All Measles cured

½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, either side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections. As it cleared AIDs and Corona virus. Covid19 was the unrelated seasonal flu for 2019. Killing at below pandemic levels since 1934. With Covid34. facial massager ULTRASOUND ULTRASONIC BODY MASSAGER PAIN THERAPY 1MHZ FACIAL SKIN CARE MACHINE £3.31 - 4.37 / Piece 1 Review So to all units are a in every nursing office in the world. 8 W three MHZ units. Validated to clear all cancers and viruses with ½ minute of this high intensity ultrasound. The total end to all viral outbreaks around the world. 100% cure to all measles. And every Dr. Has the validated ultrasound device at hand. Clearing all measles in 1 minute. -------------------------- Measles is just a virus. Or rese all strains cleared by the standard ½ minute of 2002 and and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre, publisher hundred patient dou...