Sheffield help cure AIDs
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AIDs totally CURED 2012 |
Though they are not happy about it. The most brilliant idea in history - and Sheffield are slightly embarrassed. Because I was meant to be studying nuclear fusion on earth.
And professor Z of the department of Engineering Materials, suggested that the turbulent flow of water or high pressure steam did nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+TU→He+O+E²+X-ray TU= turbulence
We burn the disgust that ultrasounding liquid water did molecular nuclear fusion. I wrote my first paper on earth today 2001. I have my PH D yanked from under my feet!
This is a science of it and fatal car accident and 30% brain damage. I was back at the 10th best university in England, doing useful work! And that all unwound.
It ended up writing songs and sing on stage. And I have 57 and must accept that I am retired! I used to work in IT, there are people retire at 55.
I have just got my third book into print. Am I have publisher wants my next MS! So actually living through a very well remunerated career as an author. From which I will not retire!
Idea to my was to work into the ultrasound idea and sent my concerts to my medical friends. That high intensity ultrasound showed restrict cancer growth.
The Moffitt cancer centre published 2002 have a direct result, the use a 1 minute of 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound, to clear all 200 types of human cancer. Plus all viral and bacterial infections out there.
The drug company is and are accepting that cancers are cured. 2012 medics published the use of High Intensity UltraSound for ½ minute to the top left to the chest the kidneys, to totally cure heart disease.
2008 I wrote up the Moffitt Paper about curing HIV AIDs. I had gay friends, but the clean none with HIV. I had done my work in Sheffield within a department of engine materials.
Who never pretended to understand medicine! Presumably my ideas, forwarded to medicine, but there are focused on biochemical drugs treating diseases. And certainly did not want a drug free cure to a major diseases of age.
I validated 2013 ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the rib cage over the pancreas, cleared type two diabetes. My American friends reported there was a three day delay in type one remitting.
2016 I was able to validate their own individual for the contracted diabetes in America that 1 minute to the bottom right of the chest instantly clear type one diabetes.
I have lost four non blood relatives to diabetes. Ironically enough the first one was and is working in metallurgical ultrasound! And could have cured or if I had known.
That's the trouble with hindsight. The only find out the answers years later!
2012 a guy who was HIV⁺ virgi my articles on HIUS and AIDs. He got in touch, are have eyes and have an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit. Which he did over the Internet!
He applied it ½ minute each side use chest just 1 time. And the next appointment his GP discharged him from all AIDs Medical Care. As he was cured!
My abortive PH D at Sheffield University, cost me 5000 UK pounds. The world has invested five billion in biochemical research into AIDs - which should not work.
The AIDs treatments, killed the patient within a decade. We freely shared our work with the entire answer the world. Am I gave friend told all his friends.
And HIV AIDs vanished from the world. With no acknowledgement from medicine of Sheffield University. To my mind at ease 5000 pounds well spent. HIV AIDs killed five million individuals.
They the rest in peace! Physically Freddie Mercury, who gave so generously to HIV charities. As he is dying from the condition!
Sheffield should not be ashamed of power plant in curing the most pernicious viral infection in history. OK I did the work within engineering! And there was a four year delay while my messages were read and thought about.
During which time as forcefully regretting publishing my work with no friends with HIV. But then everybody got cured! Still no Ph.D. though! What more did Sheffield want?
The viral cure idea works for all viral and bacterial infections. Including Covid flu and the common cold. It totally drug less total cure to all viral and bacterial infections.
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