my American diabetic contacts, that 1 minute totally cleared type one diabetes.  Again the inflated structures boil on external application of ultrasound.

So there is no legal argument!  The Hippocratic oath is uncontestable medical law.  Each Dr. and drug company had to validate and then use a high us to clear all cancers.  All the drug company was struck off - losing all other biochemical drug patents.

They could no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll.  The most bankrupt corporations in history.

Any Covid or cancer drugs are applying medic, the struck off.  There Health Insurance void and there prescriptions then illegal and invalid.  All medical practice an insured and criminal.

Yet the medical regulators have never enforced the Hippocratic oath!  As a have packed out with practicing doctors, whose main income stream was a biochemical prescriptions.

But by standard medical or there prescriptions all now are invalid!  There medical practice criminal.  There involvement with the National Medical regulators illegal!  Each and every cancer drug applying doctors struck off!

Any individual prescribing the Covid19 obsolete an unlicensed medicine was so obviously struck off!  That is a most blatant disregard for medical law ever.  And we are now on the year of Covid21.  Totally naturally!

We are not on sub-variant Covid19: that is medical rubbish!  Invented to justify the continued prescription of the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.  Intentionally killing one in 200 patients!  Without doubt the most fatal medicine in history.

Until 2002 1 third of the Duval world had died from cancers.  Now just 1 minute of HIUS externally to where it hurts, clears all cancers!

In the same weight ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections any person ever HIUS.  So since 2002 the prescription of infection medication for a viral or bacterial infections, has been criminal medical malpractice.

Just one prescription of infection medication and the individual struck off!  Stripped of medical registration and Health Insurance.  Yet the struck off doctors have continued in medicine as if nothing had happened!

Happily medicating their infection cancer patients to an needless agonising and expensive death.  And the Hippocratic oath has been totally bypassed.  As if it did not exist!

But stroke off doctors are are entitled to no wages of pension.  That was shown the doctors' strike in the UK.  To safeguard the doctors pension!  But stroke off doctors get no pension.

Any Dr. Prescribing eight Covid vaccination ever, required to pay back the wages are paid since that date.

Each other unfortunate patients who had died under medication, invokes a fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  And their psychopathic doctors receive a 25 year jail term for each patient murder.

If you have survived a Covid vaccination you were lucky!  One in 200 it did not.  And Covid 19 cease to exist 31st of September, 2020 - by medical definition!  The tere is no point in vaccinating for a nonexistent virus.  It is illegal under medical law!

And there is no legal argument.  The vaccinating doctors struck off!  With their medical practice totally criminal.  Which is why they are suddenly taken early retirement again!

But stroke off doctors are not entitled to any pension.  They must repay all wages and pension back to 2002 - when there first prescribed unethical and potentially fatal cancer drugs.  Killing the patient horribly in needlessly in two agonising expensive years,

We are dealing with Mr. Psychopathic mass murdering bastards in history.  Who are not try to defend their murderous behaviour!  As there is no defence for first degree medical murder.

And that is what a Covid vaccination is!  One in 200 patients vaccinated to death.  All the vaccinations criminal and illegal.  And this subject has not been picked up by one newspaper in the world!

3.5 billion Covid vaccinations given.  The medically accepted death rate is 0.5%.  That use 17 million healthy patients - 1/4 fatalities from World War II.  And most importantly just one Covid vaccination, and the Dr. remove from medicine!

There prescriptions are illegal.  There Health Insurance is void.  And the National Medical regulators carry that insurance!  10 million UK pounds for each individual vaccinated intentionally to death.

Death in four days or a vaccination, they were vaccinated to death!  She has asked me to be vaccinated to attend my half sister's wedding.  A key trying to find out earner Covid19 has been extinct for over two years.  And the vaccination potentially fatal!

She argues that the vaccination housing cancer yet.  That I wait six months!  Death is waiting for you.  Yet more spurious and illegal Covid vaccinations.  By their murderous Dr..

Who has been struck off and lost Health Insurance!  There medical practice horrendously illegal.


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