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No Corona virus ever in the UK!


Corona RIP 2020

Corona virus was apparently a Bio chemically modified form of Covid18, contained within and cured totally in the Wuhan quarantine in China.  Not one case over an outside Wuhan.

Also opposes medical documents on Corona virus are spurious medical rubbish!  Chinese medics applied ½ minute of High Intensity UltraSound to either side the chest of Corona viral patients.

This was the medically published cure to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections - published 53 medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre 2002.  An 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, applies the effective HIUS as home.

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No Dr. Intervention or drugs even legal!  This is why suddenly all 200 types of human cancer was cured.  The prescription of chemo or radio therapy became defective and criminal medicine 2002.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.

No legal argument - or cancer drugs were criminal medical malpractice.

In the same way the infective cells all viral or bacterial infections, also are boil and fragment on external application of HIUS.  The more placid body cells are not affected by the fiat levels of HIUS.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→ withHe+O+E²+X-ray

This idea will clear all strains of Covid influenza: Covid is just the medical name for the regular influenza virus!  It will clear all other viral infections - including the common cold and measles.

Incredibly enough my personal contact in New York use the same idea, ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest to clear his AIDs 2012.

Doctors are fine as saying that the new AIDs treatments have inadvertently cures HIV.  Even though there being no medical advance in history amounts since 2012!  In 2018 medicine finally gave up on the prescription of or now defective AIDs treatments.

It means that every prescribing doctors since 2012, struck off.  Along with the doctors prescribing cancer or infection medications.  This in clears vaccinations!

The Covid19 vaccination was only halfway through the two year drug licensing cycle, when obsolete.  Covid has a new version every 1st of October!  And for my crew strains every year.  Which is why a a Covid vaccinations the medically prohibited since 1934.  When the flu walls Covid34.

So any Dr. Applying a Covid vaccination ever struck off!  The Covid19 the virus was never legal medicine!  No registered Dr. Could ever give a Covid vaccination.  Or the Dr. and drug company removed from medicine for ever.

We are now or in the year of Covid21, automatically cleared by the medically published ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  All doctors bought and validated an 8 W 3 MHZ unit, which is lain unused in the nursing office!

For the psychopathic mass murdering bastards doctors have prescribed chemo therapy!  Aggressive chemotherapy kills and six months.  By now they should be no surviving cancer patients on earth!  They got better or the Dr. has killed them.

There is no one Corona case outside Wuhan in China.  Or medical documents talking about Corona virus as if it was alive virus medical rubbish!  Corona was declared extinct February 2020 by the World Health Organisation.

Covid19 was the regular influence or virus from the next year!  No direct relationship.  But any virus including all, strains, cleared by ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.

The Covid19 vaccination was never legal human medicine!  Just one Covid, and the Dr. and drug company totally struck off and remove from medicine.

The prescriptions of their struck off doctors are legally invalid.  No registered pharmacist should ever have filled the drug orders!  Or they also were struck off from their medical register.

All through the year of Covid20 drug company is were incensed and on vaccinating people against the obsolete Covid19 virus.  Even though that virus has ceased to exist in the universe!

And the vaccination killed one in 200 patients.  Healthy an innocent people sacrifice for the profits of or murderous Dr. and their drug company.  Every drug company was legally prohibited from the sale of obsolete an unlicensed medication.

Just one batch of the Covid19 vaccination, and the drug company struck a off and all other drug patents invalidated.  This by setting share price set to zero.  They show the all its drugs are now outside legal medical prescription.

The drug company bankrupt!  Astra Zeneca has been bankrupt since 2002.  But this is not stopped it going on to kill hundreds of millions of patients!  It is a have a special dispensation to make and sell criminal medicine.  It is bound by the doctors Hippocratic oath.  To which there is no legal challenge possible!

In the UK we now have the seasonal outbreaks of Covid flu.  Which is no Covid21 - totally unresponsive to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.  There is criminal medicine ever!

3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations illegally given.  By the smiling doctors who watched 12 million healthy an innocent patients die as a direct result!  Totally excluded from medicine on their first vaccination.

As though all told my first year of a medical degree.  No Covid vaccination ever legal!  And now ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections in one session.

Just as 1 minutes of HIUS to where it hurts clears all 200 types of human cancer totally.  A one session total cancer cure.  Involving no Dr. or drugs!  Any Dr. Intervention illegal.


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