The cure of AIDs

AIDs cured 2012 - AIDs treatments since illegal

I had a serious car accident in 1988.  And suffered 30% brain damage!  My first wife left in 1993 - the well I last saw her she smiled, and says lead-in have been a mother's idea.  She was a grown woman and it destroyed my life.

She was served as nursing in the with Alison.  The girl had MS.  Which would have been cures by ½ minute of High Intensity UltraSound to each side of her head.  Like from an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device.  Isn't hindsight great.

In 2000 I had recovered for better than anybody expected: the daughters are given me two weeks to live in 1988.  Professor Argent Sheffield University remember that I was quite bright.  And got me back doing a PH D.

Professor Z pointed out that the turbulent flow liquid water did nuclear fusion.  And we talked about ultrasoundong liquid water it giving off radiation - as it did nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+US→He+O+E²+X-ray

They got the job offer him by uranium nuclear power, and lost interest in nuclear fusion.  In exactly the same way that nuclear power has bought off all academic scrutiny of their murderous business.

Since Fukushima every nuclear power plant requires annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  They carry a criminally insufficient 50,000,000!  Resulting me the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down all nuclear power.  Mysterious he the year and is are hosting annual conference is on the meaningless manmade climate change.

Photosynthesis on land and sea takes in carbon dioxide every day in the light, the in just two parts per million carbon dioxide in the air.  The extra carbon dioxide from mankind, is to is 0.0004%.  Converted into additional plant biomass within 5 minutes.

No possible weather effect!  And every academic was taught the carbon cycle at school.  And those that plants eat carbon dioxide.  The limit to life on earth is among the trace of carbon dioxide in the air.

Carbon dioxide never rises to the stratosphere, where our weather is made.  Release from my PH DI got writing songs and sing on stage.  Still tossing over the nuclear fusion work I have been doing.

The Moffitt published a single application of what they called High Intensity UltraSound as a total cure to all cancer and viruses.  After six months I devised the use of an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit.

And the totally effective HIUS device.  Suddenly everybody could cure their own cancers at home in 1 minute.  Saving 20,000,000 lives a year around the earth.  The drug industry is have never consider cancer was cured.

I wrote this idea up about HIV 2008.  And 2012 I heard from a guy in New York who was HIV⁺.  He bought and used his own device.  And next week his GP discharged him from all AIDs Medical Care.

He told all his friends in New York, and the share our work on the Internet.  And AIDs ceased.  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all types of AIDs.  The medics have it avoids two distinct strains, but the idea cures all viral and bacterial infections.

Again medicine never accepted the most pernicious viral infection history was cured.  And corrupt doctors were still prescribing AIDs treatments until 2018.  Then presumably the European Court of human rights tell them to desist!

Now remember, I have suffered 30% brain damage.  And my academic contacts were not exactly healthy my work.

2012 other medics published the use of ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the back of the kidneys to totally clear coronary heart disease.  Again medicine has find impossible to concede that the condition which use to kill 15% of aged people have been cured.  No Dr. Is allowed to medicate the well person!  So no or heart medication could be prescribed after 2012.

The final major killer was diabetes.  Killing 5% of aged people.  ½ minute of HIUS was found by me 2013, to clear type two diabetes.  2016 I found that type one requires the fall minute.

Service kill all the diabetics around the world got better.  So now we have Libra, who were a drug company devoted to diabetes.  Trying to push self assessment use your mobile phone and glucose additions.

It was glucogen last week.  And to the Point GMC was involved in fatty liver disease.  But glucose is also are involved in diseases!  Policy in saint system snaps back to normal, it should even care with spurious clear considerations.

So you glucose all goes up and down naturally through the day.  It is for bio regulated regulated.  And no Dr. Would ever think of augmenting glycogen is.  Which is why the drug company is have tried to cut the Dr. out of the equation.

So can sell you glucose to inject.  For no great reason!  Really not a health improvement.  Just messing with the body chemistry.

There is no great glucose shortage in life.  There was an insulin and problem for the diabetics.  But 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest and the in saint system is back to normal.

The last 5% of the profits of drug company is vanished!  So they are desperate to invent a reason for people to shoot up on glucose.  Which use a potentially dangerous chemical.

It is involved in the demand is some diseases.  So could only be prescribed on good medical grounds by a registered Dr..  There is no good registered reason to augment glucose.

The idea is sorely to increase drug company profits.  For absolutely no medical benefit.  So every automatically prohibited by any registered Dr..  The drug companies have acquired habit of buying a way around the doctors Hippocratic oath.

But augmenting glucose for no good reason will end up in people dying!  And the drug company is don't see any problem with killing their patients for money!

½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will clear aids, just as it cleared Corona from Wuhan Province China by February 2020, and will clear all strains of Covid flu all the common cold.


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