Every lead Dr. struck off

Cancer drugs so defective since 2002

2002 and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre in America are.  Published the single application of High Intensity UltraSound as a one session total cure to all cancers plus viral infections.

Even junior doctors got their hands an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, and personally verified that 100 per cent cancer cure.  ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound.  To either side the chest clearing also all viral and bacterial infections.


£3.33 - 4.39/ Piece
  • 1Review

Which may cancer drugs illegal medicine!  But they represented 80% of the economic income of doctors and drug companies.  Junior doctors are not going to prescribe cancer drugs.

Only the the Dr. in a medical practice can do so.  And like all registered doctors they have verified the 100% effectiveness of a single session of HIUS 22 years ago.  This being 2024.

Every Dr. Pledged never to apply defective medicine!  Or same day strike themselves off the doctors' medical register; but 2002 and the Lea doctors in every health centre on earth, decide to give off prescribing the defective and fatal cancer treatments.

Which your De cancer face and a two year expensive an agonising decline to certain Bio chemically assisted death.  The most fantastically unethical medicine in history!

From January 2021 but doctors and Health Centres around the world I apply the Covid19 vaccination.  But the Moffitt Paper has suggested that there ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest were cleared all viral and bacterial infections.  Without any patient death!

Eight disease vaccination kills one in 200 healthy an innocent individuals.  Only just legal medicine, if the vaccination was less fatal than the vaccination.  Now ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral infections.  Totally eradicating AIDs from the world 2012.

Though suppose the registered doctors were still prescribing the defective and fatal within a decade AIDs treatments until 2018: I got the New England Medical journal involved.  And the AIDs treatments ceased.

So 2002 and a total cure to all viral and bacterial infections was medically published, and firstly validated by every registered medic on earth.  Making disease vaccinations criminal and unethical medicine!

3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations given, the expected medical death rate was 17 million people around the world!  Without any shadow of a doubt, the most murderous medicine in recorded history!

For outstripping those who flu had died from a lead injections for syphilis: which was awarded the noble prize!  Before the development of fungal antibiotics totally eliminated syphilis.

The and the doctors were in a real quandary.  Eva or they could continue prescribing cancer drugs in direct contravention of their Hippocratic oath, all of their health centre became economically unsustainable.

HIUS a junior doctors were afraid to speak out!  Their first cancer drug prescription after they verified the Moffitt Paper, and the doctors were expelled at their own hand from medicine.  Or should have been!  Within the time of the most murderous doctors in recorded history.

Intentionally medicating a cancer patients to a horrific death, for their own amusement and personal profit!  Paying some of that money back into the Health System that should not have employed them any more.

The junior doctors held their silence, as in time the he hoped to become the leader Dr., Any massive money is from cancer drugs.

Through my blocking people have bought their own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, and clear their own cancers.  Or occasionally the practice nurse has have a of their nightingale pledge, and obeyed their nightingale pledge, and applying 1 minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound to where it hurt, to clear all 200 cancers out there.

The lead Dr. Is it related to God.  Only the National Medical regulators clear of chastise them.  But they were packed the registered doctors, busy prescribing the same defective and fatal cancer drugs.

I wrote yesterday that Hillary Clinton is being intentionally medicated to death from a brain tumour.  ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, either side ahead there has been firstly validated as a cure to Rane cancer and all mental health disorders.

2013 I cleared Alzheimer's, MS, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  The drug companies are furious!  They had pencilled in dementia as a new economic income source, now all cancers, and even Covid were cured.

They were unimpressed with a 100% AIDs cure, they would not involved in.  My personal friend in New York validated that ½ minute of HIUS each side of his head, cleared AIDs/HIV totally.

Biochemistry does not even have an effective treatment!  There treatment being defective and fatal within 10 years.  So all cancer strains are cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of a patient's head.

Doctors put on record that all cancers have stopped forming 2020.  Presumably as people are using their own 8 W one MHZ unit, ½ minute each side the chest to clear all viral and bacterial infections.

B doctors no longer a Dr. Prescribed cancer drugs!  Smiling as they medicated cancer patients to an needless agonising death.  Having personally validated the total effectiveness of HIUS clearing all 200 types of cancer.

They are no longer air and 160,000 UK pounds annually, for prescribing the defective biochemical treatments to cancer.  So they could no longer spent 40,000 UK pounds subsidising their health centre.

Which slammed into economic and sustainability!  And the cancer people are still going on as if cancers still existed.  They all died out four years ago or more!

The no registered Dr. Is allowed to research treatments for cured diseases.  So the cancer charities are raising money to pay wages.  They cannot fund biochemical research into cancers.

The drug companies are desperately searching for still existing cancer clusters around the world.  No registered Dr. Is allowed to research cured diseases.  They can't of why a spurious cancer test.

For four years nobody is tested positive for cancer!  He is so far must return all fees charged for the spurious cancer tests.  They can be no cancer screening, as there are no cancers!

All the cancer charities exist for nothing!  The charity commission has the legal imperative to shut down every cancer charity on earth.

All the doctors who have continued prescribing the defective and fatal cancer drugs since 2002, so obviously struck off!  That date every registered Dr. On earth was aware that 1 minute of e.g. 8 W three MHZ ultrasound externally, cleared all cancers.

People are being blackmailed into giving charitable donations to cancer research facilities.  When there are no cancers on earth!  That money going to total waste.  Certainly not being used to research cancers.

And no registered Dr. On earth can research treatments to cured conditions.  Without the same day being struck off from medicine for life!  There Health Insurance invalidated, medical registration removed, continued medical practice so criminal.

It is deeply embarrassing than suppose the most S. Nicol doctors on the planet, the only doctors, have all knowingly prescribed defective medicine for 22 years.  Resulting in an estimated 200 million deaths around the world.

World war two killed just 64 million. 


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