Totally curing pneumonia

Pneumonia fixed

Pneumonia can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. 

All those foreign organisms require a foreign inflated cell nature to induce infective structure replication in the body: away from the body stem cells!

2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre demonstrated a single application of high intensity ultrasound will clear the inflated cell structure common to cancers and viruses.  Registered doctors verified it will clear all 200 types or cancer that existed 2000.

½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound applied externally to each side of the chest was personally validated 2010 to clear the foreign inflated cell structure common to all viral and bacterial infections.

2002 and registered cancer doctors verified that 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, will clear all cancers.  Rendering biochemical cancer treatments intentionally defective and fatal within two years medicine.

So from 2002 every registered cancer Dr. In the world have verified the 1 minute of external High Intensity UltraSound totally cleared all human cancers.  They were globally prohibited from the prescription of biochemical cancer drugs.

And a every registered nurse prohibited from the application of those drugs to the patient.  Resulting in the inevitable patient death.

Pneumonia is perceived as the affection of last resort.  Usually being the final infection my results in a patient death.  But the standard 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to a patient's chest will clear all foreign inflated cell types.  Including all viral and bacterial infections, and even fungi!

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So the infected structure boils and fragments.  Inducing the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear the foreign inflated cell type totally from the body.

Clearing all viral and bacterial infections as well as fungi.  The idea of ultrasound setting off nuclear fusion in water was covered in the Columbia University paper 1895.  So late 19th century idea!

Given to me by any Dr. Z at Sheffield University 2000.  He had a double first from Columbia, so presumably have murder all the library papers on nuclear fusion.

It transpires that the pressurise cancer or infection cell boils and ruptures our power levels benign to body cells.  That experience ultrasound burns at 160 W 40 kHz.

I have practically found by 150 W 40 MHz will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Even amazing enough clearing breast, colon and lung cancers.  Medics all read my paper, they carried on prescribing the defective and fatal biochemical cancer treatments for naked profit.

2005 the doctors actually MHS even medicated my father to death using cancer drugs.  Each and every registered Dr. In the world have are validated the 8 W three MHZ unit totally cleared all cancers without any patient death.

To prescribe biochemical cancer drugs after the Moffitt Paper 2002, was defective an intentionally fatal medical malpractice.  To which there is no defence!  The doctors Hippocratic oath buys every registered Dr. Had to using best medicine.

The single application of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound being medically proved 2002 to clear prostate cancer.  They and registered doctors are validated the same year it will clear all 200 cancers out there.

2010 I validated that it would clear all bacterial and viral infections.  Clearing viral infections stops the subsequent development of cancers - that form after a lengthy medicated viral infection.

2025 the biochemical drug industry is are promoting the idea that new cancer strains have evolved, which resist HIUS.  Which just proves the doctors don't understand nuclear fusion.

The high intensity ultrasound induces the molecular nuclear fusion device five Columbia 1895, as it targets the foreign inflated cell nature of infections. At one side term yhe pathogen base.

And the pathogen genetic alteration, is to the end of the pathogen RNA, for away from them totally separate to the pathogen base.  Which allows a viral, bacterial or fungal infection to divide a multiplier.  So there is no pathogen tolerance to HIUS.

And a every global hospital or health centre has had the Dr. validated 8 W ultrasound unit in every nursing office, and nurses are trained to apply ultrasound to the human body.

½ minute each side of the chest clears all infections.  All viral, bacterial, and fungal infections boil and rupture on application of 8 W ultrasound.

So the patient's own immune system secrete and actions the active human antibody.  Even an immediate immune system is revitalised to clear that dangerous exploding cell type totally from the body and brain.

So since 2002 every Dr. and nurse has have access to the 8 W ultrasound device totally clearing all cancers in 1 minute.  Clearing all infections by 1 minute or less of local ultrasound application.

And infections turn to spread through the human lungs.  He was to apply the 8 W ultrasound each side the chest for ½ minute, or 1 minute to where the patient experience is organ pain.

And it will clear all infections.  Including pneumonia - the final infection in some people's lives.  The patient's immune system rejuvinated and upgrade to 100 percent immune vitality.

Using HIUS to clear cancers, says suppliers of many individuals.  Cancers use to kill 1/3 developed world before 2002.  Since the Moffitt Paper every registered Dr. and higher nurse on earth, first drug company managing directors all validated the 100% effectiveness of HIUS clearing all cancers.

Also clearing all infections!  Obvious best medicine to clear all infections including pneumonia.  The world should be thanks to the now professor Z, but he is embarrassed by his own genius.  Which will holes the money given to higher education buy global drug companies.

As cancer an infection medication on her defective.  Local application of 8 W ultrasound being the best medicine.  As published 2002.


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