All viruses and cancers cured 2002
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all viruses CURED 2002 |
That year three medical professors from the world renown Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound clear the inflated cell structure common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.
Suddenly cancer an infection medicine and have been criminal and fatal medical malpractice: the cancer drugs killing in a predictable two years! Viral and bacterial medication also had a fatality rate. HIUS cured everything. Totally outside biochemical drug patents!
1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, or the doctors' 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, clears all 200 types of cancer. In a solitary session! With no drug prescription. But drug prescriptions weather income source of drug company is and doctors.
The patient or next of kin receive a pound of 10,000,000 UK pounds for each Bio chemically assisted death. The doctors receive a 25 year jail term in high security prison each. The doctors and involved drug company struck off.
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But they have have confirmed that HIUS cause cancer cells in biopsies, to boil and rupture. In the body this caused the immune action to clear that dangerous exploding cell type throughout the body: all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections cured in a single session,
Obvious best medicine! Any Dr. failing to a void best medicine, was require the same day to strike themselves off. And worst of all the doctors realise the world needlessly killing for profit! These are the worst people in recorded history.
300 million people around the world killed and the cancer drug prescriptions since 2002. Each of those doctors are struck off without question! The biochemical drug company is also are struck off the biochemical drug licence. All other biochemical drug patents invalid and worthless.
The drug companies cease to have any legal value and could no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll. They are as bankrupt as it gets! 20 years ago. An yet the banks are still learning money to the of a company with no value!
The drug companies refocused on heart disease. There 2012 and other medics published the use of ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys to totally clear coronary heart disease. I had not mention the kidneys when I suggested the idea!
Next whiff of one diabetes. Which seems to have been eradicated all over the world. Though the drug company is do not want this knowing! ½ minute of HIUS was used for myself 2013 to have or right of the chest of a diabetic, to clear type two diabetes.
Just like cancers diabetes is caused by an inflated viral altered cell type. The diabetes messing with the instant system! The HIUS clears inflated cells.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
So HIUS clears diabetes totally. But I discover that type one diabetes requires the full minute of HIUS to remit instantly. Otherwise it only remits in three days - as the immune system gets busy.
And I freely published my work 2016 on the Internet. Which had to be read and confirmed by every registered Dr. on earth. Making the prescription of diabetic medication like insulin or diabetes, criminal medical malpractice. Just like the prescription of cancer drugs from 2002.
So every global Dr. Who has prescribed cancer or diabetes medicine, the struck off without legal argument: the Hippocratic allows no medical argument!
So heart medication was similarly criminal from 2012. The spooky condition totally cures by 1½ minutes of HIUS.
Now the drug company is looked around for other conditions! And fell on dementia. Which have been killing since a 1930s. With no medical interest! 2013 I validated ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead totally cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and depression.
A one session total cure no Dr. or psychologist involved. And certainly no drugs! The drug industry no focused on viruses. But 2012 my contact in New York used ½ minute of HIUS each side use chest to clear his HIV⁺ status. AIDs was cured. The most pernicious viral infection in history.
That killed five million people around the world. Who donated five billion to the biochemical research and the condition. The ultrasound unit cost under five UK pounds over the Internet.
And HIUS will cure all viral and bacterial infections. Chinese doctors in Wuhan Province China, I applied ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest of Corona viral patients.
That virus was declared totally extinct by February 2020. Never having penetrated the Wuhan quarantine in China. It was a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18.
Covid19 was the regular influence or virus from the next year. That freely circulated the world. I cured 8 November, 2019, using the medically published ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.
Medicine personally validated by every registered Dr. On earth. Who is then prohibited from the prescription of viral or bacterial medicine: bacteria it share the non native inflated cell structure which allows cancers and viruses to replicate.
It causes the B cells of the immune system to copy the bacterial genome. Until the bacteria does a slow start if damage!
½ minute of HIUS each side the chest causes the bacterial infected cells to boil and rupture. The bacterial are in the lungs, as cancer fission through the lungs is them a method of the propagation of viral and bacterial infections.
So I cured AIDs - which does molecular at Sheffield University 2000. To my PH D work into nuclear fusion. It transpires that ultrasound causes nuclear fusion in infected cells, hence they boil and rupture! Is all ties together.
So the cancer cure as a total one session cure to viral and bacterial infections. Nor are these foreign cell types or anymore require any drug application or research. They are all cured!
And the Hippocratic N oath prohibits biochemical research into cured conditions. And this week the medical world seems to have realized that Covid of all strains, is cured, just as Covid3 was cured of infe 2003, by Asian medics applied ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.
No medicine is desperately scratching around for another viral condition, which has fatal results! But HIUS clears all inflated cell types common to all viral and bacterial infections,
½ minute each side the chest clears all infections. Just as 1 minute externally cured all 200 types of human cancer.
½ minute of HIUS each side the chest also clears all parasitic infections. Including malaria! The parasitic structure boils and ruptures. It's hard ensure no protection against water boiling and shattering the parasite.
So all parasitic conditions are cured. As are all Algal conditions! The drug world each and the company refocus is on monkey pox. A fox virus which does not cause human death.
It has evolved to fatal to monkey's. Genoa discovered vaccination by giving people a dose of cow pox. Which causes a mild infection for three days. And 40 years' protection against contracting small pox - another member of the pox family.
So monkey pox is non fatal to humans. And gays and 40 years' protection against other members of the pox family. The drug companies will a really have to try harder
Monkey pox not fatal to humans. It he is an affective vaccination. Though vaccinations kill one person in 200.
Hence doctors are applying a Covid vaccination, the breaking basic medical: no research or application of a vaccination to Covid flu or the common cold. As those viral family is changed too quickly! And drug licensing program took four times longer.
So the Covid species had moved on the 1st of October every year. And the vaccination drug testing was only six months in two its two year cycle. So the Covid vaccination never entered human trials.
Never a legal human drug. Yet corrupt struck off doctors vaccinated 3.5 billion people against Covid19: from January 2021 - within the year of Covid20. And India and Bahrain demonstrated the Covid19 vaccination had no potency against the next year's Covid20.
We are now on the year of Covid21. Automatically on Covid22 the 1st of October, 2022. And no registered Dr. Ever allowed to work on a Covid vaccination.
Any Dr. Researching or applying any Covid vaccination, or struck off the same day! Losing both Dr. Registration and Health Insurance. Totally criminal medics! No longer allowed to do medical practice.
Which is a problem, as most global doctors have given a Covid19 vaccination. And smiled as one in 200 of the vaccinated patients died needlessly. Totally predictable deaths!
Each and every other as doctors or medical professors, struck a off and remove them cells from medicine.
And now all viral and bacterial infections have cured. And don't the drug company is hate it! All those people recovering and living on. Without any Dr. Involvement or drug use.
And doctors are meant to be super ethical. So every Dr. Who is given a Covid vaccination, the struck off the same day. Totally excluded from medicine for life.
There prescriptions invalid and illegal. Those who continued to pretend to do medical practice, must return or all medical fees to their fourth patients or more likely next of kin.
And already Dr. Numbers have shrunk below levels in 2018: as doctors family conceded there all cancers were cured. And now all diabetes also cured. Along with heart disease.
Plus all viral and bacterial infections. And dementia. After you knock cancers, heart disease, and diabetes as the medical arena, or medicine loses money. Which is why the Dr. had taken early retirement again!
Their struck off doctors are not entitled to any wages of pension. So must return or all pension payments on wages back to 2002.
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