All Measles cured

½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, either side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  As it cleared AIDs and Corona virus.  Covid19 was the unrelated seasonal flu for 2019.  Killing at below pandemic levels since 1934.  With Covid34.


£3.31 - 4.37/ Piece
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So to all units are a in every nursing office in the world.  8 W three MHZ units.  Validated to clear all cancers and viruses with ½ minute of this high intensity ultrasound.

The total end to all viral outbreaks around the world.  100% cure to all measles.  And every Dr. Has the validated ultrasound device at hand.  Clearing all measles in 1 minute.


Measles is just a virus.  Or rese all strains cleared by the standard ½ minute of

2002 and and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre, publisher hundred patient double blind trial on High Intensity UltraSound clearing prostate cancer and viruses.

The means of action is actually very simple!  And does not involve any Bio chemistry.  Hence the drug company is have fought it every day for last 22 years.  The Moffitt found that 1 minute of external e.g. 8 W

three MHZ ultrasound.  Cause the inflated cell types common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections to boil and the cell rupture!

B professors have found biological molecular nuclear fusion.  I was an confirm the Moffitt work using an 8 W one MHZ unit.  Which is why course 45 UK pounds.  The three MHZ unit cell by the Moffitt for $10,000!

One MHZ unit so now available over the Internet from China for under five UK pounds.  I was busy working on nuclear fusion at Sheffield University.  And Dr Z gave me the idea from his uncle at Columbia University.

The people at Columbia had published the work on cold fusion 1976.  The Dr. proposed that the turbulent flow of water did what was later termed molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray the most brilliant scientific idea I had ever heard!  My contribution was to formulate the chemical and physical equations.

I was helped with a fellow PH D student at Sheffield University, pointing out that the turbulent flow of water give out heat and X rays!  And forming micreobubbles of helium and free radical oxygen gases.  There being no chemical source of helium or X rays.

This was actually for first year undergraduate physics!  I have a master's degree in engineering, so he is radical new thinking to me!

Medics had realized since the 1830s the ultrasound cause the emission of X rays, at 5 W 40 kHz cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, give out X rays!  As the foreign inflated cell types to experience nuclear fusion.  Foreign cell types must have an inflated nature to induce cell replication.

2 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

This idea led to the total extinction of cancers!  Those doctors grudgingly applied the curative HIUS for 1 minute externally to where the cancer hurt.  By 2020 he all cancers were extinct.

The idea was found to cure all cancers, which share the inflated cell nature.  The viral and bacterial infections also share the foreign inflated cell nature.

The drug companies are desperately trying to make an economic future, from the intermittent viral and bacterial epidemics which circle the planet.

Since 2002 all totally curable.  2012 my New York contact apply the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side use chest and cured his HIV.  Which share the idea with the world, and AIDs vanished.  There no suddenly effective biochemical cure.

The standard cure to all viruses.  I sent this idea to the Chinese president 2019.  And Chinese medics applied the standard ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound, to the chest of Corona patients in Wuhan Province China.

And Corona virus was totally cured!  The last 44,000 cases on earth totally eradicated.  Covid19 was the latest version of seasonal flu.  Also are totally cured by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest.

Now the drug companies are trying to build up measles!  Which causes sporadic epidemic so every 25 years.  But since 2002 win over the total cure of all viruses.

½ minute of HIUS each side of her patient's chest, totally eradicate all viruses within 2 hours.  An extinct virus is do not spread and evolve!  They are gone.

We cure measles totally in 1 minute.  Using the ultrasound device validated by every registered Dr. On earth, to clear all cancers and viruses.

The exact genome of the measles strain irrelevant.  He requires same foreign inflated cell nature to induce infected cell replication.  The standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest clears all viruses, obviously including measles and the common cold!

All cancers family vanished from the earth by 2020.  Though you would never find the drug company admitting this.  They still want to pays suppose the registered doctors to test for cancers.

No registered doctors are not permitted to test for extinct pathogens.  And there's been not one positive test for new cancer developing since 2020.  Nurse their health company is must return or all cancer tests fees, to their unfortunate patients!

The drug companies want to screen the general population for cancers.  Which is just their speak, for testing the general population for an extinct pathogen.  Using suppose the registered doctors.

Who are constrained from doing spurious medical interventions.  And medics have put on record that no new cancer cells form since 2020: just 18 years after the total cancer cure was published 53 medical professors.

Mean that since 2002 the prescription or cancer drugs has been defective an intentionally fatal medicine.  Striking off the Dr., the assisting nurses and pharmacists, and manufacturing biochemical drug company.

So all cancers cured as home using an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device.  Applied for ½ minute each side of the patients chest.  The results totally cured without Dr. or drugs interaction.  For five UK pounds! 


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