Curing winter bugs

Everything cured no Dr or drugs

This method was published by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002 earth.  I confirmed by every registered Dr. On earth!  Curing all cancers in 1 minute of external e.g. 8 W three MHZ ultrasound earth.

I was intrigued that paper covered the clearance of viruses.  It transpired to clear all foreign inflated cell types, which includes cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

Cancers are formed from the amalgamation R6 common enzymes from previous infections.  13 hours the there glowering as the precancerous cluster.  2010 I met a lady Dr. Who was being medicated by her GP for precancerous cells of the cervix.

I learned her my 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit, and she vanished into the toilet to RE emerged 2 minutes later looking a little flashed.  She was discharged from all Medical Care by her GP the next appointment.

It transpired the precancerous cluster is share the foreign inflated cell nature with full cancers.  I wish body is worth stressing that all cancers that might potentially evolved no future, would require the same inflated cell nature.

So the boiling and fragmenting on external application of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound for 1 minute to where it hurt.  This is my version of a medical High Intensity UltraSound.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So all do that cancer cells types cured in 1 minute.  Not surprisingly doctors and drug company is are horrified.  As this published medical science the wise to 80 per cent of the income of doctors and drug companies.

Removing the 60% of the external funding from medical schools - given by the drug companies wishing to learn about new medical advances or early.

So I had to acquire the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound in 2002, and verified it cleared all 200 types of human cancer out there.  Any potential cancer which might evolved in the future.

They were then legally prohibited from manufacture and sale of or now defective an intentionally fatal usually within two years, biochemical cancer drugs.

But doctors and drug company is have the quaint habbit are holding out their hands and saying 'but we signed the Hippocratic oath'in the case of drug company is and higher up nurses voluntarily.

The drug company is legally, strained from the manufacture and sale of cancer drugs since 2002.  All automatically struck off the biochemical drug register.  All other biochemical drug patents they once possessed void and worthless.

The drug company share price is the athletics some as all its outstanding biochemical patents, and since 2002 no registered Dr. or drug company has been allowed to work on earth cancer biochemical drugs.

Wiping out 80% other incomes.  In corporate history no company has ever survived losing 80% of its core income.  Bankrupt within two years!

The drug companies have cleared a national governments for extra financing, which is get an economically afloat.  Though they can no longer a borrower from the banks to make payroll every month.

Resorting to selling off their assets, to get at the finance is to make the wages bill.  But no registered Dr. Allowed to prescribe biochemical cancer treatments since 2002.

Or automatically struck off according to the Hippocratic oath.  There patents then illegal and invalid.  There medical practice not insured and criminal.  And the National Medical regulators carry the Dr. insurance.

Each regulator high been firstly validated that e.g. 8 W ultrasound for a minute externally clears all cancers.  Making the prescription of biochemical cancer drugs subsequent or 2002, defective an intentionally fatal medicines usually within two years.

1 minute of e.g. 8 W ultrasound clearing all cancers so ever or could ever exist.  Motion why medicine the Moffitt Paper reference to cure of viruses.

Which share the pressurised foreign cell structure of cancers, to induce infective structure replication using the viral single cell how the case.  Viruses look after their own single cell type cell replication.

Bacteria share the foreign inflated cell nature.  To induce the B cells of the immune system to copy their genome and give it a minimal cell walls.  So bacteria are parasitic on the human immune system.

The cell copying stops within three days as the bacterial structure start doing cell damage to body cells.  2010 I have firstly validated that ½ minute of my 8 W ultrasound each side the chest cleared 30 different viral and bacterial infections for my friends and family.

The favour had to firstly validated by every registered Dr. On earth.  Who was then compelled to use HIUS, ½ minute of e.g. 8 W either side the chest to clear all viral and bacterial infections.

I used it November 2019, to clear my seasonal flu.  Then referred to by doctors and drug company is by the medical name of Covid - the viral family causing the seasonal flu since 1934.

So Covid19 cured using 1 minute of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side the chest.  From an ultrasound massage device purges for 45 UK pounds over the Internet.

These devices have proved very popular.  Again every purchased for under five UK pounds.  Clearing all her viral and bacterial infections.  Also clearing of fungal infections I applied to where it hurts, or the usual ½ minute to each side of a person's chest.

I wrote this idea up and published it 2008.  As all I gay acquaintances Berkley had AIDs.  Picked up 20125 Brett in New York who was HIV⁺.  Or can you let them I ultrasound stars is at Sheffield University from 1986.

A strong again to my PH D work 2000.  When Dr. Z giving the published idea from Columbia University 1895, that 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound applied to cancers cause the emission of X rays.

He had a double first from Columbia.  Idea cells user card carrying genius!  In the 1940s A Dr. Worked with their physiques brother, to used 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound to develop the ultrasound scans of cancers.

Where the inflated cell structure common to cancers plus viruses, give out X rays.  At which stage any rational scientist would attract increasing the ultrasound power levels.  2001 I utilised 150 W 40 kHz, as a one session total cure to all viral and bacterial infections.

Though, is so obviously under stored her it worked!  It actually caused the foreign inflated cell types common to viral and bacterial infections to boil and rupture.

Giving the immune system the danger signal for foreign dangerous cell types, which for down exploded on application of ultrasound.  As the Moffitt Paper 2002 I verify the 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound equally effective.

Clearing breast, colon and lung cancers.  Lung cancer is making up 80 influenza the your own cancers out there 2000.  All cured by 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from an ultrasound massage device costing 45 UK pounds.

A one session total cure to all cancers!  As registered medics utilised 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit bought for $10,000, I applied externally found to clear all cancers out there.

2010 I firstly found that my 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit applied externally each side the chest clearing all bacterial and viral infections.  Hence the cured my own Covid19 November 2019.

And medicine prohibits a vaccination to already cured disease.  As vaccinations intentionally kill one in 200 of the healthy people vaccinated.  An again every registered Dr. On earth are required to firstly validate and then use 8 W ultrasound to clear all infections.

2012 it even cured Bret's AIDs.  At which stage and doctors and drug company largely stopped talking about AIDs.  To which there is still no biochemical cure.

The drug company is taught darkly about AIDs₂, and as they could not cure HIV anyway, this or big area for biochemical research and drug manufacturers.

But there was no AIDs₂.  Which watering cured by 1 minute of doctor Z's 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound for to a person's chest: OK he is really admire and development of power same kinds by the Dr. in the at Sheffield University coffee room.

I firstly validated 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound was effective HIUS.  And as the Moffitt Paper or adopted 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound.  The U.S. so costing below five UK pounds, shipped from China.

Every family on earth should have such a unit, applied ½ minute each side the chest, or less for children - stop the ultrasound as a child yanks away feeling warming.  Which will cure all viral and bacterial infections.

The total cure to all viral and bacterial infections, but totally clearing all strains of Covid and the common cold.  Those viral family is change too quickly for vaccination medicine.  Which is why medicine has prohibited any work or application of a vaccination to covet or the common cold, since 1934.

There being no patient allergy or infection tolerance of HIUS.  Which has existed in nature for all recorded time!  Waterfalls over one metre high cure for X rays continuously while water flows.

2 H₂O+TU+P→He+O+3e⁻+E+X-ray

So people standing by waterfalls naturally exposed to natural lower power X ray emission, and X rays how the curative action on cancers.  As the X rays as set off nuclear fusion in they cancer cells.

Though here the ultrasound scans of cancers was that two or there are a power level of X rays to set off biological molecular nuclear fusion within the cancer cells.  In 2002 the and the Moffitt cancer centre validated that 8 W three MHZ ultrasound did sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion in the cancer cells.

Which boil had and ruptured.  Giving the cancer danger signal.  The subject of the 1998 Medical Paper by Dr. MatZinger from the national institute of health.  Hypothesising that the danger signal linked A distinct foreign cancer cells worthy to the immune system to totally clearing are dangerous cell from the body and brain.

Dr. Z giving the published medicine from Harvey universecity 1985, that ultrasound set off nuclear fusion in liquid water.  I acted as C and it linked regime doctors Zs ideas of initiating nuclear fusion we are pressurise cell types in the body.

With Dr. MatZinger's concept of the cancer linked danger signal would lead to the one session total cure of all cancer cells types.  The now professor Z is acutely embarrassed that he tell the world how to cure cancers.

As university education is financially dependent on the money had given her us by the drug company is to do medical research.  The total one session cure of cancers using no Dr. or drugs, why sir the income source of doctors, drug companies but also universecities.

Now or families can buy their 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit over the Internet, I have the device at hand to cure all infections as people feel the infection coming on at night.

So we wipe out all strains of Covid or the common cold.

In the United States, the common cold leads to 75–100 million physician visits annually at a conservative cost estimate of $7.7 billion per year.

Covid19 cost the world an estimated 17 trillion.  So why she out winter viral and bacterial infections books to save the world about the 20 trillion a year earth.  Choir possibly the most important medical department in history.

Covid causing 50 human deaths a year around the world.  With the use so the answer to the development of 20 million cancer is a year.  Fatal usually within two years.

The Common Cold killing 30 burn again helping develop cancers.  This is 2020 registered doctors have fought on rich and record, I all global cancers have stopped forming.

Same in the world two trillion a year.  For four unfortunate cancer patients he used to each medicated to an expensive an needless Bio chemically assisted death.  Since 2002 doctors and there all cancers on earth are cured by the standard 1 minute of HIUS applied externally.

All cancers not validating the Moffitt cancer centre paper 2002, the struck off and structure Dr. Registration and Medical Health Insurance.  Continued medical practice as criminal as it gets.

Or there prescriptions then illegal and invalid.  There medical practice just so criminal and murderous.  This work started at Sheffield University, who have done their best to distance themselves from the most important health benefit to humanity ever.

As it wipes out 60% of universecity income.  Surely the wiser there is 20,000,000 global citizens are more important.  Even 2025, the drug company is still screening for remaining cancers.

There from 2002 every registered Dr. had personally validated the one session total cure to all cancers using 1 minute of external 8 W ultrasound.

So Sheffield University followed by a drug company is in turn not publishing any work on HIUS curing cancers and infections.  Remembering that ½ minute of e.g. 8 W ultrasound each side the chest, totally clearing all viral and bacterial infections.

With no Dr. or an drugs intervention.  The prescription of the defective fungal antibiotics since 2002, defective and potentially fatal medical malpractice.

Striking off the Dr. and drug company.  And doing the keys to number 10 downing street, the UK prime minister say Keir Starmer, rewarded all the intentionally murderous doctors by increasing the annual energy as budget void 10 billion UK pounds.

There every Dr. Who prescribed the defective biochemical cancer drugs since 2002 the struck off the same day at their own hand.  The involved drug company and nurses also struck off without legal argument.

All medics structural medical wage and future medical pension.  Even there doctors have taken early retirement, face repaying or medical wages back to 2002.

And getting no more gold linked medical pension.  Struck off doctors receive no pension.  Luxuriating in the knowledge to their defective biochemical cancer drug prescriptions, intentionally killed every cancer patient deliberately usually within two years.

The doctors reserving the 1 minute of external 8 W ultrasound, to cure family members and real friends of all infections and cancers.

Today he the major prescription of doctors is for fungal antibiotics.  Intentionally defective and potentially fatal medicine since 2002.  Certainly since 2010 when I've published my cure of all winter viral and bacterial bugs.

You have four at Sheffield University was never awarded me a medical Ph.D.  Somewhere since 2001.  For saving 20,000,000 cancer lives a year on earth.

And curing all those viral and bacterial bugs throughout the year, especially at Christmas.  There are starmer infections also cured by 8 W ultrasound to the chest. 


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