Home cure to cancer and infections

Best medicine for cancer and disease

Understandably the biochemical drug industry year's furious, as this idea was published by world leading cancer hospital chain.  The Moffitt cancer hospitals.  Which predictably have stopped trading, and the Moffitt library has been taken over by Berkeley.

2002 and the Moffitt detailed the use of one session of what they termed High Intensity UltraSound to totally clear the inflated cell structures common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

The paper was 100 patient double blind trial supervised by three medical professors in a world leading hospital or cancer chain.  So was automatically peer reviewed by medical professors familiar with the area.

They published the use of 8 W 1 MHZ ultrasound to clear the foreign inflated cell structure common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.  I had suggested 150 W 40 kHz, from my PH D work into nuclear fusion at Sheffield University.

Who had a world wide reputation for this all the work.  Done within the building of Engineering Materials- within Sheffield University engineering department.

B8 Watts 3 MHz ultrasound Covi purges from the Moffitt for $10,000, I was worried that frequency was a bit excessive.

As I knew that 2 kW 40 kHz ultrasound was just about benign to body tissues.  That higher power and frequency levels we would induce body tissue ultrasound burns.  Which I have spent my working life in non destructive testing avoiding.

So I replication the work using an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit purchased over the Internet.  Which are found to be 100 per cent effective in clearing breast, colon and lung cancers.  Lung cancer being 80% of the global cancers out there 2000.

The verification work done at salford quays, as my PH Stewart was inexplicably ended with no award.  Actually come year to the suggestion of Dr Z, that ultrasound scans of cancers are only emitted X rays, as were doing was later named biological molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E²+X-ray

Actually the concept devised by Dr. Z's uncle at Columbia University New York.  In 1976 had health published the work on cold fusion at Columbia.  Without a shadow of a doubt the most brilliant piece of thinking I had ever encountered.

And only I had been taught this 1986.  When in my master's degree I was taught that the E electrolysis of regular water give off X rays.  Electrical physical molecular nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+de/dT→He+O+E+X-ray

As the water heavy non pressurised, the electrolysis energy required to produce B nuclear fusion, exceeded the nuclear fusion heat produced.  Not avile exothermic Energy System.

But the no professor Z's suggestion that the application of ultrasound to water doing nuclear fusion had legs.  I now have spent the next 15 years flying around the world on holiday.

I had a court settlement from a car accident which I set about spending.  Rather too successfully!  So 2008 I started writing science and fiction books.

I now have six books in print.  Fully published books.  The self publish her or her huskily a four publishing contract for my recent work.  The free use a eight books are on print on demand at lulu.com "jonthm"

The book I took eight years typing shuttled around their medical professors in the world, being fully medically evaluated.  So must fully published book. 'ultrasound - cancer cure'

The Moffitt had decided 8 W three MHZ was the altar more ultrasound they thought mistakenly they could patient.  There patents on ultrasound were owned by engineering, and expired in the 19th century.

The use of what the term High Intensity Focused Ultrasound can be purchased by other manufacturers over the Internet.  To my mind a focused ultrasound beam is not as effective in clearing cancers as or more generally area High Intensity UltraSound.

Fire up your favourite search engine and and look for '8 W 1 MHz ultrasound cheapest'.  Bearing in mind that the frequency also applied by power in megahertz and Watts, should exceed five.  The present medically proven HIUS is an 8 W 1 MHz.

Bear in mind and the medical papers by the Moffitt are now have five Berkeley University.  As the Moffitt went into receivership, after they were awarded the noble prize for curing cancers 2015.

The home user can search 450 W 40 kHz - 8 W 1 MHz and get an ultrasound unit which will lead to the clearance all inflated cell structures.

This included all cancers 2002 - there every registered Dr. On earth got their hands an 8 W three MHZ unit, and firstly verified it cleared all 200 types of human cancer.

Making subsequent prescription of biochemical cancer treatments, financially lucrative defective an intentionally fatal medical malpractice.  Striking off the involved Dr. Plus the health centre or hospital, and the biochemical drug company.

So the 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit cost below five UK pounds today.  No doubt the drug company is will rush around trying to buy up of all such units.  Though they are incredibly popular.

There were 45 UK pounds in 2010 and no can be purchased for under five UK pounds.  ½ minute each side of a person's chest, will cause the clearance of inflated cells common to all viral and bacterial infections.

Passing the benignly through regular body cells.  Just destroying the infected cells in the person's chest.  And all infections spread through the chest.  Physical transformation of infections, can be handled by 1 minute of HIUS to an infected organ.

When the infection structure start exploding, the immune system realises the distinct foreign cell structure is has seen, is dangerous and undesirable.  So there is an immune action to clear that distinct foreign structure from the body.

It was medically found 2002 to clear all human cancers.  Even 2024 it will clear all the cancer cell sites that have emerged in last quarter of a century.  They genome and changes are to the periphery of the viral genome, and irrelevant.

HIUS targets the basic single cell replication system common to all viral and bacterial infections.  And cancers are all the years the viral RNA to turn the precancerous cluster into for dividing cancers.

But using the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Stopping the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes, dementia and other diseases of age.

2010 I firstly confirmed that ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, each side of the head totally cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and other mental health problems.

Medicine prohibits research into alternative cures and treatments for already cured diseases.  There so since 2010 and no registered Dr. Permitted to research biochemistry and dementia.  As all dementia caused by an inflated viral type structure in the central nervous system, making inappropriate neurotransmitters.

Affecting the human memory system and other neurological systems.  All cleared by ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head.  All doctors and drug company is who attempted to biochemical neurological research since 2010, the struck off their respective medical registers without legal argument.

In the same way that every registered Dr. Had to validate that HIUS clears all cancers 2000.  And will clear any cancer that evolved in the future.  Though utilising the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of a person's chest to clear all viral and bacterial infections; stops the demands of cancers and other diseases of age are.

Which require to replicate in a viral fashion - trying to avoid the DNA he monitored stem cells.  That infections are for ever locked out off.  So cure all viruses, stop the development of all cancers.

Which explains why registered doctors published 2020, that all global cancers have stopped forming, frontline medics, though obviously has personally direct cancer experience.

The self serving drug companies have rushed around trying to delete those papers.  And maintain they cancers still exist.  Though the specialist cancer hospitals have all shut down all moved on to other work.

Within the MHS cancer wards have been converted to General Medical practice.  But the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side of her patient's chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Without Dr. Intervention or drug prescription.

All infections totally cured according to medicine published by the Moffitt cancer hospital chain 2002.

I wrote up the idea 2008 about using HIUS to cure AIDs.  Backed got in touch 2012, and produces own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit: my initial favour had used my 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound unit.

It arrived in five very anxious days.  Applying to each side use chest at home it totally cleared his HIV/AIDs.  He was fully medically discharged by his GP the next appointment.  As required by the doctors Hippocratic oath.

Doctors are not permitted by the Hippocratic oath from medicating the well.  And drug side effects can be them cells fatal.  And the patient requires no medical prescription after all.

Hence the drug company is stopped talking about AIDs, feeling that the effective biochemical cure had not been published by the Hippocratic oath.  They are only voluntarily signed the doctor's professional pledge, to learn about new medical advances as a happened around the world instantly.

That the cure to HIV was physical.  Using as ever our HIUS for ½ minute each side the chest.  The total cure to among cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

So people can purchase their own 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit over the Internet: the reason price to drop in such units implies that the global population has already purchased the life saving gadget.

Apply for ½ minute each side the chest when people feel an infection coming on, it will clear all viral and bacterial infections within 2 hours or even instantly.  The stopping the development of cancers and other diseases of age.

Totally safe and free effective home medicine.  Requiring no Dr. or drugs intervention.  Really the doctor's prescription of biochemical cancer treatments, resulting the cancer patient's inevitable agonising expensive death within two years.

The very definition of defective an intentionally fatal medicine.  The 8 W one MHZ unit will clear all cancers in 1 minute.  In my personal experience a month ago, clearing all strains of the seasonal flu all common cold.

I presume I had Covid24 - this seasonal flu for a year and till the 1st of October, 2025.  When will have the year of Covid25.

Already totally curable by ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side of an individual's chest.  Even suitable for a child forward use.  Stop when the child reports feeling warming to the chest.

But the HIUS totally benign to body cells.  Safe for home, and supervised general use to clear all infections.  And light the biochemical industry's to these strain specific remedies.

Which may cause fatal side effects.  And have a phone on the short half life.  And till the infection genome changes.  They change is immaterial to the functioning of HIUS.

Which targets the viral type of cell replication use by cancers and viruses.  Bacteria also have a foreign inflated cell nature to induce bacterial structure replication.

All totally cleared at home using a five UK pound medically licensed ultrasound massage unit.  Which leaves the drug industry is and doctors with a problem.

40% of the economic activity of the planet directed at biochemistry in first of the treating cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.  2002 we had a peer reviewed triple medical professors supervised cancer cure published by the world renown Moffitt cancer hospital chain.

That was belatedly awarded the noble prize in chemistry only in 2015.  The drug company is desperately trying to stop the Nobel award for 13 years.

So the 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit is a total cancer an infection cure.  That interacts with no biochemistry the individual is using.  So there is no drug side effect relevant.

It is a medically licensed home beauty procedure.  Which clears all them scarring and damage.  So he will automatically clear burn scars!  Something or medical and biochemistry and history cannot do.

And remember 2012 the validated New York AIDs cure spread around the world in two weeks.  And HIV vanished into the medical history books.  It will also clear the SIV that is endemic in giant apes.

1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound each side of a giant apes chest - held in a steel cage, and the ultrasound insisted as a giant apes show distress.  The infection will have totally cleared.

Probably affects the ageing had and vitality of the giant apes.  Now a totally an utterly cured.  Using the medically validated physical cure they clears all human cancers that have ever or could ever exist.

Also clearing all viral and bacterial infections in 1 minute.  Mean that the General Medical wards in hospitals around the world, are a better empty of infection patients. 


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