Doctors struck off by their own hand

Not Dr,s for 23 yearts

On entry to medical practice all doctors take the Hippocratic oath.  Pledging to be aware off, firstly validate and use best new medical science.  For earlier to validate medically published science automatically strikes off the Dr..

So in 2002 which can be 100% sure there every registered Dr. On earth validated the Moffitt cancer hospital paper.  And the single application of High Intensity UltraSound to where it hurts clearing all cancers.

Only doctors confirmed it cured all 200 types or cancer that existed.  And its means of action will cure any future cancer cell type.

Medics have known since the 1880s that the application of e.g. 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound cause cancer cells they give off X rays.  Well have been no affect on regular body cells.

There is no chemical source of X rays.  We are actually doing biological molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E+X-ray

The cancer cells, like viral cells must have a foreign inflated cell nature to get infected cell replication.  Hence precancerous cells sit there glowering, and till a viral infection shows some viral RNA with the precancerous cells, to turn into an control Lee replicating cancers.

The Moffitt utilised 8 W three MHZ ultrasound and.  I have found 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device 100 per cent effective in clearing infections and cancers.

So 1 minute of external 8 W ultrasound totally clearing all two only cancer cells types that have ever existed.  ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side of a person's chest, clears all infections as they feel the infection beginning.

Curing viruses stops the formation of cancers.

So 2002 every registered Dr. On earth had to firstly validate that 8 W ultrasound cleared all cancers in one session.  But it made the doctors' no money and feeble can buy their own 8 W one MHZ unit and use it legally as home.

Applied to where an organ unexpectedly started hurting, clearing all cancers.  The National Medical regulators like the GMC carry the Medical Insurance.

And agreed with the doctors there the doctors have continued prescribing the no defective an intentionally fatal biochemical cancer treatments, so make loads of money when the patient died in two agonising expensive years.

1 minute of 8 W ultrasound clearing all cancers.  But doctors reckoned that nobody would understand that.  I used to work in metallurgical ultrasound 1984.  So under study at exactly!

2010 I use my 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound device to clear a breast, colon and lung cancers.  And I utilised an 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit - 30 times cheaper to apply.

The single session 1 minute total cure to all cancers.  And the doctors carried on prescribing the knowingly defective and fatal biochemical cancer drugs.

Smiling as they intentionally medicated their patients to an agonising, expensive and unnecessary death.  Reserving the HIUS for their friends and it is doubtful that they had any real friends.  Serious medicated ever else to death deliberately.

This is a sort of behaviour specifically precluded by the doctors Hippocratic oath.  Some of our tear away by the drug company is and higher up nurses.

So drug company is were required to confirm 100% cure offered by HIUS.  And then legally constrained from manufacture and sale of the no defective an intentionally fatal biochemical treatments.

The 8 W one MHZ unit can be purchased over the Internet to be a for under five UK pounds.  And requires no Dr., Nurse or hospital involvement in clearing all cancers.

So the Dr. smiled as he knowingly medicated patient to an unnecessary, agonising and expensive death.  Use papers will not pick up the story!  As they are scared of the doctors and GMC.

The GMC he is legally required to remove their Health Insurance they are very doctors prescribed biochemical cancer drugs since 2002.  The higher up nurses required to inform lower down nurses that the only legal cancer medicine was HIUS.

Assisting a biochemical cancer drug application was medical malpractice.  Striking off the prescribing Dr. Plus assisting nurses.  Just one assistance with biochemical cancer drugs since 2002, the nurse contravened their nightingale pledge.

She was removed from legal nursing practice.  Like the prescribing Dr., Structural all medical wages and future pension the first time engaged with the defective biochemical cancer drugs after 2002.

As the European Court of justice has reminded me, there is no legal challenge the doctors Hippocratic oath.

All 200 biochemical drug company is carried on with the illegal and criminal manufacture of the defective cancer drugs.  So struck off for ever.  All other biochemical drug patients void and worthless.

There drugs outside legal Dr. prescription.  There the Dr. had all been struck off anyway!  As cancer drugs accounted for 80% of Dr. and drug company income.

Without cancer drugs or Health Services around the world are bankrupt.  Including the NHS in the UK.  Where there doctors have just negotiated are more lucrative GP contract.

As they have lost a each other's of the income as cancers cease to exist family by 2020.  Every Dr. Who prescribed biochemical cancer drugs from 2002 until 2020, the struck off without legal argument.

Losing all pretence of legal cover from the General Medical council.  Stripped or medical wage of pension for life.  Their private medical practice equally criminal and unethical!

As far as I know every energy as Dr. Has continued with the intentionally defective and fatal biochemical cancer treatments.  They will twist and turn and try to persuade the lawyers that they should be allowed to maintain the or medical practice.

Though they have pledged in the Hippocratic oath to strike themselves off the first day they knowingly applied defective medicine.  So there first prescription of biochemical cancer drugs after 2002.

And struck off doctors get no medical aid from the NHS.  The new one lucrative NHS contract will never apply.  They are instantly compelled never to enter hospital grounds again in life to perform medicine.

Surely the most heinous mass four murderers in history.  Medicated 1/3 8000 patient book, to death 2002 alone.  Then continuing to medicate their cancer patients to an needless, agonising expensive death.  And so all cancers cease to exist 2020.

As people are using their own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit at home.  There will be no brash for 8.00 AM appointments.  As cancers use to account for 80% of their work load.

½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to the top left to the chest the back of the kidneys, was found to totally clear all heart problems 2013.  Subsequently found to clear heart rhythm problems.

½ minute of 8 W ultrasound to the lower right of the chest and the pancreas clearing type two diabetes.  Type one requires the fall minute, or only remits in three days.

Without cancers, heart disease and diabetes the rest or medicine loses money.  My personal experience 2010 and there was ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest totally clear all viral and bacterial infections.

It even cleared my own Covid19 November 2019 and medicine precludes a vaccination to already cured disease.  Worse still there when the Covi19 vaccination programme started, January 2021, the seasonal flu has moved on to Covid20.

So the flu vaccination was obsolete and six months into a legally required two year drug testing regime.  Which is why medicine is precluded the A vaccination to common cold or flu since 1934.

As those viral family is change too quickly!  Since 2002 the world was aware that 1 minute of 8 W ultrasound to the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  As practically confirmed by every registered Dr. On earth!

So we have just lived through 23 years the doctors medicating patients to death using defective and counterproductive vaccinations.  Never thinking they will be brought to account!

Applying a vaccination to a cured disease cancels the doctors Health Insurance.  So the GMC was totally aware that the care of it vaccinating doctors have stepped outside legal Health Insurance for ever.


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