Curing the common cold


We are not talking about a vaccination!  As the common cold and Covid (the medical name for the seasonal flu) changed their genome too quickly.

So any potential vaccination is already obsolete an even counter productive, so never licensed.  Tragically vaccinations kill one in 200 of the healthy individuals vaccinated.

Medics gave her the unlicensed vaccination for Covid to 3.5 billion individuals around the planet from January 2021.  Already within the year of Covid20.  Genetically distinct from the previous year's Covid.

So the seasonal flu became indifferent to the obsolete vaccination.  Or have been a obsolete vaccination in the blood stream it made the experience from the next year's flu virus worse.  Making the flu more severe, an increasing the flu death rate from 3.5%.

Every year the seasonal flu use to kill 50 individuals around the planet.  Increased if you survived the vaccination there your Dr. gave you, illegally!  The vaccination never legal human medicine.

The common cold kills 30 people a year.  Or at least two!  But it use trely on to cancers, which in 2000 and kills 20,000,000 people a year around the earth.  Caused by a lengthy viral infection.

2002 and the Moffitt cancer hospital chain published the use of 1 minute of e.g. 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, to cause the foreign inflated cell type to boil and rupture.

Foreign cell types, whether cancers all viruses require the same foreign inflated cell structure.  To induce the cells to replicate in a viral fashion.  Requiring cancers to acquire some viral RNA from an opportunistic viral infection, like the common cold.

So technically cancers divide in a viral fashion!  Bacteria also need an inflated cell structure, this time to induce the B cells of the immune system to replicate the bacterial genome thinking he didn't a perfect bacterial structure.

Which is why infections delay causing cell damage to body cells for three days.  So you had a head start on the immune system!  2010 I validated that ½ minute of the 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound medically proven to clear cancers, also cleared viral and bacterial infections.

The Moffitt was family of war did the noble prize in medicine for publishing the cure, that transpires to cure all cancers out there.  Not just prostate cancer!

And the ½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Causing the pressurise foreign cell structure to boil and rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray HIUS= high intensity ultrasound, like the 8 W 1 MHz I use.

I don't wait to see a Dr. and find out what infection I have.  ½ minute of my 8 W ultrasound each side my chest clearing all infections.  Instantly for new infections.

Up to 2 hours for already established infections.  I don't let any infection get established now!

It does not matter that the pathogen genome (the viral or bacterial infection) changes too quickly for vaccination medicine.  The ultrasound targets the inflated nature of the infective cell.

Common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.  What I had term the pathogen base.  The ultrasound causes the pressurise cell to boil and so cause the foreign cell type to rupture.

At which stage the B cells secrete and action the active human antibody to clear the specific foreign cell type from the body.

Only actually targets the novel genome in the cell remnants, that may include that year's specific viral or bacterial genome.  Doesn't matter.  Is also makes the active human antibodies to the pathogen base.

This is not just a concept!  It is what I use three times the year to clear my own infections.  Which he is I never see the Dr. and cancer drugs prescription.

I do not have the viral infection for long periods like we have medication.  So cancer is will never form.  It also stops the formation of heart disease, diabetes and dementia.

With any Dr. visit or prescription.  And as the body secrete C sound specific antibodies, there is no patient intolerance.  Are the endogenous human antibodies: this means that your body secrete naturally.

We don't import A foreign fungal antibiotic.  So there is no chance of developing intolerance are negative side effect.

The seasonal flu also are totally cured.  The flu it use to kill 50 individuals a year around the planet.  Since the publication of HIUS 2002 there was no need.  As the Moffitt Paper reference the cure of viruses.

But doctors and drug company is are massively reluctant to use a physical cure of all infective disease.  Even though there ½ minute of 8 W ultrasound each side the chest years 100 per cent effective within 2 hours.

Any the Dr. and drug company no money.  You can purchase the required 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit over the Internet, for under five UK pounds.

And be ready to cure all infections.  I wrote up the idea about curing AIDs using HIUS 2008.  Practically confirmed by Brett in New York 2012.

So so all the biochemists have started talking about AIDs so the starting going into remission.  It is really the HIV been totally cured.  Never to come back.  So the HIUS cure to most pernicious viral infection in history in one session.

AIDs into the medical world 1986, during my master's degree in to engineering.  Including serving ultrasound.  After the nearby for ending car accident I was back at Sheffield University doing PH D work into nuclear fusion 2000.

Myself and my PH D supervisor deduced that the ultrasound scans of cancers could only cause emission of X rays if we are doing nuclear fusion.  So all ties together!

Away from Sheffield and bought their own 8 W one MHZ unit, and use it to clear a breast, colon and lung cancers.

The work on curing cancer using 8 W three MHZ ultrasound was published by world leading cancer hospital chain in America - the Moffitt.

The medical professors were so frustrated that there are some medical ward wouldn't listen to their hundred patient double blind trial 2002 on curing cancer.  They he took early retirement 2010 and encourage me to carry on blogging about the use of HIUS to cure cancers and viruses.

I found out with my own infections, that ½ minute of my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, clears everything.  Including the common cold and Covid flu.  As the ultrasound coveted the foreign inflated nature of viral infected cells.

The rapidly changing viral genome at the end of the DNA/RNA of no consequence.  Under 8 W ultrasound the infected cells boil had and fractured.

The body it secreted in actioned the active human antibody to clear that dangerous exploding cell type from the body and brain: I am indebted to Dr. MatZinger for the 1998 Medical Paper on the fear of cancers to do some stand to cell damage to body cells.

So the immune system made no immune assault on the foreign cell type.  1 minute of 8 W ultrasound applied externally, course all the cancer primary cells to boil and rupture.  When we apply the ultrasound to where the cancer hurts.

So suddenly we have a one session total cure of all cancers.  And I discovered after the covered in the Moffitt Paper, it also clears all viruses.

Including all strains of the common cold and Covid flu.  Vaccinations will never tackle fast changing viral families such as those.

But 8 W ultrasound from a commercially sourced ultrasound massage device, will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  And I think she also cure parasitic infections.  No date yet! 


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