Monkey pox already cured

Monkey pox cured 2002 This week viral infection is fatal to primates. But had not killed one person since it was identified in 1958. I a pointed this out on the Internet are suddenly yesterday the drug company is announced monkey fox had killed somebody in Europe. So never in Europe had died from other medical problems who had a monkey pox! It was not the monkey fox which killed them. A vaccination against monkey fox which kill one in 200 people. By the world population of around eight billion, we are talking about the vaccinations intentionally killing 40 million people around the world. There is horrendously fatal medicine in history! For monkey fox is just a virus. And medicine found the cure 2002 to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections. ½ minute of High Intensity UltraSound to either side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections. The cheapest and so version of HIUS is an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage de...