No childhood pandemic

SARs and Covid19 so extinct

2002 and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre published the use a one application of High Intensity UltraSound, as a total cure to all human cancers.  The had 200 types of human cancer by the 20th century pandemic!  Then suddenly cured by 2020.

As it was medically published by a world leading cancer hospital chain, every registered Dr. Rushed to buy a an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit for $10,000, to validate the paper.  I have found that 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound totally clears all human cancers!  All 200 types.


£3.33 - 4.4/ Piece
  • 1Review

Since the cancer cure registered doctors were no longer permitted to prescribe the now defective cancer drugs: the killing the cancer patient in two expensive agonising years!HIUS cure cancers in 1 minute.

2018 it was found that the same idea, ½ minute of HIUS totally clear the Corona viral epidemic in Wuhan Province China.  No direct relationship with Covid19 the regular seasonal flu for 2019.

Medics ceased on the only incurable virus circulating!  And said he was a type of Corona virus.  Extinct virus is do not evolved and spread!  They article in the world totally ****ing gone.

I've published my work freely on the Internet, the star to firstly validated by every registered Dr. On earth.  And the use to clear all strains of common flu.  Medical vaccinations intention kill one in 200 healthy an innocent individuals - an already added date before used.

The world is on the next year's Covid strain.  So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and never licensed.  They had a counter productive effect on the next year's Covid20.

But every registered Dr. On earth should have personally validated my cure to Covid.  Biochemical treatments or intentionally fatal an defective medicine.

The usual ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side of her patient's chest, the total one session cure to all viral and bacterial infections.  No Dr. or drugs involved!  This seasonal flu totally cured 2020.

We are now or in the year of Covid23.  Which by medical definition will become Covid24 on the 1st of October!  The annual renaming of the seasonal flu.  Clear any flu vaccination will be obsolete and counterproductive only six months in two expensive two year drug testing regime.  Legally required!

So no care of it vaccination could ever be illegal medicine.  Any GP giving a care of it vaccination struck off without legal argument.  A fine of 10 million for the one in 200 people who die as a direct result of a vaccination.

The Dr. is in a 25 year jail term for each patient murder.  And the Covid intentionally that to the deaths of 17 million people around the world: which is why medical or has prohibited a Covid vaccination since 1934.  Dr. Every medical student on the first year of a medical degree.

A vaccination to Covid all the common cold is not possible!  Those viral strange change too quickly, so the vaccination is obsolete and never licensed.

Any GP giving a care of it vaccination struck off without legal argument.  They a fine of 20,000 UK pounds to every surviving vaccination victim.  The 410 million UK pounds to and exit key and of every patient intentionally in callously vaccinated to death.

So the Covid vaccination scheme, was the most intentionally murderous medicine ever invented.

Now the medical world has become aware that a Covid vaccination is even legal all possible!  The medical world is still obsessed with Covid19: the seasonal flu that cease to exist in the universe 31 September, 2020.

Extinct pathogens do not evolved and spread!  There's been no care of it 19 on earth since September 2020.  Yet in 2024, the PR firms to the drug companies are obsessed with the idea that the regular flu might be a pandemic virus with children.

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a rare condition associated with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19), which usually occurs 2-6 weeks after a child is infected with SARS-CoV-2. The child's SARS-CoV-2 infection may be very mild or have no symptoms at all and may go unrecognized.

Covid19 so extinct!  No fossil relationship we've SARS - itself obsolete 2003.  As medics in Asia or applied the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of her patient's chest.  So he can be sure there is no evolved SARs all Covid10.  As both viruses totally cured.

Using the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest.

To clear both infections we may only require 15 seconds of HIUS - use the standard ultrasound device, and desist as the patient reports warming.  To an do not cause pandemics.

As they do not travel round the world by ship or aeroplane.  The black death caused a pandemic in the 15th and 17th century, travelling by the leisurely shipped around the world.

When a child reports feeling ill, the French are apply HIUS to each side the chest, and my biochemical treatments disease 100 per cent effective against any virus or bacterial infection.  There is no patient tolerance of allergy to ultrasound.

We just cause all infections away.  As infective cell has be pressurised to induce cell replication.  So on application of HIUS the infected cell boils and fragments.  The patient's own immune system then secrete and actions the active specific antibody, to any novel genome!  Basically curing all viral and bacterial infections.

The regular more flaccid body cells, are not affected until power levels over 20 W: I used to work in ultrasound.  Potentially dangerous stuff!  The Moffitt its cancer centre found the 8 W ultrasound clear the inflated cells common to cancer plus from bacterial infections, without affecting regular body cells.  Which in any case have no novel genome!

Medicine has begun to factor now or adults viral and bacterial infections, as well as cancers are cured.  So the PR firms focus on children!  We just need HIUS for is shorter time.

Stop as a child reports warming!  It will even work for babies, stop as the various displays discomfort!  No Dr. or drugs involved!

To wouldn't do not fly or cell around the world.  They could never cause a pandemic!  Children in a primary school there are other diseases vactors, that cause information flare ups - epidemics.

The school nurse can wield an ultrasound wand - e.g. an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit.  And clear all charter infections as they arise!  Stopping disease flare UPS.

IP children are just not marijuana in have ever to cause a pandemic!  That is drug company stupidness.  Only now we can cure all charter order and even baby infections.

SARs and Covid19 as obsolete as the black death!  Which could now be cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest. 


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